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The challenges of African Energy Policy in the 2010. Dr. Ibrahim Togola. Energy access and poverty in Africa. Population around 1 Billion, 80% live in Subsaharan Africa >50% African people live in rural area >500 millions African people don't have
The challenges of African Energy Policy in the 2010 • Dr. Ibrahim Togola Berlin,14th June 2010
Energy access and poverty in Africa • Population around 1 Billion, 80% live in • Subsaharan Africa • >50% African people live in rural area • >500 millions African people don't have • Access to electricity representing more than 50% of the population • >340 million African live with less than • $1 per day • Lack of economical activities in rural area is increasing the poverty especially for youth. Berlin,14th June 2010
Africa Energy Sector Berlin,14th June 2010
Energy Consumption per Capita (kWh/capita) by region of the world (2005) Berlin,14th June 2010
Renewable Energy potential in Africa • Energy is essential for economic development; • A country that masters its energy production masters its economic development; • Considering Africa’s poor level of economic development, it is essential to give priority to the use of indigenous natural resources for modern energy supply • According to REN21 study, most African countries have huge potential for natural resources. • Economy based on the utilisation of oil will not bring Africa anywhere, in addition the continue increase of the price of these products is not helping at all. • Therefore, the sustainable use of natural resources & energy efficiency measures is where efforts should be focused • Africa have huge potential in order to satisfy most of it modern energy need from renewable sources Berlin,14th June 2010
Solar energy distribution in Western Africa Berlin,14th June 2010
Wind energy distribution in Northern, Western and Central Africa Berlin,14th June 2010
Land area, Forest area, fuelwood production and charcoal production
Are the RE technologies technically and economically feasible? • The technologies is ready and available • There are no need for Africa to go for a conventional energy supply solution today, like the GSM allowed Africa to provide rural communities with telephone without any cable lines, RE can bring today a sustainable modern energy services for most of African people • Rural development needs where is concentrate the majority of African people and where also the poverty level is very high: the rural areas • RE will create more sustainable jobs for African young people than conventional energy solutions • The fact, most of the African energy policy still focus on conventional energy solutions: • Grid interconnection between countries of the same region: CI-BF, CI-Mali, Ghana-BF-Mali, Senegal-Mauritania-Mali-CI, etc • Gas pipelines, oil pipeline, Hydropower, etc
WIREC 2008 Official Side Event/GTZ 5 March 2008 Berlin,14th June 2010
The need for African financial institutions and private sector to play a capital role in the promotion of RE • Provide capacity to African financial institutions and private sector in the business opportunities in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency • Provide African financial institutions with Capital loans which can be use as credit lines to finance African private sector active in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency in long term basis. • Involve the African rural communes in the development of renewable energy and it dissemination in the continent • Support and disseminate the best practices • Could AEEP and IRENA find way to directly work with these actors?
What is missing in order to allow the renewable energy to take off in Africa? Right Policies - capacity and tools to implement them! Here international cooperation and institutions: AEEP and IRENA could play important roles! Berlin,14th June 2010
CEMA – enhancing and mobilizing capacity for the AEEPIs one of the initiative trying to contribute in this direction Berlin,14th June 2010
CEMA objectives Overall objectives (identical to those of the AEEP): • Effective Africa-EU dialogue on energy access and energy security; • Improved access to reliable, secure, affordable, climate friendly and sustainable energy services for both continents; • Increased European and African investments in energy infrastructure in Africa, including promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Specific objectives of CEMA • Strengthened capacity of African regional and national institutions, mobilising and utilising existing expertise, in areas that underpin sound and appropriate energy policies and interventions, in particular participation in dialogue with development partners including EC and EU Member States. • Improved capacity of key African energy stakeholders to mobilise financing for energy investments, including the financing opportunities associated with the AEEP. Berlin,14th June 2010
Capacity Enhancement in CEMA? • Helping African countries to make the most of the EU support in the energy sector – the AEEP • Developing policy • Identifying options for implementation • Emulating success in other countries • Accessing support from EC instruments and member states (bilateral) • Enhanced capacity - better use of the existing skills and experience
Capacity Mobilisation? • Recognising the existing expertise, experience, capacity • How can we put it into action? • Facilitating contacts between researchers, consultants and government • Awareness raising • Catalytic workshops • Translation of knowledge Berlin,14th June 2010
What can CEMA do? • add value by building capacities of Africans so that they can do the following very well: • Identifying the information gaps that make it so hard to translate the generic well documented ‘main actions’ into ‘tailor made solutions’ • Determining the key actors who will need this information (foreign investors, local politicians, energy consumers, local entrepreneurs, etc) • Gathering accurate data and doing the analysis and synthesis, and putting the results in easily digestible form for the users • Setting up sound knowledge management systems for disseminating the information in a timely manner to the right target groups Berlin,14th June 2010
Conclusion • Africa need to take the full leader for the development of the continent and this include energy security will pass through the exploitation of it huge renewable energy potential • AEEP and IRENA could contribute a lot in that • CEMA project can provide recommendation and ways how to achieve such objectives in the sustainable and cost effective ways. Berlin,14th June 2010