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Creating a Dashboard Indicators Web Page

Creating a Dashboard Indicators Web Page. A Customizable Template for a Dashboard Indicators Web Page.

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Creating a Dashboard Indicators Web Page

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  1. Creating a Dashboard Indicators Web Page ACustomizable Template for a Dashboard Indicators Web Page Marywood University

  2. One of the functions of an IR office is communicating information such as institutional performance indicators (i.e., graduation rates, SAT scores). One widely used example of presenting institutional information is the annual Fact book. However, performance indicators are more concise and targeted. In fact, some states require performance reporting for all public institutions. One of the most concise ways of presenting summary information on performance is by using a web page that resembles a dashboard. Like an auto’s dashboard, features such as color, directionality and buttons convey information to the user at a glance. Marywood University

  3. Although an IR office may not generate the data behind all of the performance indicators or even make the choice of indicators, they are frequently asked to organize and present the information on the indicators’ status. The process of creating a web page for dashboard indicators can be complex and time-consuming. The initial steps of identifying which indicators to include and how to organize them can be daunting. However, once the administrators have identified a few performance indicators, the web page created by this template can be started and easily modified and expanded as indicators are changed or added. Participants will be shown how using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can simplify creation, modification and maintenance of the web page. Marywood University

  4. Marywood University

  5. Burke, Joseph C. and Minassians, Henrik P. (2002), Reporting Higher Education Results: Missing Links in the Performance Chain (New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 116, Winter 2002) • TextPad - Free text editor • http://www.textpad.com/ Marywood University

  6. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Dashboard</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><B><H1>MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY</H1></B></P> DASHBOARD - Fall 2004 <HR WIDTH="725" SIZE="2" ALIGN="LEFT"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="840"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="190"><B>Student Body</B></TD> <TD width="15"></TD> <TD WIDTH="190"><B>Admissions</B></TD> <TD WIDTH="15"></TD> <TD width="200"><B>Faculty</B></TD> <TD WIDTH="15"></TD> <TD width="200"><B>Business Affairs</B></TD> <TD width="15"></TD> <TD width="200"><B>Advancement</B></TD> </TR> Marywood University

  7. Marywood University

  8. Marywood University

  9. Marywood University

  10. Marywood University

  11. Meyer, Eric (2002), Eric Mayer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design (New Riders Publishing) • http://www.ericmeyeroncss.com/ Marywood University

  12. The style specifications will be entered here Marywood University

  13. Marywood University

  14. Marywood University

  15. Marywood University

  16. Color Tables at the Color Spot: http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorspottable.html Marywood University

  17. Marywood University

  18. Marywood University

  19. Marywood University

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  21. Marywood University

  22. Marywood University

  23. ASAP Utilities – an Excel add-in http://www.asap-utilities.com/ Marywood University

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  31. Marywood University

  32. Marywood University

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