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The Experience of the Cités des Métiers in the French context of Validation of Prior Learning (VPL). Dr Bernadette THOMAS Universcience -Paris International Network of the Cités des métiers 1st VPL Biennale-Rotterdam – 2014 April 9-11. Presentation.
The Experience of the Cités des Métiers in the French context of Validationof Prior Learning (VPL) Dr Bernadette THOMAS Universcience-Paris International Network of the Cités des métiers 1st VPL Biennale-Rotterdam – 2014 April 9-11
Presentation • 1. The VAE, a cross history with the Cités des métiers (CDMs) • 2 . The Law on social modernisation set up the VAE in 2002 • 3 . Mixed results of 10 years of VAE • 4. Feedback on the ground on VAE in CDMs • 5 . Some critical Success Factors
The Cité des métiers, a concept of pooling services • The first CDM opened in 1993 inside the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in PARIS-La Villette • A close partnership unit gathers in the same location the main partners in orientation, career guidance, professionalintegration and advancement, business creation, with the aim to widenaccess to services to everybody, young and adult people , withqualitycriteria in relation to thisaccess • On the same model, 40 CDMs have been created and an NGO « international network of the CDMs » wascreated in 2001
A Cité des métiers offers a platform for all professional transitions • Organised in « counselling desks » responding to the user purposes (choose an orientation, find a training course, search a job or an employment, createone’sownactivity, validateone’sachievements,…) • Based on a multi-partnership structure • Sharing the skills, resources and meansamongprofessionalsfromdifferent institutions
The 3 dimensions of counselling interview in a Cité des métiers: • Information of the person, • Diagnostic of his/her situation, • Transfer of knowledge and methodology to help the user to become more autonomous in building a strategy, defining an action plan or in decisionmaking.
Definition of the competence for a counsellor in a Cité des métiers • « To be efficient according to the situations thatoccur », facing to: • Pathwaysbecoming more diversified and complex • More opportunities for re-engagingwitheducation and training (with VAE for ex.) • Important volume of information unable to bemasteredsolely by one person
Severalaims to implement in the same area: • To provide all publics, youth and adultsalike, withpersonalisedadvice free of charge, • To offervaried services (documentation, information days, training workshops, recruiting forums, clubs,etc) on everythingconcerningtheirworking life: orientation, employment, training, upgradingacquiredexperience, • To provide the mostappropriateresponses to the multiple needs.
The Charter and labelling system • Define the commonreference points for the quality assurance system in guidance provision. • The Cité des métiers Charter constitutes a professional gentleman’s agreement providing a context for the safeguarding of the people interests. • Criteria have to besatisfied to obtain and keep the CDM ‘s approval.
Focused on User needs and open to any one Broadly accessible (Free access, self-service, confidentiality) Dedicated to any professional sector or topic Supported by a wide counselling and funding partnership Based on interaction of different type of support and media(individual tools and group dynamic) The 5 criteria to define a plateform « Cité des métiers »
2. The Law on social modernisation set up the VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) in 2002
Law on social modernisation of the 17th january 2002 Accreditation of skillsacquired on the work place (1985) Access to training thanks to the experience Validation of ProfessionnalAchievements(1992) No agelimit – 5 years of professionalexperience–Access to get a diploma Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (2002) 3 years of professionalexperience. Experienceacquired. Diploma/ Titles/ Professional Certification Since 1992, the Law has recognizedthatskills, competences and knowledgecanbe the outcomes of the professionnalactivity and thatthey have an equal value independantly of the type of setting wheretheywereacquired. • Education Qualification Diploma Experience Vocational Training
The Law on social modernisation of January 2002 modified: 1. The Labour Code Inclusion of the VAE in the Labour Code Art 133 Creation of a right to VAE and of an individual VAE leave(art L 900-1) Accompaniementfinanced by the employer(art R 950-3) 2. The Education Code Art 134 Validation of learningoutcomes has the sameeffectthan the otherways of assessment of knowledge and skills» (Art L 335-5)
Successisproven but the developmentremainsmodest • Increasingnumber of beneficiaries: 2002-2012 : 230 000 • Among 49 000 candidats, 28 000 obtained a certification (complete validation) in 2012 • Two Main sectors: 1. state education 2. health and social sector • Increasingnumber of certifications accessible to the VAE :7700 in 2012, including2872 certifications recorded on the demand of training companies or professional branches
Collateraladvantages By Vincent Merle : Far fromdissuading people to form, encouragement to engage in courses of formation, No devaluation of diplomasNo inflation of the wages due to an automaticrepercussion on the wageincrease VAE has wokeddesires for recognition and validation
In what extends the VAE responds to the implicit and explicit demands of users ? • Interviews on the counselling desk dedicated to career guidance (professional changing, evolving, assessing one’s achievement) to find advice to build their professional project • Collective activities related to VPL: Workshops, clubs, specific programs like Ressort(Resources to Securise Salaries in their Orientation and Transitions, FSE 2011-2013)
A counselling objective isalso to enhanceempowermentamongusers • The counsellor cannot be simply a technocratic agent serving as a vehicle for information or dissemination of a measure, • The objective of a CDM counselloris to serve individualneeds by expandingawareness of options and opportunities, and enabling the persons to makedecisionswiselysothattheycan have more fulfillinglives
The collective competence of a system • A great range of competencesneeded to bemastered by the CDM counsellors, • Theyneed to mobilise manyresources, to combine them in a relevant way to be efficient, • A counsellorcannotbecompetentalone and outside the workcontext, • The skills are closelylinked to the work situation.
The competence in the CDMsfocuses on the workingprocess It results of thecooperation in a frameworkbased on complementaritybetween the counsellors of differentorganismsinvolved in a close partnershipinside the CDM: sharing knowledge, skills to improve thereception and information of multi-statususersand to providethem the best help in building strategies and in implementing action plans.
CDM Living Lab : A community « clubs » incubator Such as : El Taller (Latinos), 45+ (older workers), Post graduated, Chronic Illness, Contest’s loosers, Skills Assestment, God fathers or mothers, Trans-Gender Jobs, Women designing SME Skills coming from elsewhere
Positive effects of the collective activitiesproposed in Ressort Project
The findings on the counsellingdesk “Change one’s professional life, evolve, assess one’s achievements” • 65% of people having a consultancy come here on their own initiative. • Half deals with a degree of National Education, 12, 6% Health and Social sector (delivered by the Health department) • VAE represents only 17% of the 4764 consultations with a CDM advisor • Only 4.8% of people interested in VAE ask for entering in a training process. • The motivations for consultation are diverses. The VAE is not always the answer to meet the needs of people. • This is sometimes the counsellor who guides to the VAE.
People expectations canbe multiple but oftenthey are not soclear : • There are real professional issues (change of work, open a right to work, put their skills in line with an employment reference ....) • A research to open new perspectives with a training project. • Different expectations: to confirm a route, monitor their skills, recognition by peers (reassurance about its own value) • But also expectations that lie behind the object of consultation.
Purpose of consultancy , among the 810 interviews in 2013 concerned by VAE, at the counselling desk CSVP-EVA. * VAE is the unique purpose of the interview for 84% of people concerned by VAE during the interview
Obstacles linked to the top-down process • Ignorance of the actual operation of the device, • Heaviness of the device : the high cost of registration, the huge investment in time and effort spent, • Difficulty in developing and maintaining a constant motivation to undertake the process in its duration till obtaining the validation without moral & social support , • VAE appears as an excuding and reducing approach / person and a purely “adequationist” approach in the line of segmentation and fragmentation that characterizes the labour market, • Problem withreference frames : There are still no diploma or CQP corresponding to validate the experience and proven skills of a person.
Major positive effects on individuals and organizations • Triggering a virtuous process of Revitalization to move into lifelong Learning and professional development • Stimulate the development of less formal approaches to training throughout life that may be more relevant • Promote alternative validation sufficient to meet the various need for recognition The most important is to consider the individual course and the process rather than the device itself
At micro level : counsellors’ professionnalisation to poolingworking • Propose personalized interview/advice, broader than the VAE consulting too focused on the device : to help individuals understand their situation, develop appropriate solutions, make decisions, • Focus on the needs of individuals and their explicit and implicit demands, • Teaching people to develop their own skills to cope with transitions marking their education, formative and professional pathways, • Developing autonomy in helping them acquire reflexive methods and evaluate themselves, • Act on personal springs and give meaning to the process , • Long-term support with personalized advice and group support through informal structures promoting the exchange of practice and peer learning as clubs
At the mesolevel of territories: Coordination, cooperation and social innovation • Strengthen cooperation with a network organization between the actors of VAE: training, employment , orientation, professional branches, local authorities, companies, VAE financing bodies to improve the efficiency of the process, • Rely on multi partnership s and multi publics structures, such as CDMs, able to advise and guide people with multiple status, • Rely on associative structures that have an important mediating role between individuals with specific issues and institutions ( like IRIV ), • Build, in complement to VAE, more flexible and less exclusionary forms of VPL co-constructed in line with the changing environment, • Invent and promote bottom up valorisation pathways by focusing on the motives of those seeking a recognition / validation To bridge the gap between people's expectations and existing top down devices (balance sheet, VAE, ... )
CONCLUSION : • The revolution: VAE a legaldevicewhichbrings to wonder about the act to learn, the place of diplomas in the company, the social advancement, the organisation of work. • Nextsteps of evolution: Recognition of collective bottom up approachesof VPL.
Ressort Project • With a partnershipwith OPACIF (Approved Joint Organisation for Personal Training Leave), the CDM offers a comprehensive program combining collective information sessions, individualinterviews, workshops, clubs that allows employees and independent workers to find adequate resources to prepare for their transition.
Thanks for your attention bernadette.thomas@universcience.fr The international network: http://reseaucitedesmetiers.org The Cité des métiers of Paris- la Villette : http://www.citedesmetiers.com