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Jim Herbolich Director, Academic Affairs European Foundation for Management Development

EFMD CEL (Certification of e-Learning). Jim Herbolich Director, Academic Affairs European Foundation for Management Development. EFMD. EFMD EQUIS CLIP EFMD CEL. EFMD’s mission. to promote excellence in management development. Network Organisation.

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Jim Herbolich Director, Academic Affairs European Foundation for Management Development

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  1. EFMD CEL (Certification of e-Learning) Jim Herbolich Director, Academic Affairs European Foundation for Management Development


  3. EFMD’s mission to promote excellence in management development

  4. Network Organisation Over 500 Member Organisations in over 65 countries Self-financing through Membership Fees & Services

  5. EQUIS 2:EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System)

  6. The EQUIS Criteria Framework CORPORATE CONNECTIONS Executive Education ProgrammeQuality CONTEXT STUDENTS PHYSICAL PersonalDevelopment AND AND FACULTY RESOURCES MISSION PARTICIPANTS Research&Development Contribution to the community INTERNATIONAL ISSUES

  7. Update EQUIS • EQUIS: 82 Schools Accredited (24 Conditional) - of which 29 outside Europe: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, United States of America. • 27 Schools in the Pipeline(10 outside Europe) • New Applications: 15 per year on average

  8. The EQUIS Accreditation Process • Application • Eligibility • Self-Assessment • International Peer Review • Decision by the Awarding Body • Guided Development (optional whenapplicable)

  9. EQUIS Management Board EQUIS Awarding Body EQUIS Committee EQUIS EFMD EQUAL

  10. Cost of EQUIS Fee schedule for initial accreditation : • Initial Payment: 7.200 € (due 30 days after the Application Data Sheet has been approved by the EQUIS office for presentation to the EQUIS Committee for Eligibility) • Main Payment: 12.000 € (due 30 days after the Self-Assessment Report is sent to the EQUIS office) • Final Payment - if full accreditation : 12.000 € - if conditional accreditation : 7.200 € - if non-accreditation : 0 € • Total if accredited : 31.200 €

  11. CLIP 3: CLIP (Corporate Learning Improvement Process)

  12. Internal Training Resources - Core staff - Senior Mgt - Line Mg External suppliers - Selection - Relationship management Internal Business Units - Subsidiaries Portfolio Design Content Delivery Transfer Coaching Monitoring Evaluation • Innovation • & • Development Positioning Alignment Strategy Governance Legitimacy Design model Management External - Customers - Suppliers • Physical • Resources Participants - Selection - Needs analysis - Measurement • International • Perspective The CLIP Criteria Framework LEARNING PROCESS QUALITY LEARNING CONTEXT RESOURCES MARKETS MISSION

  13. The CLIP Process • Application • On-site Briefing • Guided Self-Assessment • On-site Peer Review • Peer Review Report • Awarding of a Quality Label • Action Plan for Quality Improvement

  14. Cost of CLIP Fee Schedule : • The total fee for the CLIP Review is 30,000 Euro. • Following the CLIP procedures, a first instalment of 15,000 Euro is paid at the beginning of the process (after the onsite briefing). • The remaining 15,000 Euro become due once the peer review has been carried out. • The reviewed institution will also be charged directly by the reviewers for their travel, accommodation and other direct expenses.

  15. EFMD 4 : EFMD CEL (EFMD Certification of e-Learning)

  16. EFMD CEL EFMD CEL is a joint initiative between : • the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), • the Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL), University of St. Gallen, • and Spirus Applied Learning Solutions AG.

  17. Why EFMD CEL ? • There is a broad consensus that more effort is needed on quality improvement in e-Learning. • The quality of e-Learning programmes vary widely. • There is a need for a concept of quality improvement which is theoretically sound and also meets the expectations of practice.

  18. Programme Eligibility Criteria • Must be related to management education, • Must have the equivalent of a minimum of 100 hours of candidate learning effort, • Must include participant feedback mechanism, • Must have been operated at least once. A programme is considered “e-Learning supported” if 20% of its overall duration is delivered by teaching or learning methods within the e-Learning range.

  19. EFMD CEL Quality Criteria Programme Strategy Pedagogy Economics Organisation Technology Culture

  20. Certification Awarding Body Decision Audit Team Visit& Student Interview Self Assessment Application & CEL-Eligibility 5 steps to EFMD CEL certification

  21. EFMD CEL Management CEL Supervisory Board CEL Awarding Body CEL Advisory Board CEL Executive Office CEL Research Unit

  22. EFMD CEL Management

  23. CEL Certificate Awards in 2005 • Open University School of Management UK • Volkswagen Coaching GmbH

  24. Cost of EFMD CEL • Initial Certification for one Programme: Total cost 12.500 Euros - Initial Payment: 2.500 Euro (due 30 days after the Application Data Sheet has been approved by the CEL Executive Office for presentation to the CEL Supervisory Body for eligibility decision) - Main Payment: 7.500 Euro (due 30 days after the Self-Assessment Report is sent to the CEL Executive Office) - Final Payment: 2.500 Euro (one week after decision of CEL Awarding Body) • Bundle Option A bundle option price package will be given when two or three programmes are presented at the same time and in the same site visit. The price would be (all in Euros) 1st programme 2nd programme 3rd programme Initial payment 2500 -- -- Second payment 7500 7500 7500 Final payment 2500 1250 1250 Total 12500 21250 29000

  25. Cost of EFMD CEL • One-year Option A one-year option price package will be given when a second or more programmes are taken through the CEL certification process within 12 months. The price would be (all in Euros) 1st programme 2nd programme 3rd programme Initial payment 2500 -- -- Second payment 7500 7500 7500 Final payment 2500 2500 2500 Total 12500 22500 32500 • The insitituion applying for CEL certification will cover all costs involved with the Audit Team Visit.

  26. EFMD CEL The executive office for EFMD CEL is located at the Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL), University of St. Gallen. For more information, please contact – Prof.Dr. Dieter Euler Dr. Sabine Seufert dieter.euler@unisg.ch + sabine.seufert@unisg.ch SCIL – Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning University of St. Gallen Dufourstr 40a CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

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