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ACDV 70D Test Taking. Lab #3. Lesson Two, Module 10 Examinations (taken from Mini-Courses in Academic Skills by Jurgen Wolff). Lesson 2 Topic 3: Reading the Directions Topic 4: Taking Objective Tests Topic 5: Taking Essay Tests. Topic 3: Reading the Directions. OBJECTIVES
ACDV 70DTest Taking Lab #3
Lesson Two, Module 10 Examinations(taken from Mini-Courses in Academic Skills by Jurgen Wolff) Lesson 2 Topic 3: Reading the Directions Topic 4: Taking Objective Tests Topic 5: Taking Essay Tests Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Topic 3: Reading the Directions OBJECTIVES 1. Know the general directions to look foron examinations. 2. Know how to answer questions that ask you to identify information. • Know how to answer questions that ask you to demonstrate information. • Know how to answer questions that ask you to compare information. • Know how to answer questions that ask you to evaluate information. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
DIRECTIONS TO LOOK FOR • Time limit. • How many questions should be answered…and in • what order. • 3. How many points each question or section is worth. • 4. How to answer the question. • --underline, circle, draw a line, etc. • --length allowed • --in math or science exams, should you show • calculations? Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
READ EVERY WORD OF THE DIRECTIONS AND THE QUESTIONS. Sample Questions. (In each question, write one word that you think students are likely to miss if they don’t read the question carefully): • Which of the following is not an element? • Which of the following is representative of most • vertebrates? • 3. True or False: Statistically, all men are taller than women. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Questions that ask you to identify information use words like: What is Name Cite State Indicate Enumerate List Identify Identification questions ask you to name some- thing—no further explanation is necessary. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Below are 5 questions and answers. Check the ones that are good examples of an identification question and an appropriate answer: __1. Name three “naturalist” writers. Stephen Crane, Jack London, Theodore Dreiser __2. What is the novel in which Stephen Crane wrote about fear as a basic human motive? “The Red Badge of Courage,” a novel in which a young soldier comes face- to-face with his own fear of battle, after first being eager to fight. __3. Compare the writings of London with those of Dreiser. Both authors wrote about survival. London usually pitted his characters against nature while Dreiser was concerned with the struggle against social forces. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE: __4. List three of Mark Twain’s works about life in America. Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Gilded Age __5. Identify one characteristic of Mark Twain’s writings: a. they described the American character b. they were written in intellectual language c. they were humorless Check your answers in Back-up 8. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Questions that ask you to demonstrate information use words like: Show how or why Justify Prove Support Explain why Demonstrate Demonstration questions ask you to give evidence to support something. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Below are three questions and answers. Check the ones that are good examples of a demonstration question and an appropriate answer: __1. Explain why the 1950 McCarren Act is now considered to have been “un-American.” The McCarren Act required communists to register; it prohibited them from doing defense work; and it prohibited them from using U.S. passports. These things were later found unconstitutional, so the Act is called “un-American” because it violated the American Constitution. (Continued on next slide) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE: __2. Support the statement that “The Sacco- Vanzetti Trial was the most controversial trial of this century.” Sacco and Vanzetti were executed for robbery and murder. Neither one had a good alibi. They were Italians. __3. Justify the statement that it is sometimes right for a country to send troops to fight within the borders of another country. The idea of self-defense is accepted by all countries. So if one country attacks another (for ex., with bombs), then invading the attacking country would be justified. Check answers in Back-up 9. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Questions that ask you to compare information use words like: Distinguish Contrast Relate Analyze Differentiate Compare Comparison questions ask you to tell how things are alike and how they are different. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Below are three questions and answers. Check any that are good examples of a comparison question and an appropriate answer: __1. Analyze the way that American art developed in the late 19th century, compared to the way Amer. literature developed at the same time. They both became more realistic, and they both were more con- cerned with American themes. Before this, they were more strong- ly influenced by Europe. One difference between the two is that the new literature was more quickly accepted by the public than the new art. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE: __2. Relate Darwinism to Social Darwinism. Darwinism said that in nature there is evolution and that only the fittest survive. __3. What types of men were most successful in industry from 1865 to 1914? The successful men of this period were competitive (maybe even ruthless), they weren’t afraid to try new things, they worked hard, and they expanded their businesses with their profits. Check your answers in Back-up 10. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Questions that ask you to evaluate information use words like: Comment on Interpret Why do you think Assess Give your reasons why Evaluate Criticize Analyze Evaluation questions ask you to give your opinion and back it up with facts. (Often it’s a good idea to give both sides of an issue…and then your evaluation.) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Below are three questions and answers. Check any that are good examples of an evaluation question and an appropriate answer: __1. Why do you think the settlers of the American West hated the Indians? The settlers wanted to exterminate the Indians. They used the Army to kill Indians, and they resettled many Indians far from their original homes. __2. Comment on the image we have of the cowboy. The myth of the cowboy says he was brave, good with his guns, handsome, strong, interested in justice, and independent. Real cowboys did work hard and their jobs were dangerous, so they… Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE: __2. (continued) …probably were brave and strong. But most of them never used “six guns” and were not concerned about justice. They also made very little money and couldn’t be too independent. Our image is romantic, not realistic. __3. Assess the impact of the Oklahoma Land Rush on the settlement of the American West. In 1889, the U.S. government threw most of the Indians out of the Oklahoma region and opened up the area for home- steading. The people who wanted land rushed in, using wagons, horses, and other kinds of transportation. Check your answers in Back-up 11. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Review: Topic 3 In the blanks provided on your worksheet, write a “T” if the statement is true or an “F” if it is false: __1. It’s safe to assume that on a test you should start with the first question and work your way through until you’ve answered all the questions. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE: __2. You should always read every word of each question when taking a test. __3. For a question that asks you to “demonstrate” information, you would compare that information with something else. __4. For a question that asks you to “contrast” information, you would tell how it differs from something else. __5. For a question that asks you to “evaluate” information, you would just list facts about it. __6. For a question that asks you to “identify” something, you would name it. Check your answers in Back-up 12. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Topic 4: Taking Objective Tests OBJECTIVES • Know how to answer multiple- • choice questions. • 2. Know how to answer matching • questions. • 3. Know how to answer sentence • completion questions. • 4. Know how to answer true-false • questions. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
TIPS FOR ANSWERING MULTIPLE- CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Anticipate the answer. In the blank below each word, jot down what you think it means. Then look at the three choices on the right and write down the letter of the correct definition for each word: • exciting • secret • wet • Clandestine • ___________ Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE • eager • huge • uncertain 2. Ambiguous ___________ 3. Astute __________ • musical • greedy • shrewd Hmmm… Let me see. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 2. Consider all the answers. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? A. Abe Lincoln B. Thomas Jefferson C. Thomas Jefferson & several of the “founding fathers” Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 3. Try rephrasing the question in your own words. Asking questions about a book before you thorough- ly read it helps you: a. avoid having to read the whole book. b. get an overview of the book and begin to interact with it. c. learn all about the author. *Possible ways to rephrase the above question: How does asking questions about a book before reading it help me as the reader? OR What’s the purpose of pre-reading? Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 4. If you guess, first eliminate the wrong or unlikely choices. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
TIP FOR ANSWERING MATCHING QUESTIONS 1. Match the easy items first. • Sample question. Match each kind of mammal • with one member of that group: • Even-toes 1. rhinoceros • Odd-toes 2. bear • Carnivores 3. ape • Rodents 4. kangaroo • Primates 5. mouse • Marsupials 6. deer Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE Match each group of the animal world (on the left) with one class of that group (on the right): • Protozoa 1. tapeworms • Vertebrates 2. amoebas • Mollusks 3. centipedes • Flatworms 4. clams • Arthropods 5. mammals Check your answers in Back-up 13. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
TIPS FOR ANSWERING SENTENCE-COMPLETION QUESTIONS • Check the number of • blanks. A noninflammable colorless liquid often used as a solvent in cleaning mixtures is called ____________ ____________________. As you can see, there are 2 blanks in the sentence completion above. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 2. See whether the word before the blank is “a” or “an.” If it’s “a,” the fill-in word will begin with a consonant; if it’s “an,” the fill- in word will begin with a vowel. A former gold coin of the United States, worth $10, was called an __________. (dubloon or eagle?) The answer would be “eagle” because the word “an” is before the blank, thus requiring a word that starts with a vowel to follow it. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 3. If you don’t know the exact answer, come as close as you can. A noninflammable colorless liquid often used as a solvent in cleaning mixtures is called carbon ____________________. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
TIPS FOR ANSWERING TRUE-FALSE QUESTIONS • If a statement is to be marked “true,” all parts of • it must be true. Nerves are found in animals with millions of cells, just as they are found in one-celled animals. __T __ F 2. If a statement is to be marked “true,” it must be 100% true. Animals have nerves. __T __F Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 3. Definite (absolute) statements are often false. All animals have nerves. ____T ____F 4. Indefinite (i.e., having general qualifiers) state- ments are often true. Some animals have nerves. ____T ____F Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Review: Topic 4 In the blank provided on your answer sheet, write a “T” if the statement is true or an “F” if it is false: __ 1. On a multiple-choice question, it’s best to con- sider all the possibilities immediately rather than trying to anticipate the answer. __ 2. On a multiple-choice question, if the first choice seems correct, it’s not necessary to read the other choices. __ 3. On “matching” questions, you should match the easiest items first. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE __ 4. On a sentence-completion (a.k.a. “fill-in-the- blank”) question, if the word “an” appears in front of the blank, the fill-in word usually will start with a vowel. __ 5. All definite (absolute) statements are false. __ 6. Many indefinite (having general qualifiers) statements are true. Check your answers in Back-up 14. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Topic 5: Taking Essay Tests OBJECTIVES • Know how and why to outline each answer before you write • it. • 2. Know the best kind of opening for an answer. • 3. Know how to write an effective answer. • 4. Know what to do when you don’t know the answer. • 5. Know what to do when you run out of time. • 6. Know what format to use for your answer sheet. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Make a brief outline of your answers to all the questions before you write any answer. Why to write an outline: 1. It forces you to be organized. 2. It gets your mind working in the right direction. 3. It puts your subconscious mind to work. How to write an outline: Step 1: List all the points that occur to you. Step 2: Number main ideas in logical order. Step 3: Number & letter important details. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE Sample Question: Identify the stages of economic development and briefly describe each one: 1 2 3 • Preindustrial-1b. hunting • 1a. primitive • Postindustrial-4a. more • leisure • Industrial-3b. mass product. • 3a. specialization • Developing-2b. agricultural • 2c. travel • 2a. economic • growth Preindustrial-hunting primitive Postindustrial-more leisure Industrial-mass production specialization Developing-agricultural travel economic growth • Preindustrial-hunting • primitive • Postindustrial-more • leisure • Industrial-mass production • specialization • Developing-agricultural • travel • economic growth Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Below is a question and a list of points that could be included in the answer. In the blanks on your worksheet, number the main points (1, 2, 3, etc.) and then number & letter the important details (1A, 2A, 3A, etc.) that go with each main point. The first has been done for you as an example: • Name the five senses and briefly describe how each • one works: • __ A. Hearing __ F. Smell • __ B. Retina __ G. Taste Buds • __ C. Eardrum __ H. Taste • __ D. Sight __ I. Touch • __ E. Olfactory Nerves __ J. Nerve endings • in the skin 1 1A Check your answers in Back-up 15. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Your opening sentence should be direct and to the point. For each question, write down the letter of the best opening sentence of an answer: • Do you think the performance of the U.S. • Post Office would be improved if competi- • tion were allowed? • This is an interesting question because the Post Office • provides a service used by almost everybody. • b. The Postal Service was established many years ago. • c. The performance of the U.S. Post Office would improve • if the services it provides were subject to competition. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE • What was Wilson’s idea of Americanism? • a. To the question, “What was Wilson’s idea of Americanism?”, • I have the following answer: • b. Wilson’s idea of Americanism incorporated four basic points. • c. Wilson’s idea of Americanism is different from mine. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson Check your answers in Back-up 16. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Support your answer point by point, and use transition words to guide the instructor through your answer. • To prepare the reader for • a series of ideas: • 2. To prepare the reader for • more of the same: • To prepare the reader for • a contrast: • 4. To prepare the reader for • examples: First, second, third 1, 2, 3 There are several Additionally, Also, And, Furthermore But, On the other hand, However, In contrast For example, For instance Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE Read both paragraphs and then write down the number of the one that was easier to understand: 1. Children watch television for three reasons. They find it entertaining. They say The Flintstones makes them laugh. They learn social things. Whether you tip a stewardess on an airplane, how to make your hair more attractive. It gives them a shared social experience. The next day they talk about how they liked the story on Six Million Dollar Man. The children will usually mention the first reason, they will not be as aware of the other two reasons. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE 2. Children watch television for three reasons. One, they find it enter- taining. For example, they say The Flintstones makes them laugh. Two, they learn social things—for instance, whether you tip a stewardess on an airplane and how to make your hair more attractive. Three, it gives them a shared social experience. For instance, the next day they talk about how they liked the story on Six Million Dollar Man. The children will usually mention the first reason, but they will not be as aware of the other two reasons. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
When you don’t know the answer to an essay question, write down as much as you do know. Warning #1: Don’t offer excuses! (In other words, do not offer reasons as to why you do not know the material.) Warning #2: Don’t pad the material! (Don’t add empty, “filler” words.) Continued Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE • Read the question and the three answers. In the blank given • on your worksheet, write one of the letters below to indicate • whether an answer is: • an example of padding. • an example of an answer that offers excuses. • a reasonable attempt to make the most of what little the • student happens to know about the subject. Question: Describe the Gospel of Wealth that was preached by Andrew Carnegie. Continued Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Question (REPEATED): Describe the Gospel of Wealth that was preached by Andrew Carnegie. __ Answer #1: The Gospel of Wealth is a gospel that was put forward or, to put it another way, preached by Andrew Carnegie. It concerned wealth—money, property, and other goods that could be considered to reflect how well-off one is, in a material sense. __ Answer #2: Andrew Carnegie was a rich industrial- ist of the American Industrial Revolution. The Gospel of Wealth reflected his attitudes about what rich people should do with their money. Continued Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE __ Answer #3: The Gospel of Wealth is one of the topics covered during the week that I was seriously ill. Well, I had the flu, but it was a bad case and I had to go to the doctor and everything. I can get a note from the doctor proving it. Otherwise, I’m sure I could answer this question. Check your answers in Back-up 17. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
When you’re running out of time, jot down the main points of your answer in outline form. Describe the Gospel of Wealth that was preached by Andrew Carnegie. • Gospel of Wealth = Rules for the Rich • Shun extravagance • a. set example of modest living • 2. Use money for good of community • 3. Use money to help the poor • a. use superior wisdom • b. use ability to administer Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
NEATNESS COUNTS! • QUESTION CHECKLIST • Is your handwriting easy • to read? • 2. Have you left enough • room in the margins and • between answers? • 3. Are your outlines and • calculations out of the • way? Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Review: Topic 5 In the blanks provided on your worksheet, write a “T” if the statement is true or an “F” if it is false: __ 1. One advantage of outlining your answers before writing them out is that it forces you to be organized. __ 2. When outlining an answer, you: (1) list all the points that occur to you, and then (2) number and letter important details. __ 3. The opening sentence of your answer should restate the question. __ 4. When you don’t know the answer to a question, you should write down as much as you do know. Continued on next slide Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com