MY CHRISTMAS Author: Frederika Lániková
My favourite holiday is Christmas. Itlastsfrom24 to 26 December. Christmas is anannual holiday, whichislikedespecially by children, because they get presents. In Slovakia smallchildrenbelievethatthepresentsundertheChristmastree are brought by Ježiško – smallJesus. Advent time precedes Christmas Day.Christiansalsocallitas „SpiritualpreparationforChristmas“.
All banks and offices are closed and people have a restduringthisFeast. Christianscelebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. People singbeautifulChristmas carols. This day nobody should be alone. Peopleshould be together with their families. Itis thetimeforfamilies to staytogether.
I live in Malacky and at Christmas Eve we are used to prepare potato salad and fish. We also decorate theChristmas tree withvariousdecorations and we alsodecorate our house.
We keep Fastall day. In the eveningthewholefamily sit atChristmas table and we burn the candles in an advent wreath. My mother give us sauerkraut – soup, wafers and an apple too. Thehealthyapplehalfis a symbol ofgoodhealthnextyear.
These are our Christmas traditions. Afterthedinner we go to look under theChristmas tree to seewhatpresentsdidwe get from „Ježiško“.We enjoy these presents.
FamousChristmasHoneyCakesNECESSARY INGREDIENTS:160 g honey, 160 g chrystalsugar, 120 g butter, 500 g flour, 1 teaspoon, sodabicarbonate, 1 teaspoongroundcinnamon 2 wholeeggsGlaze: 1 egg – white part, 150-200 g powdersugar, lemon
PROCESS OF PREPARING160 g honey,160 g chrystal sugar,120 g butter let boil in saucepan.Oneteaspoon of sodabicarbonate mix with 500g offlour and one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and poured into the saucepan with the honey and stir.Tonot completely cool mixture stir two whole eggs inand prepare the dough well. Then let it stand for two hours, then rolled to 5 mm and cuttheChristmasshapesofthecakes. Before baking, brush the beaten egg and bake for 10 minutes at about 170-180 degrees.
I likeChristmas, becauseourfamilyisaltogether, thereissnowoutside and I’mathome.