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The Basis For Real Happiness: Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Four

This introduction to the fourth beatitude explores the concept of hungering and thirsting for righteousness. It delves into what it truly means to be filled with righteousness and offers key ways to know if we are living a life filled with God's righteousness.

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The Basis For Real Happiness: Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Four

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  1. The Basis For Real Happiness Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Four

  2. An Introduction To The Beatitudes • This series of eight poetic statements begins the single longest recorded sermon of the Savior (Matt. 5:3-10) • The term “Beatitude” is a derivative of the Latin word used for “Blessed” which is translated as “Happy” or “Fortunate” (cf. 1 Corinthians 7:40) • That is, being “Happier” is what the gospel is about, though in ways different than the way the world sees

  3. Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are the those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” • The original word “Righteousness” is used over 90 times in the NT • Knowing what the word means is vital • Additionally, this study will consider what it truly means to hunger/thirst • Finally, we’ll see what it means to “be filled” and examine some key ways to know that we are a people who are “filled”

  4. Know Beatitudes 1, 2, 3 First! • To fully appreciate the fourth beatitude, note the following: • The first three beatitudes can be viewed as “negatives” or “subtractions” • I must remove myself from a position of importance • I must disdain sin as a serious problem • I must refrain from gruff, non-gentle ways • Beatitude four is about “filling” up what has been emptied or “cleaned out”

  5. Righteousness Identified • It helps to identify what righteousness is NOT • Simply being a “good person” • Having others see us as “righteous” • Note four of what real righteousness requires 1 – A continual dedication to Beatitudes 1, 2, & 3 2 – A concerted effort to be more like God 3 – A conscience effort to really avoid sin (see Isaiah 59) 4 – A refusal to conform to the world (see Romans 12)

  6. To Hunger & Thirst • Jesus’ word choice is purposeful • we have to make sure that we don’t view his words through the casual usage of “modern English” • ie, “When’s lunch? I’m soooo hungry” • By definition, to truly hunger/thirst involves: • A real need for food/water • A desperate attitude toward food/water • A likely painful experience To be HAPPIER, I have to WANT righteousness really badly!

  7. Jesus’ Promise: BE FILLED • If we truly work to be like Christ (righteousness), we will be filled in three ways 1. Immediately – upon baptism, we are cleansed of our sins (Acts 22:16) • Note: this occurs AT baptism, not before • Note: you don’t need to drag the guilt of previous sins with you after baptism!

  8. Jesus’ Promise: BE FILLED 2. Continually – as we grow, God continues to fill us with confidence and assurance • Titus 3:4-5 • 1 Thessalonians 1:5 • Maturing saints need to be SOLID on this point • Eternally – the hope of heaven should be a focal point of every saint’s life • Colossians 1:5 … 23

  9. Jesus’ Promise: BE FILLED • It’s important to know WHO does the “filling” • God, and ONLY God • Not self and not others • Consider three ways the Lord does this: 1. With the CHURCH (1 Corinthians 12:12-26) 2. With Divine COMMUNION (John 14:16, 23) 3. With a CHARACTER change (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23)

  10. How To Know I’m Hungering • God isn’t concerned with “feeling” or “thinking,” but rather provides tools so we can KNOW we are doing what’s right • Note four ways to be certain 1. I see myself with little regard (Beatitude # 1) 2. I see an ABSOLUTE need for Christ (Beatitude # 2) 3. I actively work to avoid sin (Ephesians 5:15-17) 4. I am dedicated to spiritual things (Luke 14:33)

  11. Do You Hunger? • As with all things, it’s important to not only identify Christ’s teaching, but also to apply it… 1. I should remember that true happiness has little to do with riches, but with a desire for spiritual things 2. We are NOT to be people who seek “Happiness” - Happier are people who want to and try to be like God! 3. I should want anything and everything righteous as much as possible in my life!

  12. Do You Hunger? Do You Hunger Enough: To spend time in prayer and study on a daily basis? To seek out opportunities to serve others, even when it means a sacrifice of your own time? To make the church, worship, and study the real, true priority in your life? We must be careful saying we are hungering and thirsting when only what we desire is a little sampling!

  13. Real Happiness Comes: When we are filled by God Because we have sought to do His will Heaven Is Our Reward Where We Will ALWAYS Be FILLED

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