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E-Stewards Face to Face Meeting, Dallas, March 2010

E-Stewards Face to Face Meeting, Dallas, March 2010. E-Stewards by the Numbers . 5 – Fully Certified e-Stewards Recyclers (15 sites) with one site in Europe 20 – Recyclers Additional are Contracted (65 sites) with CBs 3 – Accredited e-Stewards Certifying Bodies

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E-Stewards Face to Face Meeting, Dallas, March 2010

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  1. E-Stewards Face to Face Meeting, Dallas, March 2010

  2. E-Stewards by the Numbers • 5 – Fully Certified e-Stewards Recyclers (15 sites) with one site in Europe • 20 – Recyclers Additional are Contracted (65 sites) with CBs • 3 – Accredited e-Stewards Certifying Bodies • 14 -- e-Stewards Enterprises • 25 -- Total Companies “On-Board” • 80 – Total Sites “On-Board”

  3. Where we were…

  4. e-Stewards Recyclers today

  5. AND…. The FIRST EU e-Stewards Recycling location!

  6. e-Stewards Recognition

  7. e-Stewards Governance-- Sarah

  8. e-Stewards Governance • Brief history: • BAN invested heavily in R2 • After R2 Practices finalized, some of you requested that BAN create a higher standard & independent certification • Crucial for BAN to protect integrity of program initially, although it is likely to spin off to independent organization in future

  9. e-Stewards Governance • Therefore, BAN owns and houses the standard, oversees the accredited certification program, and licenses use of the e-Stewards name • Ban Governed by Board of Directors – Annual Report found at www.ban.org • New Leadership Council • Process for clarifying Standard between revisions: Sanctioned Interpretation document

  10. e-Stewards Governance • Process for formally revising Standard: • Input sought from all stakeholders, including • e-Stewards • other recyclers • OEMs • occupational H&S experts • CBs and ANAB • Governments • Enterprises • End processors • BAN reviews all input, consults, puts out a subsequent draft for input • BAN finalizes and notifies all CBs, e-Stewards, and purchasers of earlier version of standard

  11. e-Stewards Leadership Council • Mission • To help guide the e-Stewards programs by providing expertise from and representation for all stakeholder groups • Composition • Recyclers (5) • Collectors (1) • Enterprises (2) • NGO (1) • Government (2)

  12. Certification Update-- Greg

  13. April 15, 2010 status 3 accredited CBs 3 companies with certified sites 6 sites total certified All domestic 12 further companies contracted (~25 more sites) September 28 status 3 accredited CBs 5 companies with certified sites 15 sites total Includes 1 international 18 further companies contracted (57 more sites)- total of 72 Certification Status Progress

  14. In Process • An additional 19 companies have requested quotations and are in process of selecting a CB • There are 57 sites ahead of you, already contracted and being scheduled now. • Only 6 available auditors among 3 CBs • Auditors are scheduled out 60-90 days • Beginning-to-end, the process is typically 6-12 months for an individual site • e-Stewards recognition through Pledge program ends in about 11 months

  15. What areYOUwaiting for?

  16. BAN Oversight Process • BAN is randomly observing field events • 13 audits observed: • 3 Stage 1 Audits • 9 Stage 2 Audits • 1 Corrective Action Re-visits • That’s about ½ of the site audits that have been conducted • Do you feel lucky?

  17. Why BAN Oversight? • Confirmation that certification process is proceeding as designed • Understanding first hand issues of: • Interpretation of requirements • Practicality of requirements • Implementation of CB rules • Real-time answers to auditor questions • Feeding the Sanctioned Interpretations

  18. E-Stewards Training Opportunities Libby Chaplin

  19. Training Programs • The e-Stewards Auditor Certification Training • The e-Stewards Internal Auditor Training • e-Stewards Management System Implementation Training • e-Stewards webinar • On-site standard or tailored training • Linked with gap & opportunity assessment

  20. e-Stewards Auditor Certification Training • Curriculum • Why e-waste is a problematic waste stream • Principles of the Basel Convention • Characteristics of the e-waste industry • Structure and scope of the standard and its interaction with ISO 14001 • Practicalities of auditing to the e-Stewards Standard • Unique requirements for auditing to the e-Stewards Standard • Special requirements for registration of an e-Stewards recycler • Target audience • Certification Bodies (CBs) • Auditors working for ANAB-accredited e-Stewards CBs • ANAB Auditors and contract auditors seeking qualification in order to be hired by e-Stewards CBs • Schedule - 2011 • March 8, 9, & 10th • July 18, 19 & 20th

  21. e-Stewards Internal Auditor Training • Curriculum • Why e-waste is a problematic waste stream • Principles of the Basel Convention • Evolution of e-Stewards program • Characteristics of the e-waste industry • Structure and scope of the standard and its interaction with ISO 14001 • Practicalities of auditing to the e-Stewards Standard • How to conduct an internal audit that will enhance an organization’s e-Stewards program • How to use the audit process to prepare for certification. • Target audience • e-Stewards internal auditors • e-Stewards Enterprise 2nd Party auditors • Companies wishing to train their auditors to assure the conformity of their suppliers to e-Stewards requirements. • Schedule • November 8, 9, & 10, 2010 • May 17, 18, & 19th, 2011

  22. e-Stewards Management System Implementation Training • Covers • Why e-waste stewardship is an important risk reduction strategy • Structure and scope of the standard and its interaction with ISO 14001 • Practicalities of implementing the e-Stewards Standard • Designing a e-Stewards Management System that adds business value and demonstrates corporate responsibility to your customers • The key milestones involved in establishing your system and achieving certification • Target Audience • e-Stewards and those wishing to know how to design and implement a successful e-Stewards management system • Schedule • February, TBA, 2011 • April 18, 19, 20th , 2011 • June 6, 7, & 8th, 2011

  23. e-Stewards Webinar • Curriculum • Overview of the e-Stewards Standard • Overview of registration process   • Tips & benefits of implementing an e-Stewards Management System • Expert Q&A session • Target audience • People wishing to know what the e-Stewards program is about • Scheduled

  24. Additional information • Flyer • Questions or to sign up • Go to the SAI Global booth • Talk to Libby Chaplin • Go to our website: www.saiglobal.com/training

  25. Campaign/Political Activities-- Jim

  26. Political and BAN Programmatic Information • Federal Legislation • Expose’s / Field Investigations • Container Tracking / Asset Tags • Press Activities • Op/Eds

  27. e-Stewards Representation / Conferences and Negotiations • EPEAT • Interpol • ICM and other Conferences • WEELABEX • Basel • PACE • EPA

  28. e-Stewards Marketing-- Lauren and Mike

  29. e-Stewards Marketing • It’s all about BRAND recognition • Engage the Enterprise program • USE the brand: Home page and all over your website/marketing materials/facility/business cards/company vehicles • Use “e-Stewards electronics recycler/recycling” for all on-line activity • Fly the flag!

  30. e-Stewards Enterprise Program • The Enterprise program drives businesses to YOUR door • Current Enterprises baselaction network

  31. What e-Stewards Enterprises are saying… “The e-Stewards Enterprise program makes regulating vendor behavior easier to do, puts a process behind certification and auditing, and applies checks and balances to making sure our recyclers and collectors are acting responsibly. We want our member companies, customers, suppliers, and industry colleagues to take notice in how IDEA conducts itself. “ Debra Eggeman, Executive Director Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA) baselaction network

  32. What Enterprises are saying… “Being an e-Stewards Enterprise is important to us since it provides 100% assurance that our e-waste is being handled in a responsible manner and ensures disposal of obsolete equipment is not impacting the environment.” Brad Mirenfeld, Business Director Environmental Sustainability Office Capital One baselaction network

  33. e-Stewards Enterprise Program • Growth plan • Promote through current Enterprises • Affiliate companies • Industry sustainability organizations • Vendors • Employees • Enroll new Enterprises, including major companies, cities and regions – We need YOU! • Work with partner NGOs to engage new audiences and promote the brand • Expand the program to Europe and Asia baselaction network

  34. It’s working…Temple Emanu-El – TikkunOlam

  35. Why Social Media? • Draw thousands of ‘fans’, ‘friends’ and users and instantly communicate on a topic important to YOU • CREATE the news rather than ‘making’ the news • Maximizing the mentions of “e-Stewards electronics recycling” on line increases chances for e-Stewards to result in general searches for “electronics recycling” • The public can reach us easier and faster in a casual way; direct interaction with the community • Update quickly about e-recycling related topics baselaction network

  36. What’s New? Starting Stats… • Facebook Page “e-Stewards Electronics Recycling”- Current “fans”: 38 • Twitter - Current “followers”: 25 • LinkedIn group • Public group members: 93 • e-Stewards Recyclers Only Group: 47 POTENTIAL! • ERI – 31,900 facebook fans • 1-800-RECYCLING – 56,300 facebook fans • NRDC – 139,000 fans • Greenpeace – 619,000 fans • McDonalds – 3,062,600 • Barack Obama – 13,732,100 fans …we have some WORK to do! baselaction network

  37. Facebook:Help promote the e-Stewards Brand If you have a page, go to edit your page. On the right-hand side bar, click on “Send an Update” under “Promote your page”. Please send a mass message/update to tell your fans about e-Stewards electronics recycling! baselaction network

  38. Promote the Brand – invitation Put our page to your page’s favorite (will show up on your page) Suggest to personal friends on your profile baselaction network

  39. Promote the Brand – share Share our post to your page or profile baselaction network

  40. Twitter: Promote the Brand – Retweet “Retweet” our posting on Twitter baselaction network

  41. It WORKS! • Fans/followers guaranteed: e.g., 1-800-recycling Guaranteed thousands of fans in a month baselaction network

  42. LinkedIn – Get connected • The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is 47 • The average number for Harvard Business School grads is 58, so you could skip the MBA, work at Google, and get the connections you need. Later, you can hire Harvard MBAs to prepare your income taxes. • All 500 of the Fortune 500 are represented in LinkedIn. 499 of them are represented by director-level and above employees.

  43. Helping BAN and you… • Rapid audience growth via. SEO and social media for companies dedicated to good causes • Delivers top-ranked websites, facebook pages, and YouTube channels • 415-323-0822 info@goodmedia.com

  44. Providing sustainable recycling solutions 7/24/365 days per year • Zip Code based Recycling Center locator for US locations • Free Listing for Recycling Centers • 1-800-RECYCLING Toll Free Number – Spanish & English • Recycling News, State Regulations, & Environmental Glossary • Mobile App for iPhone & Android • 1000’s of Users per day • 57,309 Facebook Fans • 37,569 Twitter Followers

  45. 1-800-RECYCLING

  46. How to sign up:

  47. Earth911 • 5.1 million visitors annually • Electronics were the #1 most searched products in 2009 • www.earth911.com • 42 facility locations must participate in listing to meet mimimum • $~150/site for listing w/e-Stewards designation • BAN pays set up fees/must administrate

  48. Sample

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