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Diffractive results at the Tevatron. Michele Gallinaro – The Rockefeller University ICHEP, Beijing Aug. 16, 2004. Soft and hard diffraction Run II diffractive program Exclusive production. Diffraction in Run I. Large rapidity gaps are signatures for diffraction. Soft diffraction.
Diffractive results at the Tevatron Michele Gallinaro – The Rockefeller University ICHEP, Beijing Aug. 16, 2004 • Soft and hard diffraction • Run II diffractive program • Exclusive production
Diffraction in Run I • Large rapidity gaps are signatures for diffraction Soft diffraction Hard diffraction Methods: large rapidity gaps or leading anti-proton tag Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Rapidity gaps Rapidity gaps seen as zero multiplicity in both forward calorimeter and beam-beam counters Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Diffractive rates DD/ND fractions PRL Measure SD/ND fractions at 1800 GeV 74 (1995) 855 80 (1998) 1156 81 (1998) 5278 72 (1994) 2332 76 (1996) 734 PLB 440 (1998) 189 PRL 84 (1997) 2698 PLB 574 (2003) 169 84 (1997) 2636 84 (2000) 232 87 (2001) 241802-1 • All SD/ND fractions ~ 1% • Different sensitivities to quark/gluon • gluon fraction fg=0.54 (0.15) extend range in Run II Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Multiple gaps Determine gap survival probability experimentally in soft diffraction Gap rates suppressed by: jet radiation and non-pQCD Measure the rate of additional gaps in soft diffractive events Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Gap survival • survival probability S(0.63 TeV)=0.29 S(1.80 TeV) =0.23 PRL 87 (2001) 141802-1 PRL 91 (2003) 011802-1 one-gap cross sections suppressed two-gap to one-gap ratios not suppressed Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Diffractive dijets x: fraction of anti-proton momentum loss b: fraction of pomeron momentum carried by parton parton xBj b.x Measure SD/ND ratio of dijet rates (LO QCD) PRL 84 (2000) 5043 • no significant x dependence Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Diffractive structure function • CDF Run I result suppressed • by factor of ~10 relative to HERA • breakdown of QCD factorization (renormalization removes s-dependence) • K. Goulianos, PLB 358 (1995) 379 H1 CDF Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Run II diffractive program Diffractive structure function • Q2 and x dependence • process dependence Exclusive production in DPE • dijet, heavy flavor, low-mass Jet-Gap-Jet w/large gaps Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Diffractive dijets x : momentum loss fraction of pbar S(alltowers)ET e-h x= s Approx. flat atx<0.1 SD region const overlap events Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Kinematic Properties compare ND and SD Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
SD/ND ratio in Run II • ratio of SD/ND dijet event rates compared to Run I data • slope and normalization agree with Run I result • no x dependence observed 0.03<x<0.1 • confirms Run I results x10 x0.1 • no appreciable Q2 dependence observed within 100 < Q2 < 1,600 GeV2 • pomeron evolves similarly to proton Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
DPE Dijet Production from SD data: DPE SD SD: proton side SD: anti-proton side Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
DPE dijets R(DPE/SD) vs R(SD/ND) ? 1-gap/0-gap 2-gap/1-gap ~5 factorization is restored R(DPE/SD) 5 × R(SD/ND) • additional gap is not suppressed Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Exclusive production in DPE exclusive inclusive Khoze, Martin, Ryskin Eur. Phys. J. C23, 311 (2002) C25, 391 (2002) C26, 229 (2002) C. Royon, hep-ph/0308283 gap gap gap gap next talk! Attractive Higgs discovery channel at the LHC • Standard Model light Higgs: • “exclusive” channel clean signal • MH=Mmiss= (s x1 x2)1/2 • sH(LHC)~3 fb, signal/background~3 (if DMmiss=1 GeV) Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Exclusive production Measurement of exclusive processes can be used to calibrate Higgs predictions • Exclusive dijets: gg→ gg • exclusive gg → qq is suppressed • Exclusive cc: • small cross section, clean signal Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Exclusive Dijets in Run I (not detected) PRL 85 (2000) 4215 Expected shape of signal events • antiproton tag: 0.035<x<0.095 • 2 jets, ET>7 GeV • proton-side gap (2.4<h<5.9) observed 132 events Mjj Rjj= sjj (excl.) < 3.7 nb (95% CL) Mass fraction: Mx theory expectns ~1 nb (Run I kinematics) Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
DPE Enhanced Sample • Use Run II dedicated DPE trigger (RP+J5+BSC_Gap_P) Data presented from 26 pb-1: Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Dijet Mass Fraction use dedicated DPE trigger (RP+J5+BSC_Gap_P) exclusive region rate falls smoothly as Rjj→ 1 no excess at large Rjj independent of rapidity gap size Khoze, Martin, Ryskin - Eur. Phys. J. C23, 311, 2002 ~ 60 pb (factor of 2 uncertainty) Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Exclusive Dijet Events ? Rjj=0.81 Rjj=0.36 Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Exclusive low-mass states pp pcp J/y g mmg (gis soft) c (same quantum numbers as Higgs boson) Event selection: • start fromJ/y sample • exclusive events • invariant mass(mm+EM tower) Background: • cosmics • calorimeter noise Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Event Selection Data sample of 93 pb-1 : • mass resolution is poor • bkg from multiplicity fluctuations (under threshold) • difficult to estimate noise contribution cross section upper limit for exclusive production sexcl (J/y+g) = 49 ± 18(stat) ± 39(syst) pb ~70 pb Khoze, Martin, Ryskin, Stirling , Eur. Phys. J. C 35, 211 (2004) Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Summary • forward detectors working well • dedicated diffractive triggers • re-established Run I measurements • no significant Q2 dependence in SD/ND ratio • no exclusive dijet/low-mass production Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
If you want to know more… for a summary: K. Goulianos hep-ph/0407035 Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Soft diffraction unitarity problem • sND exceeds sT at ~2 TeV ~10 Renormalization (normalize flux to 1) • 1 • measurement is suppressed by a factor of ~10 to Regge theory and agrees with renormalization model K. Goulianos, PLB 358 (1995) 379 PRD 50 (1994) 5518, 5535, 5550 Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Heavy flavor quark jets Khoze, Martin, Ryskin Eur. Phys. J. C23, 311 (2002) exclusive dijets: gg→gg only • look for excess of events at large Rjj Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
DPE: kinematics Compare ND and SD and DPE Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
x: RP vs calorimeter overlap events x from RP signal region xcal distribution for slice of xRP Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004
Predictions for LHC RLHC(JGJ/JJ) = (1.13 ± 0.16)/(0.23 ± 0.07) = (4.9 ± 1.6) % Michele Gallinaro - ICHEP - Beijing, China - Aug. 16-22, 2004