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12th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Debriefing: Implementation of the Joint Strategy

12th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Debriefing: Implementation of the Joint Strategy. Philippe Darmuzey Head of Unit – DEV/C2 Africa Inter-service Group Meeting, 18 May 2009. Key JAES results 2008-2009.

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12th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Debriefing: Implementation of the Joint Strategy

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  1. 12th Africa-EU Ministerial TroikaDebriefing: Implementation of the Joint Strategy Philippe Darmuzey Head of Unit – DEV/C2 Africa Inter-service Group Meeting, 18 May 2009

  2. Key JAES results 2008-2009 • Establishment of institutional architecture and new working methods: ImTs, JEGs, new format Task Force, involvement of other stakeholders, EU Delegation Addis • Start of concrete implementation with JEG meetings since Nov. 2008 • Important challenges: new structure, new actors, ambitious agenda, mobilisation of financial and human resources... But! • Roadmaps presented at the 12th Ministerial Troika (April 2009) demonstrate progress in each of the 8 thematic partnerships • Some key achievements and tangible outcomes of the first Africa-EU Action Plan (2008-2010) are…

  3. 1. Peace and Security • 1st meeting btw AU Peace & Sec. Council + EU Pol. &Sec. Com., • € 1 billion of EU funding in support of African Peace and Security • EUsupport for the African Peace and Security Architecture through: • the operationalisation of the African Standby Force, • the implementation of a common interactive watch and anticipation mechanism • additional financial support to African-led Peace Support Operations • cooperation on disarmament: joint conference on SALW • G-8 and UN-context, EU plays key-role in enhancing the predictability, flexibility and sustainability of funding of Africa led Peace Support

  4. 2. Democratic Governance and Human Rights • Strengthened cooperation in the area of election observation : • consultations btw EOMs and training of AU observers in EU EOMs. • support to the AU's Electoral Assistance Fund (€ 1 mio.), • AU observers' participation in EU Parliamentary elections in June 2009 • Better cooperation in international fora: • April 2009 Africa-EU Civil Society Human Rights dialogue tackled critical issues such as torture and the freedom of association, • The joint Africa-EU round-table on women and conflict (UNSCR 1325 and 1820) in New York (Feb.2009); • "Platform on democratic governance and human rights" launched in 2009 • Inventory of ongoing cultural cooperation activities to be launched in 2009. Enhanced cooperation between museums in Africa and the EU

  5. 3. Trade and Regional Integration • €1.35 bn. to support regional integration in Africa: 3 prog. signed in Nov. 2008 • AU Border Programme Regional Workshop in Ouagadougou (23/24 April); other workshops in Libreville and Windhoek. • Financial contributions to Infrastructure Trust Fund: by 2010, €500 mio. in the form of grants => will leverage +/- 2.5 bn. in soft loans. • Harmonization of SPS measures: • high level conference launched by AU Commissioner for Rural Economy & Agriculture and European Commissioner for Health, • 4-days intensive training course on "Better Training for Safer Food Africa".

  6. 4. MDGs • New EC Food Facility of € 1 billion, approx. 500 mio. destined for Africa: will mobilize substantial additional resources that will directly benefit this partnership. • The Food Security thematic programme (annual allocation of approx. € 220 mio.) will finance concrete activities agreed in Lisbon: • 4 project proposals for regional cooperation on harmonisation of drug registration • EU support to the national review processes of the Maputo Plan of Action. In line with the multi-stakeholder approach upheld by the Joint Strategy, representatives of AU and EC are working together with Civ. Soc. and intl partners (IPPF, UNFPA, South to South Partnership for Population & Development and Women Deliver)

  7. 5. Energy • Renewable energy cooperation programme for Africa (under consideration, consultations 2009, launch in 2010). Intensifying work with African countries on a Mediterranean Solar Plan • Energy Access: "Energising Development", financed by NL, and carried out by GTZ. Actions in 13 African countries and impacted 3 million people and is being extended in a second phase to reach an additional 2.5 million people • Integration of energy systems and markets: Caprivi interconnector under construction, (Namibia and SAPP, Infrastructure Trust Fund) • Africa-EU Interconnections: Trans-Sahara Gas pipeline • Scaling up investments, mobilising private capital: Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund will be supported by KfW and DFID.

  8. 6. Climate Change • Joint EU-Africa Declaration on Climate Change ahead of the Poznan Conference in 2008 => shared determination to work for successful Copenhagen outcome • 7 African countries - Mali, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles - identified for enhanced cooperation under the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA): • A pre-feasibility study for the Great Green Wall of the Sahara and Sahel initiative (cross-sectoral actions for sustainable management of natural resources), will be finalised in June 2009. • Further development of Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs)

  9. 7. Migration, Mobility and Employment • Establishment of the African Remittances Institute: funding available. • Project 'Link emigrant communities for more development: inventory of national practices' to be launched in June 2009. Proposal for EU African Diaspora Network • Further progress towards (joint) compilation, updating, dissemination and utilisation of migration profiles on African countries. • Network of migration observatories across Africa launched in 2009/ operational end of 2010. • Preparations for a workshop on employment and decent work issues, to share best practices with particular focus on informal economy. • The AUC has launched an Initiative Against Trafficking

  10. 8. Science, Information Society and Space • African Research Grants (€ 15 M ) and Water and Food Security in Africa (€ 20 M) financed in 2009, together with the Africa Connect (€ 12 M)and the African Internet Exchange System (€ 3 M) • 1st year of Popularisation of Science and Technology and Promotion of Public Participation is being funded with €1 M from the AUC. 1st African Scientist Award will be held on Africa Day, 9th September 2009 • the African Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (€3 mio) • TheAfrican Reference Frame (AFREF)underway. • Equatorial Guinea offered to host and allocate a seed fund of US$ 3.6 million to the African Observatory on Science, Tech. and Innovation. • The African Virtual Campus initial phase partially funded by Spain. National virtual campuses established in 11 countries in West Africa.

  11. Challenges and way ahead Clear political message: need for more concrete results, stronger involvement of key players, and adequate resources => Time is ripe to speed up delivery and to address well-known problems Ongoing actions: - Finalization of MTR-guidelines of 10th EDF Country Strategy Papers : Mainstream JAES in programming - Annotated agenda and concept paper for Resources Workshop => finalize draft, discuss internally and with Member States

  12. Next Steps Late September 2009 • Resources Workshop (Addis) – discuss resource mobilization problems of JSAP • Joint Task Force Meeting – ensure overall coordination and prepare Min.Troika • Next round of iJEGs – deliver results, refine roadmaps, address ownernship/resource shortfalls and assess implementation progress (‘Partnership MTR’) • Regional Seminars – better integrate the JSAP priorities October 2009 • Ministerial Troika: annual progress report & Strategy MTR November 2009 • (suggested) brainstorming seminar “Towards the 2010 Summit and beyond”

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