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Explore the transition from a basic digital library structure to a detailed reference model that encompasses advanced concepts in information organization and management. Learn how the superimposed-information-supported digital library enhances resource utilization and sharing. Discover the foundations and functionality required for an effective digital library system.
Extending the 5S Digital Library (DL) Framework: From a Minimal DL Towards a DL Reference Model 23 June 2007 DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007, Vancouver Uma Murthy1, Douglas Gorton1, Ricardo Torres2, Marcos Gonçalves3, Edward Fox1 and Lois Delcambre4 1 2 3 4
Acknowledgments • Grants • AFOSR (grant F49620-02-1-0090), AOL, IMLS, NSF (grants DUE-0121679, DUE-0435059, IIS-0325579, IIS-0535057), CNPq project 5S-VQ (grant MCT/CNPq/CT-INFO 551013/2005-2), FAPESP, FAEPEX, Microsoft e-Science project at UNICAMP, Microsoft tablet PC grant at Virginia Tech • Members, DLRL (Virginia Tech) • Sidewalk team (Portland State & Villanova Universities and Virginia Tech) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Outline • Motivation • A superimposed-information-supported DL • DL generation process • Summary and discussion DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Motivation • The 5S framework is a formal specification for describing a DL • Defines a minimal DL –core concepts in a DL, such that removing any one component will no longer make it a DL • The DL reference model is vocabulary of DL concepts – may be considered as a common ground for discussing DLs • Focus on maximal (comprehensive) representation of DL concepts DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Moving from a minimal DL towards a DL reference model (1/2) Knowledge management DL quality PIM Practical DL systems Annotation Domain-specific DLs Multimedia Minimal DL DL reference model DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Moving from a minimal DL towards a DL reference model (2/2) • Content-based image retrieval services in a DL • A superimposed-information-supported DL • Practical DL generation DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Consider this scenario … • A biology professor is preparing for a class on the brain • Most of her class material comes from existing (multimedia) resources • While researching for material, she selects bits of information from various resources: • A few paragraphs from various articles • Individual chapters from different electronic books • Images and parts of images • Clips in audio lectures on the brain DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Scenario continued ... • For this topic, she prepares course material such as lecture notes, comparison charts, concept maps, and multimedia presentations, etc. • She shares this with her students and other faculty • Later, students and other faculty use these newly created information for their personal (educational) tasks DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Functionality required • At varying document granularities • Select and annotate multimedia information • Link information to make new associations • Organize/arrange selected information into desired structures • With existing and new information, be able to • Share and reuse • Find and re-find Work with information selections in situ (in their original form and context) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Work with information selections in situ • Select and annotate multimedia information • Link information to make new associations • Organize/arrange selected information into desired structures DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
The problem • Digital Libraries offer little support for working with information resources at sub-document granularity in situ • Specificity of reference of sub-document information • Going beyond annotation to provide knowledge organization and management capabilities • Indexing, searching, browsing, visualizing and sharing new resources created from existing DL resources • Lack of formal foundations for such support, which may lead to divergent development efforts and interoperability issues DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
The proposal • To define and build a superimposed-information-supported digital library (SI-DL) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Superimposing information (1/2) Overlaying new information on top of existing information • Add new data • Impose new schema or model DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Superimposing information (2/2) Mark Reference to base information element Superimposed layer New information/structures Base layer Existing information from heterogeneous sources: text, images, audio/video documents DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
A superimposed-information-supported digital library (SI-DL) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Preliminary SI-DL metamodel DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
DL generation overview • A DL metamodel is used to specify an abstract arch. (model) • The abstract arch. paired with DL software, that helps build a concrete arch. • An instantiation of the concrete arch. is a specific DL system (e.g., DSpace) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Summary and discussion • We can expand on a minimal formal DL metamodel step-wise to move towards a DL reference model by adding • CBIR services • Support for superimposed information • Practical DL generation • The DL generation process gives an overview of building a DL • Formal models are important – we need to consider real world use of systems as well DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Thank you Questions, comments, suggestions?
CBIR System Architecture Interface Data Insertion Query Specification Visualization Query Pattern Similar Images Feature Vector Extraction Ranking Similarity Computation Query-processing Module Image Database Images Feature Vectors DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Example (QBIC System: half blue, half red) DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Stream Structure Space Service Society Image Stream Feature Vector KNNQ User Info Need RQ Structured Featute Vector Image Descriptor Visualization Operation Image Object Image Content Description Composite Descriptor Image Digital Object Image Descriptor Metadata Catalog Image Collection Content-based Image Searching Service DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Big Picture DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Effective Image Descriptor Feature Vector DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Image descriptors • Image Descriptor DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
search by range 5-nn search Search by similarity • Search by similarity uses two pruning methods: search by range and search by k-nearest neighbors (k-nn search). • This has established a novel research topic in database and information systems, named content-based image retrieval (CBIR). DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Motivation • Despite their maturity, systems like DSpace or Greenstone still have relatively complex installation, configuration, ingestion, and customization processes. • 5S, 5SL, and DL Specification can help with understanding of a DL that needs to be created. • Automation of many configuration / customization tasks can greatly improve the process of getting off the ground. DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Introduction to DL Generation • Abstracts out much of the installation, configuration, and customization aspects of DL creation • Automates these tasks to require little or no user feedback throughout the process • Can occur from a textural specification, use of an all-in-one wizard type tool, or other graphical means • Eases the process of creating DLs, allows for a broader audience to create and use such systems, and can allow a faster turnaround when testing multiple DL platforms DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Approach • Examine the nature of the DSpace software and map aspects of the software to the 5S framework and related work • Using this understanding of DSpace and previous work in the area, develop a metamodel that can be a base for describing DLs made with DSpace • Develop a DL generator that accepts an instance of the metamodel and programmatically configures, customizes, generates, and populates such a DL in DSpace DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Analysis • Here we provided a proof of concept for the specification and generation of a modern, practical DL system. • This work is interesting and useful, but provides only a piece of a larger picture of DL specification and generation. • Crowning achievement for this type of work is: a more general and encompassing specification for DL generation DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Conclusions • We presented a method for specification and generation of DL systems using DSpace. • It not only builds on previous work with 5S and related areas but also can provide ease of installation for future DSpace users. • We hope this work will stimulate greater investigation and research into DL specification and generation. DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
Introduction to Digital Libraries • The online, digital realization of traditional, brick and mortar libraries • Repository systems that • store and preserve digital objects (content, documents, audio, video, etc.) • provide meaningful services to fulfill users’ information needs (search, browse, recommend, notify, etc.) • Driven by metadata, i.e., descriptive information about information, that aids searching, browsing, and other functions • Good example: ACM Digital Library • Provides storage for scholarly work, access methods like searching and browsing, cross linking between works, and specialized services like citation export DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
DL Definitions • Leiner defines a digital library as: • the collection of services • and the collection of information objects • that support users in dealing with information objects • and the organization and presentation of those objects • available directly or indirectly • Fox and Gonçalves describe DLs in terms of the fundamental building blocks that are associated with such repositories, into streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, and societies • European Union’s DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries: “a tool at the center of intellectual activity having no logical, conceptual, physical, temporal, or personal borders or barriers on information.” DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
5S Framework for DLs • serves as a basis to understanding and classifying digital libraries by addressing the many interdisciplinary components to such systems • 5S’s: Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, and Societies • defines a set of formal constraints and way of thinking about digital libraries which brings some order to the chaos of different research and commercial digital library work DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
5S Language (5SL), 5SGraph, 5SGen • 5SL • An XML-based language for declarative specification and generation of digital libraries • enables DL designers to harness the power of 5S for high-level specification of digital libraries • Uses known standards: MIME types for file types, XML Schemas to define structure, UIML (User Interface Markup Language) to define user interfaces, etc. • 5SGraph – A tool that allows users to graphically model a DL in 5SL • 5SGen – further work with 5SL, generates a set of components that can be used to create a minimal DL DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
References • 1. E. A. Fox, "DL Definitions - http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~dlib/def.htm." Accessed 2007, 2001. • 2. M. A. Gonçalves, E. A. Fox, L. T. Watson, and N. A. Kipp, "Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries," ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., vol. 22, pp. 270-312, 2004. • 3. L. Candela, D. Castelli, Y. Ioannidis, G. Koutrika, P. Pagano, S. Ross, H.-J. Schek, and H. Schuldt, "The Digital Library Manifesto," DELOS: A Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, Pisa, Italy ISBN: 2-912335-24-8, 2006. • 4. Digital Imaging Tutorial - Metadata, http://www.library.cornell.edu/preservation/ tutorial/metadata/metadata-01.html, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY, 2003. • 5. M. Smith, M. Barton, M. Bass, M. Branschofsky, G. McClellan, D. Stuve, R. Tansley, and J. H. Walker, "DSpace — An Open Source Dynamic Digital Repository," in D-Lib Magazine. vol. 9, 2003. DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007
References (2) • 6. R. Tansley, M. Bass, M. Branschofsky, G. Carpenter, G. McClellan, and D. Stuve, "DSpace System Documentation." http://dspace.org/technology/system-docs/ Accessed 2007, 2005. • 7. H. Suleman and E. A. Fox, "A framework for building open digital libraries," D-Lib Magazine, vol. 7, 2001. • 8. M. A. Gonçalves and E. A. Fox, "5SL-a language for declarative specification and generation of digital libraries," in JCDL'02: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 14-18 July 2002, Portland, OR, USA, 2002, pp. 263-72 BN - 1 58113 513 0. • 9. R. Kelapure, "Scenario-Based Generation of Digital Library Services," Computer Science. Thesis. Master of Science. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech, 2003. • 10. "CITIDEL Homepage. - http://www.citidel.org/" Accessed 2007, 2003. DL Foundations Workshop, JCDL 2007