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Chronic pancreatitis. Lykhatska G.V. Plan of the lecture. Etiopathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis С lassification of chronic pancreatitis Clinic of chronic pancreatitis Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis Complications of chronic pancreatitis D ifferential diagnosis
Chronicpancreatitis Lykhatska G.V
Plan ofthe lecture • Etiopathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis • Сlassification of chronic pancreatitis • Clinic of chronic pancreatitis • Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis • Complications of chronic pancreatitis • Differential diagnosis • Treatment of chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis • Chronic pancreatitis is a long-standing inflammation of the pancreas that alters its normal structure and functions.
Etiology ofchronic pancreatitis Primary pancreatitis: • Misuse of alcohol(70-80% of all diagnostic cases) • the systematic eating of fatty foods • influence of drugs(azathioprine, isoniazide, tetracycline, sulfonamides) • protein deficiency • Hereditary • Ischemic(in lesions of vascular, which supplies bloodpancreas) • Idiopathic
Etiologyofchronicpancreatitis Secondarypancreatitis: • diseasesofthebiliarytract(in 30-40%) • diseaseofduodenum • aprimary(tumors,papillitis) andasecondary(dyskinesiaof billiary tract) • liverdisease • boweldisease • viralinfections(parotitis) • allergicconditions • hyperlipidemia • hyperparathyroidism • injuryofthepancreas
The pathogenesis ofchronic pancreatitis • Themainpathogeneticmechanismof the developmentofchronicpancreatitisis acinusesdestructivedamageacinuses , causedintracellularactivationofenzymespancreas . • Hassignificanceviolationoftheoutflowofpancreaticjuice • Theprogressivefibrosiscousedtheviolationphisiologycal function of the gland.
Classificationchronic calcified pancreatitischronic obstructive pancreatitischronic inflammatory pancreatitis • Chronic pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology • Others forms chronic pancreatitis(chronic pancreatitis unspecified etiology, infectious, recurrent) • Pancreatic cysts • Pancreatic pseudocyst
Thecourseofthedisease: 1. mildseverity- signsofviolationexocrineandendocrine function notdetected. 2. moderate - signsofviolationexocrine– andendocrine function 3. severe(terminal) - thepresenceofresistantpancreaticdiarrhea, hypovitaminosis, exhaustion. Clinical classification ofchronic pancreatitis
Clinical classification ofchronic pancreatitis On the functional characteristics 1. In violation of exocrine pancreatic function 2.In violation of the endocrine function of the pancreas The phases of desease: -exacerbation, -remission. complication
THE CLINIC The clinical picture of chronic pancreatitis is leading: • pain syndrome • dyspeptic syndrome • Syndrome of the external secretory pancreatic insufficiencyandits related syndromesofmaldygestionandmalabsorptionwith progressive loss of body weight • Endocrine insufficiency syndrome(pancreatic diabetes) • asthenic-neurotic syndrome
Duration of chronic pancreatitis is divided into 3 phases: • initialstage(1-5years) – the most frequent manifestation is the pain • expandedclinicalpicture(5-10 years) – main manifestation isthe pain, thesigns of exocrine insufficiencyі, the elements of incretory insufficiency (hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia) • Remissionofactivepathologicalprocessordevelopmentofcomplications.
The dyspeptic syndrome reduceorlossofappetite, salivation, nausea, vomiting,that doesnotbringrelief abdominalbloating, Disorders of defecation (prevalencediarrheaor changediarrheawithconstipation). THE CLINIC
CLINIC Exogenousdeficiencysyndrome- • -"pancreatic" diarrhea,creatorea,steatorea. • the lossofbodyweightwitha development of osteoporosis (the bone pain), as a result ofexcessive removing of calcium and deficiency ofvitamin D.
The clinical course Chronic recurrent pancreatitis— the most frequent form for which is characterized by bouts of painful crises, that combined with increasing levels of pancreatic enzymes in the blood and urine, and sometimes with jaundice. in the phase of remission can persist dyspeptic syndrome. Painful form—is characterized by constant dull pain in the left upper quadrantandby laboratory data, thatconfirm the diagnosis of pancreatitis (a history of data transferred pancreonecrosis). Latent form— is characterized by painless course.The primaryare dyspeptic syndrome and a fact of exocrine insufficiency of pancreas. Psevdotumorz form— is characterized by combination of jaundice with disorders ofinternal and the external exocrine function of pancreas. Often occurs clinically as cancer of head of pancreas andcorrect diagnosis is established only after surgery.
Laboratory diagnostics: 1. Completebloodcount: 25% of patients have a leukocytosis and ESR acceleration. 2. The results of determine the activity of pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, trypsin in the blood and urine— there is an increase of their activity when the desease is exacerbated). 85-90% of patients the creased activity of α-amylase for 1-day of disease,60-70% of patients for 2-dayof disease, 40-50% for3-dayof disease. Under normal numbers of amylase it possible to use exercise testing : investigate amylase at an altitude of pain, after endoscopy, X-ray.
Diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency METHODS: • for the introduction of secretin while preserving exocrine pancreatic function theamount of secretionу is increased ,the content of bicarbonate,in response to input the pankreozymin the content of enzymes is increased. • In severe exocrine insufficiency thepathological changes of thetest observed in 85-90% of cases.
Diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency • 1. the research of activity in feces of elastase-1. • 2. Breathing tests • . Breathing tests - during exogenous failure the production of lipase is reduced or, it is absent ,and therefore the triglycerides are split a lesser extent and constitute less of 13СО2. • amylase respiratory AP the corn-starch test – the total concentration AP at the end of the 4-o'clock research is less than 10 %, that indicating the presence of deficiency of pancreatic amylase • Protein breathing with IZS- noticed egg white - in patients withchronicpancreatitis the total concentration of 13СО2through 6 hours 2-3 times lower than in healthy persons,indicating a decrease in activity of trypsin. • 3. Koprogram - high content of muscular fibers to digest fiber and neutral fat
а) calcificates in the head of pancreas; б) Virsungov’s duct; в) pseudocyst of pancreas; г) increase of the head of pancreas; д) spleen vein Ultrasound investigation.Chronic pancreatitis
Ultrasound investigation. Chronic calcified pancreatitis а) virsungolithiasis б) dilated Virsungov’s duct.
Plain X-ray of abdomen showing calcific pancreatitis
Instrumental diagnostics • computedtomography: thediagnostic information similar to ultrasound, is indicated for suspected tumors and cysts of the pancreas; • magnetically-resonancetomography:helps to visualize normal and pathologically altered pancreatic duct, used for the diagnosis of pancreatic duct stones;
CT scan with central pseudocyst Endoscopic ultrasound overcomes some of the visualisation problems and is probably more sensitive and specific. CT has a sensitivity of up to 90% and specificity of the same order. It will detect variation in ductal diameter, and ectatic side branches, changes in the parenchyma, calcification and complications of chronic pancreatitis such as pseudocyst formation
An endoscopic ultrasound image demonstrating a dilated pancreatic duct (markers) in a patient with advanced chronic pancreatitis An endoscopic ultrasound, which allows a highly detailed examination of the pancreatic parenchyma and pancreatic duct, routinely detects abnormalities in patients with chronic pancreatitis (high sensitivity), but the specificity and reproducibility of the test requires further study
Instrumental diagnostics . • Endoscopic retrogradecholangyiopankreato graphy: reveals impaired patency of the main and secondary ducts. “Chain of lakes"is a classic symptom of chronicpancreatitis(areas of constriction and expansion of virsunhov ducts). It is also possible the segmental or total obstruction of a ductal system of pancreas. • biopsyof pancreas.
Anendoscopicretrogradecholangiopancreatographyimagedemonstratingminimalpancreaticductabnormalitiesin a patientwithpainful small-ductchronicpancreatitis.
An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography image demonstrating massive pancreatic duct dilatation in a patient with bigduct chronic pancreatitis.
COMPLICATIONS: diabetes mellitus type II; pancreas cancer; obstructive jaundice; pancreatic coma. cysts and pseudocysts of the pancreas pancreatic abscess; pancreonecrosis; infectious complications(inflammatory infiltrates,suppurative cholangitis, septic conditions, peritonitis) chronic duodenal obstruction pancreatic ascites erosive esophagitis gastrointestinal bleeding abdominal angina reactive arthritis reactive pleurisy; reactive hepatitis; anemia.
The differential diagnosis Chronic cholecystitis; Chronic gastroduodenitis; Ulcer disease; Cronic hepatitis; Bile gallstonesdisease; Pancreas cancer; Left-sided renal colic; Angina pectoris.
Treatment of chronic pancreatitisMain principles : • 1. Dietary meal (№5) • 2. Creating functional resting of pancreas • 3. Elimination pain syndrome • 4. Substitution therapy ofexocrine enzyme deficiency • 5. Elimination of duodenostasis, athetoid biliary of disorders, pancreatic duct • 6. Anti-inflammatory therapy • 7. Correction endocrine function of the pancreas • 8. Symptomatic therapy
Treatment • Diet № 5.Avoiding alcohol • Elimination of pain syndrome: - non-narcotic analgicdrugs (analginum 50% 2-5 ml intramuscularly2-3 times a day, baralginum 5ml intramuse) -narcotic analgic drugs(promedol 1 ml intramusc. 1-3 times a day) -M-cholinolytics (atropine 0,1% intramusc.,platyfilin 0,2%1-2ml subcutaneously or intramusc.1-2t.a day,gastrocepini 50mg 3 times a day) -Myotropic antispasmodics drugs(papaverin 2% 2 mi, no-shpa 2% 2 mlintramusc - 2 times a day,mabeverin (duspatalin) 200mg 2 times a day);
Treatment • -antisecretory drugs (H2 blocking (famotydyn,kvamatel 20mg 2 times a day);omeprazol 20mg,lanzoprazol 30 mg,pantoprazol 40 mg,rabeprazol 20mg,ezomehrazol 20mg-2 times a day; somatostatyn(sandostatyn);central action drugs(dalargin 0,001 mg intraven.or intramus. 2 times a day)
Treatment • Therapy of outersecretory enzyme deficiency (penkreatin,kreon,pangrol,mezym) • Elimination of duodenal statis,dyskinetic disorders of biliferous and pancreatic ducts(domperydon(motilium)10mg 3 times a day),cyzaprid) perystil )10 mg 3 times a day);
Treatment • :Often the acute of CP is accompanied by peripancreatitis, and also by cholangitis. • in such cases, used the antibiotics : augmentun0,625-1,25g2-3times a day intramusc. (7-10 days); cefobid 1-2 g 2 times a dayintramusc (7-10 days);dorsycyclinпо 0,1 g 1-2 times a day (6-8 days); for inefficiency- abaktal(pefloksacyn) 0,4 g 2 times a day , symamed 0,5 g 1 times a day .
Treatment • In cases of edema of the pancreas: Anti-enzyme therapy(kontrykal-1-2 times a day 20000un;gordoks-100000 un.during 5-7 days) -correction of endocrine function -correction of dysbioz: antiseptic drugs (nifuroksazyd – 200 mg 4 times a day, furazolidon – 100mg 4 times a day); probiotics (bifi-form – 1-2 caps. 2 times a day, symbiter – 1-2 doses before sleep) • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, diadynamo- therapy) • Sanatorium – resort treatment