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AliEn v2-17: Before the data taking

AliEn v2-17: Before the data taking. Patricia Méndez Lorenzo, CERN IT/GS-EIS ALICE Offline Meeting (2-Sep-2009). Outlook. During this summer a new AliEn v2-17 has been released At this moment it is in production and distributed across all ALICE sites

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AliEn v2-17: Before the data taking

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  1. AliEn v2-17: Before the data taking Patricia Méndez Lorenzo, CERN IT/GS-EIS ALICE Offline Meeting (2-Sep-2009)

  2. Outlook • Duringthissummer a new AliEn v2-17 has been released • Atthis moment itis in production and distributedacross all ALICE sites • ALICE isentering in data taking mode and thiswillbe the AliEn versioninuse This talk willpresentthis new version and the requirementswe have for the sites before data taking Alice Offline Meeting

  3. Generalities of the AliEn v2-17 • Available in central services at the end of July 2009 • Final distribution in all sites by middle August • The new version has the following (general) features: • Large number of improvementswithmany contributions • More weight to central services and reduction on the list of services running in the (local) VOBOXES • New requirements in terms of services for all ALICE sites Alice Offline Meeting

  4. AliEn v2-17: New features • New gcc4.1.2 available • Distribution of a single gsoap (previously the AliEn distribution contained 2) • 3rd party tranfers for file distribution with Xrd3cp (excluding T0-T1 transfers) • In terms of xrootdthere are new improvements • Reinforcement of the CREAM-CE module and full split of gLite-WMS and CREAM-CE submission modes Alice Offline Meeting

  5. AliEn v2-17: New features (cont.) • More options to save files from the jobs • New job status: DONE_WARNING • Torrent improvements • New and simplifiedtransfer model • Catalogue structure improved • Deletion of orphan files • Deprecate SE and FTD on the sites • SE defined in LDAP but not as a local service running at the VOXES • Usual Bug fixes Let’sexplainsome of thesefeatures in detail Alice Offline Meeting

  6. Job Output • Once the job isfinished, the user will not need to specify the output SE anymore • Default behaviour: • Output of the job willbestored in twoworking SE close to the job (via the JA) • Userscanspecify (via jdl) how many copies theywant to have Alice Offline Meeting

  7. Job Output: Schema Site A CM CE MonALISA Packman xrootd File catalogue LFN GUID Meta data Job Manager Job Manager TaskQueue Job Broker Job Broker xrootd CE JA Jobs MonALISA Packman CM Splitting Expired Zombies Central services Priorities Merging Site B Site services Non AliEn Services Job optimizers Alice Offline Meeting

  8. New job Status: DONE_WARNING Output copied to SEs but below the number of required copies The Job output could not becopied to none of the SEs SAVED_ WARNING Output registeredinthe catalogue but below the number of required copies DONE_WARNING Alice Offline Meeting

  9. New transfer model • No changes from the user perspective • FTD is not running in the VOBOX anymore • It waspreviously one of the local services running in the VOBOX • Only one FTD per type of transfers (FTS or xrd3cp) • Transfer status: • INSERTED  WAITING  ASSIGNED  TRANSFERRING  DONE Alice Offline Meeting

  10. Transfer model: Schema Site A CM CE File catalogue Packman MonALISA LFN GUID Meta data SRM Job Manager Transfer Manager TransferQueue Job Broker Transfer Broker CE Site B Transfers SRM MonALISA Packman xrootd CM Splitting Expired Zombies Central services Priorities Merging fts FTD Site services Non AliEn Services xrdcp Transfer optimizers bbftp Alice Offline Meeting

  11. Orphan Files • Up to nowremoval of LFN from the catalogue did not meanremoval of the file from the SE • Removalfeatureimplementednow • Deletionisasynchronous • Using the transfer model and FTD withanotherdeamonresponsible of the removal Alice Offline Meeting

  12. Improvements in Torrent • Torrent is the new software installation procedurechosen by ALICE • The sw area usage has shownmanyproblems in the past • For each job the requiredswwillbeinstalled in the working area of the job • In the case the torrent client (aria2c) to download new packages cannotbeused, wgetwillmakethis job instead Alice Offline Meeting

  13. TorrentPhilosophy • JA lands on a virgin worker node • From a centralized machine a small script is sent: • Finds a scratch area in a local disk • Installs latest version of AliEn • Simple requirements: wget • Starts a Job Agent • JobAgent will install required experiment software • After finishing, removes everything • Or leaves it for the next agent... (still to be evaluated) Alice Offline Meeting

  14. Torrent Schema Download & seed alitorrent.cern.ch Download & seed Tracker Download & seed Site B Seeder Site A Download & seed Download & seed Download & seed Alice Offline Meeting

  15. WLCG submission modules • Submission to CREAM-CE and LCG-CE (via gLite-WMS) are nowseparated • The query to the info system has nowchanged • LCG-CE from the information system • CREAM-CE from the CREAM-DB • This ishowever a problemalthough not a show-stopper • The code has bugs preventing a good publication throughthis model • We are back to the information system as the source also for the CREAM-CE • Multi-cluster sites are now usable for ALICE • CE ranking has been defined • LDAP configuration has been improved • Less conditions needed (implemented in the code) Alice Offline Meeting

  16. AliEn v2-17: Deploymentat the sites • Once the v2-17 version was deployed at all sites the submission to WLCG sites began to fail • Both in WMS and CREAM submission modes • The problem was related only to the LDAP configuration for those sites • The new v2-17 version requires changes in some field of the CE configuration of LDAP • This has been already done to all sites • The sites are nos wellconfigured and no major issues are nowreported Alice Offline Meeting

  17. Requirements for the sites • The new AliEnv2-17 version comestogetherwithsome important requirements for the sites • Deployment of SL5 in all WNs and VOBOXEs (T0,T1,T2 sites) • DEADLINE: Mid-September 2009 • Deployment of a CREAM-CE at all sites (T0,T1,T2 sites) • DEADLINE: Mid-November 2009 • The main problemthatwe continue to face isunresponsiveness of sites to upgrade. This is an important issue thatwe must resolve as a collaboration Alice Offline Meeting

  18. Status of the CREAM-CE • Planned as replacement of the current LCG-CE • Submissionproceduresallowed by CREAM-CE • Submission to CREAM-CE via the gLite-WMS • Direct submission via generic clients SinceNov 2008 the WLCG encourages sites to provide a CREAM-CE in paralel mode to the LCG-CE Alice Offline Meeting

  19. The WLCG Milestones on regards with CREAM-CE • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/pub/LCG/MilestonesPlans/WLCG_High_Level_Milestones_20090623.pdf 1) NOT ACHIEVED 2) ACHIEVED ✔ 3) Today 23 sites are publishing CREAM in the prod-BDII. ~39 still missing Alice Offline Meeting

  20. Implementation and Experiences in ALICE • ALICE has been the 1st LHC experimenttesting CREAM-CE and providing the developerswith a continuous feedback • The experience has been very positive • ALICE requires the deployment of the CREAM-CE service at all sites whichprovide support to the experiment • The testingbegan in Summer 2008 and sinceFeb 2009 the CREAM-CE submissionis part of the AliEn standard distribution • However as of today, 13 sites FOR ALICE are providing CREAM-CE • CERN, KISTI, INFN-Torino, CNAF, RAL, FZK, Kolkata, IHEP, SARA, Subatech, Legnaro, SPbSU, Prague • THE SAME NUMBER OF SITES FOR ALICE PRESENTED DURING CHEP09! • NO ADVANCES!! Alice Offline Meeting

  21. ALICE results with CREAM-CE • CREAM is part of the AliEn distribution since Feb 2009 • 2.8M jobs donesince Feb08 using CREAM-CE resources Alice Offline Meeting

  22. SL(C)5 testing • Almost parallel to the CREAM-CE testing, ALICE has been successfully testing SL5 resources in two sites: • CERN (behind CREAM-CE) • RAL • ALICE has largely verified that the experiment is ready to run on these resources Alice Offline Meeting

  23. WLCG-MB conclusions • (Summarized by I. Bird) the final conclusions regarding the SL5 migration of the WLCG-MB at the 4th of August: • Now is the time to push to complete the SL5 migration at all sites, including the Tier 2s • The experiments are all ready and able to use SL5 resources • Tier 1s and Tier 2s should plan this migration as rapidly as possible, so that the majority of resources will be migrated asap Alice Offline Meeting

  24. ALICE conclusions for SL(C)5 • ALICE has agreed during the last 13/08/09 TF meeting to collaborate actively with their sites to ensure the timely migration • The experiment has asked for the SL5 distribution in all official forums: WLCG-GDB, WLCG-MB and workshops • Following the strategy explained for the CREAM-CE ALICE cannot maintain an hybrid SL4/SL5 setups at the sites • SL4 is deprecated and ALICE will not maintain it anymore • The DEADLINE established by the experiment is mid-September 2009 • SL5 VOBOX • Max priority for WLCG-GD • ALICE counts on one preliminary version by today Alice Offline Meeting

  25. Summary • AliEn v2-17 • With plenty new improvements • Simplified transfer mechanism • Less AliEn services on the site • The new version enforces the central services features and light the local VOBOXES • In addition: WLCG features • CREAM-CE • The experiment is asking for the deployment of CREAM-CE at all sites since Summer 2008 • The double support we are currently providing (WMS/LCG-CE and CREAM-CE) cannot scale during real data taking • After more than 1 year asking for this service, ALICE will deprecate the use of the WMS/LCG-CE in benefit of the CREAM-CE by mid-November 2009 • SLC5 • Following the strategy explained for the CREAM-CE ALICE cannot maintain an hybrid SL4/SL5 setups at the sites • SL4 is deprecated and ALICE will not maintain it anymore • The DEADLINE established by the experiment is mid-September 2009 Alice Offline Meeting

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