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Understanding Your Learning Style

Understanding Your Learning Style. What’s your style?.

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Understanding Your Learning Style

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  1. Understanding Your Learning Style

  2. What’s your style? • Determining your learning style takes a bit of work, and for it to be worthwhile, you need to understand what knowing your profile can do for you. Knowing about and comprehending your learning style will help you to improve your understanding of yourself by explaining how you function as a learner.

  3. Why do I care? • A learning style is a particular way in which the mind receives and processes information. • Since every individual is highly developed in some abilities and underdeveloped in others, each person’s learning style is unique. • When you understand how you learn most effectively, you can tailor your studying to meet your own needs. If you know your learning style, you can choose study techniques that complement your learning style and help you learn.

  4. Learning Style Types • When you’re learning something new, you will probably notice that you may prefer to learn by listening to someone talk, or that you prefer to read about a concept, or that you prefer to see a demonstration of the concept • The three styles are • hearing – auditory • reading – visual • demonstration - kinesthetic

  5. Learning Styles Versus Teaching Styles • Instructor’s teaching styles usually reflect his or her own personal learning style • This means that there can be mismatches between yours and your teacher’s • This is why it is good for you to know your style and to understand other styles. That way you can improve your ability to learn using other types of styles

  6. Auditory Learners • Learn best by hearing • Accurately remember details of conversations • Well developed vocabularies • Strong communication skills

  7. Suggestions for Auditory Learners • Here are some practical suggestions to help make the most of the auditory preference. -Participate in class discussions and debates. -Use a tape recorder during lectures and make notes later. -Listen intently when in lectures and avoid distractions. -Ask for directions to be discussed in class. -Teach your learning to others. -Read your text out loud because you understand better when you hear things. -Create mnemonics to aid memorization. -Discuss your ideas with classmates. -Talk about what you learn. -Work in study groups so that you have an opportunity to explain and discuss what you’re learning. -Read the textbook and highlight no more than 10% of it -Rewrite your notes. -Create chapter outlines. -Recite information or create debates using the content.

  8. Visual Learners • Learn best by seeing information • Charts, pictures and diagrams • Strong visual, spatial skills • Interpret body language

  9. Suggestions for Visual Learners • Here are some practical suggestions to help make the most of the visual preference . • Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, and graphs. • Have a clear view of your teachers when they’re speaking. • Use color to highlight important points in your textbooks • Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down. • Take notes to review later • Write things down several times or draw pictures or diagrams. Use this technique when studying for tests. • Write and rewrite your notes condensing each time. • Add diagrams to your notes whenever possible. • Organize your notes so that you can clearly see the main points, the supporting facts, and how these things are connected. • Connect related facts in your notes by drawing arrows. • Color code your notes using different colored markers so that everything related to a particular topic is the same color. • Use abbreviations and symbols. • Pay attention to handouts. • Use mind maps to connect information. • Work in study groups.

  10. Kinesthetic Learners • Learn best by using their hands • Activities that involve movement

  11. Suggestions for Kinesthetic Learners • Here are some practical suggestions to help make the most of the kinesthetic learning preference. • Take frequent study breaks. • Move around when you’re learning; read while on an exercise bike, mould a piece of clay, or squish a rubber ball when studying. • Chew gum while studying because you learn through movement. • Use bright colours to highlight reading material. • Skim through reading material to get a rough idea of what it’s about before settling down to read it in detail. • Move your hands while studying. Using hand gestures will aid in comprehension. •Be involved in any lab activities rather than just watching a demonstration or reading about it in a book. • Use field trips, classroom activities, drama, or role-playing to aid in memorization. •Write things down several times. Use this technique for studying. • Write and rewrite your notes, condensing each time. • Study in a group in which members take turns explaining topics to each other and then discussing them. • Think of practical uses for the course material. • Think of creative ways to combine movement and learning.

  12. Wise Words • “Teachers open the door, you enter yourself.” - Chinese Proverb

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