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EsKiMoS. CLOTHING. Animals skins provided for the Eskimos. Their favourite was the caribou because it kept them selves warm and was the right length for their bodys. If their was none of the caribou they second option would be the polar bear OR THE FOXES. They made -jackets -trousers

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  1. EsKiMoS

  2. CLOTHING Animals skins provided for the Eskimos. Their favourite was the caribou because it kept them selves warm and was the right length for their bodys. If their was none of the caribou they second option would be the polar bear OR THE FOXES. They made -jackets -trousers -leggings -socks -boots -mittens. FOOD The waters of the arctic provide Eskimos with a great Deal of food to eat. They have lived off seals (the most important part of there diet), salmon. Cod, whales and other sea creatures. During the winter they hunt polar bears, foxes, and hares. Their fave foods are the seals and caribou meat, walrus liver and the last food of all the skin of whales.

  3. ESKIMOS LIFE Most groups rely on sea mammals for food, illumination, cooking oil, tools, and weapons. The practice of eating raw meat, disapproved of by their Native American neighbours, saves scarce fuel and provides their limited diet with essential nutritional elements that cooking would destroy. Except for the Caribou Eskimo of central Canada, they are a littoral people who rove inland in the summer for freshwater fishing and game hunting. Eskimos have various types of houses. Tents of caribou skins or sealskins provide adequate summer dwellings; in colder seasons shelter is constructed of sod, driftwood, or sometimes stone, placed over excavated floors.

  4. MORE ABOUT ESKIMOS LIFE Among some Eskimo groups the snow hut is used as a winter season. The dogsled is used for the hauling of heavy loads over long distances, made necessary by the Eskimo's nomadic hunting life. Their skin canoe, known as a kayak, is one of the most highly manoeuvrable small craft ever constructed. While iron has come into common use in the 20th cent., previously weapons were crafted from ivory, bone, copper, or stone. Their clothing is sewn largely of caribou hide and includes parkas, breeches, mittens, snow goggles, and boots.

  5. SHELTER Most of an Eskimos life is spent wandering around and hunting for food in the Arctic, but when it is time to find a place to live they have to find somewhere they can find food easily. But then not where they can be harmed by different animals In the summer months there homes are usually made from skins from animals like seal or caribou. I n the winter they make igloos out of snow/ice which can be dome shaped. People that don't live in the Arctic call there homes made of ice igloos but to an Eskimo any of there homes can be called igloos.

  6. ESKIMOS CULTURE Particularly when compared to other hunting and gathering populations, Eskimo groups are justly famous for elaborate technologies, artisanship, and well-developed art. Eskimos live in small groups, and choose a leader or a voluntary leader. They all help each other to find food and they hunt way out beyond where they live.


  8. ESKIMOS TALK EASTERN ESKIMO: I am hungry............................................................Kah-poong-ah Our food is gone....................................................Ner-key-voot  peeto-hung-i-tu-goot Water....................................................................Ee-mick (fresh);  Ee-mock (salt) I am thirsty; I need fresh water.................................Kee-poong-ah; Ee-mick   pee-yuma-voong-ah Give me a drink of tea! (literally, I need tea).............Tee-mick  pee-yuma-voong-ah I am cold.................................................................Oo-voong-ah   ick-key My boots are wet.....................................................Kah-mig-ga cow-shook-toot My clothing is wet....................................................Ah-no-wog-ga cow-shook-toot Bring a dog sled!......................................................Comma-tee-nick    eye-shook-too Yes...........................................................................Ee-mah; Ah-high;  Ah-high-la No............................................................................Nowk; Nah-ga; Ah-guy Look! (at my frostbitten wrist, etc.)............................Tah-koo! I don't understand (referring to what has been said).....Two-key-siggy-lahng-ah I need food.................................................................Ner-key   pee-yuma-voong-ah Bring men to help........................................................Ahng-oo-tee-nick   ky-ko-see-geet How far is it to the trading post?..................................Kah-bloona-tah-lick conn-oak  oo-ah-sick-pa? Matches, or fire...........................................................Ee-koo-mock Native stove or seal-oil lamp........................................Koo-di-lick Come quickly..............................................................Kigh-geet or Kigh-sa-geet Gun............................................................................Cook-e-oo To the right! (dog driver's term)...................................Owk! or Howk! To the left! (dog driver's term).....................................Owk-a or  Ow-ha!  Huh-da! Which way..................................................................Now koot? Tobacco......................................................................Tobacco-mik Where is there a white man..........................................Kah-bloon-ah nowk?

  9. WESTERN ESKIMO: I am hungry......................................Kish-tu-ah (the i long, as in mice) Our food is all gone..........................Neck-out-voot nahng-ock Water..............................................Meck (fresh); Mahk (salt) I am thirsty.......................................Meck-soosh-too-ah Give me a drink of tea.......................Shy-oo-mick merry-sing-a I am cold..........................................Crow-too-ah My boots are wet..............................Comic-sig-kah   maht-soong-uk My clothing is wet.............................Aht-koo-kah   maht-soong-uk Bring a dog sled.................................Ick-calm-erak  ahk-fah-loo-kick Yes...................................................Ahng No.....................................................Khang-ah Look! (at my frostbitten wrist, etc.).....Tahng I don't understand...............................Ah-yo-koo-chett-oo-a I need food.........................................Neck-a-mick    pee-yoosh-tu-ah Bring men (to help)............................ Ahng-oh-tit tide-loo-kay How far is it to the trading post?..........Kite-loon   yock-shig-ta   kip-oosy-vig-a-moon Matches; fire.......................................Spitz-cot; Keen-o-gak Native stove (seal-oil lamp)..................Kah-minny-ock; Keen-o-gak Come quickly!.....................................Pah-tah-gah-mick tight-ah Gun.....................................................Noo-tick To the right! (dog driver's term)............Jee! To the left! (dog driver's term)..............Haw! Which way?.........................................Nah-goon? Tobacco..............................................To-bak-u-mick;  Chew-yah-mik Where is there a white man?.................Nah-ne Kah-sah   tahng-tah

  10. FACTS -Eskimos Originated by the Asians -they don't use the word Eskimos when they talk about there selves. -they look the same!!! They all have light brown hair, with dark skin, dark eyes and longish faces. -Eskimos life near the coldest places on earth such as the artic circle. -there food is always fresh found.

  11. WWW. WWW. WEBSITES WE USED http://www.workersforjesus.com/esk.htm http://www.arcticwebsite.com/eskimolist.html Www.wikipedia.org/wiki/eskimos Www.esks.com Www.infoplease.com WWW. WWW. Www.wikipedia.org/wiki/eskimos Www.esks.com Www.worksforjesus.com/esks Www.infoplease.com


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