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Meet Riley…. A third grade boy with a learning disability. Get to know Riley: . Riley is in 3 rd grade. He has a learning disability He struggles in math, mostly in computation.
Meet Riley… A third grade boy with a learning disability
Get to know Riley: • Riley is in 3rd grade. He has a learning disability He struggles in math, mostly in computation. • Many of his difficulties are due to his problems with memory. He has a hard time recalling information and does not use effective learning strategies, such as rehearsing or categorizing like his classmates do. • Because of his problems with math, he has a low self-esteem and is lacking motivation. He doesn’t always pay attention and it is very hard to get him actively engaged in his own learning. • Riley has deficits in metacognition—he has difficulties evaluating his own performance and is not aware of his own thinking process. • In social situations, Riley does not always act appropriately. He has difficulty talking to friends.
Strategy #1:Manipulatives • Riley’s 3rd grade class is working on multiplication. Because Riley has a hard time computing, manipulatives will help him visualize the addition or multiplication problems. Ex: 32+14 He would see that 32 is three long rods and 2 small cubes. He will then see that 14 is one long rod and 4 small cubes. He will then count how many long rods and small cubes he has all together. Ex: 3 x 6 To help him visualize what 3 x 6 is, he will make three groups of 6 using his cubes. He will then count how many cubes there are all together.
Strategy #2: Distributed Practice Daily Schedule Example: • Riley will take time to drill and practice his math facts, but this time should be distributed. He should not be drilled for long periods of time only on certain days. He will have daily practices in small doses. • Ex: 15 minute practices twice a day. The sessions will be once in the morning and once in the afternoon. 7:50-8:10 Morning Routine 8:10-9:00 Language Arts 9:00-9:15 Snack/Story 9:15-9:30 Math Practice** 9:30-9:45 Math w/ class 9:45-10:15 Music 10:15-10:45 Phy Ed 10:45-11:00 Get ready for lunch/story 11:00-11:25 Lunch 11:25-11:55 Recess 12:00-12:10 Silent Reading 12:10-12:25 Math Practice** 12:25-12:45 Library 12:45-1:20 Science 1:20-1:50 Social Studies 1:50-2:00 Get ready to go home
Strategy #3: Thinking Strategies/Self-Instruction • *Here is an example of thinking through the problem 4 + 5 : • Riley will observe the teacher as he/she works out the problem. The teacher talk as he/ she works. “I know that 4+4= 8 because I have learned my doubles facts. So I know that 4+5=9, because 5 is just one more than 4.” • Riley will complete the problem as the teacher gives verbal instructions. • Next Riley will perform the task while talking out loud. Then he will do it again whispering the instructions. • Then he will do the math while using inner speech. • Lastly, he will evaluate his own performance. • Riley will be given instruction on thinking strategies by using self-instruction. This will help him use his working memory, instead of just using his short term memory. It will also help him evaluate his own work. • When learning his addition facts, Riley’s teacher will demonstrate different thinking strategies.
Strategy #4:Self Charting of Progress • Most of Riley’s class is able to recite all their basic multiplication facts. Riley has a hard time memorizing these. He also lacks the ability to evaluate his own work. • To help him with this, Riley will be given a multiplication chart. This chart will help him continue in math with the rest of his class without laboring over simple multiplication facts. • He will continue to have practice and once he learns a fact he will black it out on his chart. This will ensure that he does not become too dependent on his chart. He should be aware of how many he has learned and how many he has left to keep him motivated. This will help him be more involved in his own learning and tracking of his own progress.
Strategy #5: Computers/Games • Riley will use a computer at times to practice his math facts. This gives him immediate feedback without the embarrassment of answering in front of someone. This will help his self-esteem. • He will also play math games on or off the computer. This will help him be more motivated and involved in his learning because he will be having fun while working on his math.
Strategy #6: Graphic Organizers • Riley will use graphic organizers in math to see his math computations visually. • This is an example below. In this graphic organizer, Riley will find 3 ways to add up to 3, 4 ways to add up to 4, etc. • This will help Riley organize his thoughts and see them visually. 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 3 1 + 1 0 + 2 2 + 1