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H E A L T H D I S P A R I T I E S R E S E A R C H S Y M P O S I U M. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS. 8 th Annual. Health Disparities: Where Biology, Behavior, and Socioeconomics Converge Thursday, February 28, 2013 DoubleTree Hotel | 808 20th Street South | Birmingham, Alabama.
H E A L T H D I S P A R I T I E SR E S E A R C H S Y M P O S I U M CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 8th Annual Health Disparities: Where Biology, Behavior, and Socioeconomics Converge Thursday, February 28, 2013 DoubleTree Hotel | 808 20th Street South | Birmingham, Alabama • The UAB Health Disparities Research Symposium highlights the work of faculty and student investigators in the areas of basic science, clinical and translational sciences, social and behavioral sciences, outcomes and community-based research related to health disparities. Submissions in the areas listed below are encouraged : • Bio-physiological Mechanisms of Health Disparities • Behavioral Mechanisms of Health Disparities • Gene-Environment Interaction and Health Disparities • Physiological Effects of Stressors in the Social Environment • Social Determinants of Health • A Life-Course Approach to Health and Illness • The Built Environment: Health and Livability of Cities • Economic Development and Public Policies for Health • Community-Based Approaches to Health • Evidence-Based Strategies for Health Equity • DEADLINE: Submit electronically no later than January 15, 2013. • ELIGIBILITY: Abstracts must represent results of original research. • A presenting author is expected to register for and attend the symposium. • GUIDELINES: • Limit abstracts to 350 words, excluding title, authors, and affiliations; • List presenting author first; • Follow this format: Purpose, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion; • Do not include references; • Define abbreviations the first time they appear; • Proofread the abstract carefully before submitting; no corrections will be allowed. • Abstracts will be assigned to oral or poster presentation by the reviewing committee. Awards will be given to the three best oral and poster presentations. • ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND FREE ONLINE REGISTRATION: www.uabmhrc.org