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Context-awareness in Digital Library

Context-awareness in Digital Library. Soon J. Hyun Database Systems Lab. Information and Communications University (ICU). Contents. Introduction Context Management Context Model Taxonomy Context Awareness in Digital Library Further Issues. Ubiquitous Computing Architecture.

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Context-awareness in Digital Library

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  1. Context-awareness in Digital Library Soon J. Hyun Database Systems Lab. Information and Communications University (ICU)

  2. Contents • Introduction • Context Management • Context Model • Taxonomy • Context Awareness in Digital Library • Further Issues

  3. Ubiquitous Computing Architecture Introduction

  4. Introduction (cont.) • Ubiquitous Requirements • Invisibility • System makes a decision, triggers a command, selects services, and reconfigures itself on behalf of users. • Adaptability • System reconfigures application according to context changes. • Flexibility • System continues services in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment. • Transparency • System allows applications to spontaneously reconfigure with new services or established services without distracting users.

  5. Introduction (cont.) • Context Management supports: • Invisibility • Context-awareness enables a computing system to adapt to users proactively without user’s intervention. • Transparency • New Contexts (Sensors, Services, User Models, etc.) can be easily extended to enable a ubiquitous computing system to adapt dynamically to the evolution of user’s environment.

  6. Introduction (cont.) • What is Context ? • location, identities of nearby people and objects and changes to those objects [Schilit & Theimer, 1994] • Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity [Dey & Abowd, 2000] • Entity - a person, place, or object relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including themselves • Types of context • Location – position, orientation, velocity, trajectory, etc. • Identity – preference, profile, social relationship, biometrics, etc. • Time – Sequence of events, duration, etc. • Activity – walking, sleeping, sitting, etc. • Task – meeting, reading, working, etc. • Environment – temperature, humidity, brightness, loudness, etc. • Computing resources – device, appliances, etc. • Emotion

  7. Introduction (cont.) • What is context-aware computing ? • A system is context-aware if it uses “context” to provide relevant information and/or services to the user, where the relevancy depends on the user’s tasks. • Context-aware functions • Presentation of context information and services to a user • Automatic execution of a service for a user • Attaching context information for later retrieval

  8. Context Management • Context Modeling • Ontology-based Modeling • Represents context as hierarchical knowledge structure • Infers implicit high-level context from explicit low-level context • ER Modeling • Define context as a relation and relationship • High speed retrieval and efficient storage but, no more context except a pre-defined context schema • Application-oriented Modeling • Define context for a specific application • Flexible but, lack of formality and reusability

  9. Context Management: modeling • Application Oriented Modeling • Context entities and attributes for the “Conference Assistant application” [Dey et al., 2001] • disadvantages • Many context-aware systems model and represent context only for specific application • Lack of formality and reusability • HP’s Cooltown project , Context-Toolkit project

  10. Context Management: modeling • Entity-Relationship (ER) • ER model between ‘Conference Room’ and ‘Users’ and ‘User activity’[Wu et al., 2002] • disadvantage • Cannot obtain additional context except for pre-defined context information

  11. Context Management: modeling • Ontology approach • Home environment context ontology [Wang et al., 2004] • Pros and cons • Have benefit of reasoning based on Semantic Web technologies • A description logic (DL), theoretical foundation of the ontology is not enough for context model • Only restricted set of first-order logic is allowed for hierarchical classification. • Need to be added additional rules and inference logic according to application requirements • Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules, Temporal logics, etc.

  12. Ontology-based Context Management Light Controller Bed Sensor Light Door Sensor Assertion TurnOff Query Service request Service Discovery Context Widget Context Widget Context Widget Dynamic Reconfiguration Open/Closed On/Empty On/Off/Brightness Light.TurnOff Context Management Context Interpreter Sleep? Sleep(Park, Bedroom) -> TurnOffLight Inference Engine Sleep(Park, Bedroom) <= Status(Door, Closed) ^ Status(Bed, On) ^ Entered(Park, Bedroom) Sleep Context Aggregator Entered Entered(Park, Bedroom) <= Status(Door, Open) ^ Location(Park, Bedroom) Context Base Context Aggregator

  13. Taxonomy of Context Management App App App Context-Oriented Programming (COP) RCSM(CA-IDL), GAIA, m3(CA-Rule) Context-aware Application Programming Interface VTT(API), MUSE(4GL) Context Access High-level Context Representation GAIA(FOLogic), MeCentric(DL) Logic-based Inference Probabilistic Machine-Learning TEA (MM), VTT (Bayesian) Low-level Context Representation VTT, COBRA Context Toolkit Context Driver Context Cues(TEA) Context Abstraction, Quantization Service Abstraction STEER(DAML-S) Sensors Services Devices

  14. Low-level Context Representation • Context Broker Architecture (CoBrA) [Chen, 2003]

  15. Low-level Context Representation (cont.) • VTT Research Center in Finland [Korpipaa et al., 2003] • Leverage the part of MPEG-7 terminology for audio-based contexts Sensor-based Context Ontology Main Categories of Context Ontology Audio-based Context Ontology

  16. Low-level Context Representation (cont.) • SOCAM [Wang et al., 2004] • Develop ontology-based context model using OWL that addresses several existing problems such as context dependency and quality of context. • Divide into High-level ontology and Domain-specific ontology. • However, High-level ontology only used to support for categorization of context.

  17. Low-level Context Representation (cont.) • SOCAM

  18. Logic-based Inference • Gaia [Ranganathan and Campbell, 2003] • first order predicate logic

  19. Logic-based Inference (cont.) • HP MeCentric [Perich, 2002] • Atwork domain • An entity can be member of atwork domain only when it is a member of morning or afternoon domain and at the same time the entity must be a member of inCubicle domain. Fig. 5 Graph Representation of the atwork domain

  20. VTT Research Center in Finland Low level acquisition Fuzzy Membership Function High level acquisition Naïve Bayes Classifier for higher level contexts Probabilistic Machine Learning

  21. Probabilistic Machine Learning (cont.) • Technology for Enabling Awareness (TEA) [Van Laerhoven et al., 2001] • Adds an array of hardware sensors to the system • Use machine learning techniques to make the system learn the context-description from its user on the spot • Eight Sensor outputs in five different contexts • “inside a dark office”, “inside an artificially lit office”, “moving inside an artificially lit office”, “outside still”, “outside moving” • The sensor board was turned off after each contexts was recorded and turned back on when it was brought in a new context. TEA hardware board (light, temperature, accelerometers, microphone, pressure, IR, touch, CO Sensors) An example of 8 sensor outputs during 832 secs

  22. Probabilistic Machine Learning (cont.) • Neurons are activated topologically for tasks depending on the sensory input. • It is possible to monitor the activation of the neurons and plot the resulting matrix as a landscape, where different hills ideally represent different contexts. • The only necessary user interaction is the labeling of clusters produced by the SOM. • A cluster is labeled, so classification is possible • There is no label, then a distance weighted K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to search for the closest label on SOM Activity-plot of a SOM Schematics of the user involvement

  23. Probabilistic Machine Learning (cont.) • Probabilistic finite state machine architecture(Markov Chain) • SOM has correctly identified the first few context profiles, but there remains some doubt on what the next will be. • If the previous context was “in a train”, the next would be “in a train station” rather than “in a bedroom”. • Each context is represented by a state. • Transitions are represented by edges between states. • The model keeps a probability measure for each transition, so every time a transition occurs, the supervision model can check if this really is likely. • SOM can be interpreted as a short-term pattern recognition of specific contexts, while Markov chain model can be seen as long-term pattern recognition of general user behavior with relation to contexts. Fig. 3 Overall architecture

  24. Context-awareness for Digital Library • Adaptation • Beyond anytime, anywhere information access • Recommendation • manages information overload • helps a user choose from among an overwhelming number of possibilities • Multimedia Support • Images • Antiques, Arts, Medical archives, etc. • AoD/VoD • Music, Seminars, etc.

  25. Digital Library Application • Books with RFID Tags [Kyushu University Library] • Efficient Circulation (Loan/Return) • Self-Checkout system • Efficient Inventory • 10~30 times faster than barcode system • RFID Library Card • Possible new services • Recommendation of books based on patrons’ profile/preference • Navigation to books • Automated Storage/Retrieval System

  26. Digital Library Application • Automated Storage/Retrieval System

  27. Embedding, Partial Links Van Gogh's: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, will be based entirely on the holdings of the Van Gogh Museum. The exhibition will illustrate Van Gogh's entire career, from the Potato Eaters of 1885 through Wheatfield of Crows of 1890, the year of his death. It will include such famous works as the Self Portrait as an Artist (1888) The Zouav (1888), The Bedroom (1888e,) and The Harvest (1888). Embedding, Total Link Referential Link VDoc Instantiation Van Gogh The exhibition will illustrate Van Gogh's entire career, from the Potato Eaters of 1885 through Wheatfield of Crows of 1890, the year of his death. It will include such famous works as the Self Portrait as an Artist (1888) The Zouav (1888), The Bedroom (1888e,) and The Harvest (1888). Digital Library Application • Virtual Documents [Myaeng, 2000] • “documents for which no persistent state exists and for which some or all of each instance is generated at runtime.”

  28. Digital Library Application • According to user’s context/situation • compose and provide virtual documents proactively • moving to a conference session • Walking - Titles only • Standing - Titles & Images • Sitting on a chair - Full documents • according to user’s preferences • device capability, network bandwidth, battery • Environment, etc.

  29. Further Issues • Dynamicity • Context information changes continually, so all context information cannot be pre-defined when developing context ontology. • Uncertainty • Context information cannot be consistent because of highly dynamic nature of pervasive computing. • Privacy • Social Contexts • Sharing information & Group contexts

  30. Q & A

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