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Tragedy Fourth Quarter: 2012

Tragedy Fourth Quarter: 2012. Drill 1(4/10 AFG)(4/11D H). Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H)

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Tragedy Fourth Quarter: 2012

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  1. TragedyFourth Quarter: 2012

  2. Drill 1(4/10 AFG)(4/11D H) • Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) • Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H) • Objective: SWBAT evaluate the differences between the text and visual representations while focusing on the artist/director’s motives in order to understand the play. • Drill: Take out a sheet of paper and put a proper heading on it. • Create a T-Chart to record differences and similarities between the play and the movie. • Respond to this question in three to four sentences. • Do the characters in the movie match the characters you visualized as you read the play. What is different? What is the same?

  3. Drill 2 (4/11 AF)(4/12GH) • Homework: Act I and Inference Quiz (4/12A)(4/13DFGH) • Status Check 3(4/13D)(4/16AFG)(4/17H) • Objective: SWBAT analyze relationships between and among characters, setting, and events in order to make an inference as to the cause of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Review your goals from the first three quarters. Have you reached your goals? Explain why or why not. • What is your final goal for 8th grade English? Remember to include both a goal and the action needed to reach that goal.

  4. Drill 2 4/13 D Block • Homework: Read Act III scene I and complete notes • Status Check 4 4/23 • Objective: SWBAT analyze relationships between and among characters, setting, and events in order to make an inference as to the cause of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Review your goals from the first three quarters. Have you reached your goals? Explain why or why not. • What is your final goal for 8th grade English? Remember to include both a goal and the action needed to reach that goal.

  5. Drill 3 (4/12 A) (4/13DFGH) • Homework: Status Check 3 (4/16 AFG)(4/17H) • All finish reading and notes for ACT II. • Do not do the BCR. • Objective: SWBAT analyze internal and/or external conflicts that motivate characters and those that advance the plot in order to understand the play. • Drill: Review for the quiz. Put name, date, block and Act I/Inference Quiz on the scantron.

  6. Drill 4 (4/16AFG)(4/17HD) • AFGH take out status check 3 and works cited page • Homework: Act II and III quiz (4/24 A)(4/25DFGH) • Return the Stevens Forest Field Trip Form • Objective: SWBAT analyze figurative language that creates meaning in order to understand Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Working with your team each student should complete the similes handout. • Leaders will be asked to share.

  7. Drill 5 (4/17AF)(4/18DGH) • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Act II and III quiz (4/24 A)(4/25DFGH) • Objective: SWBAT analyze details that provide information about the setting, the mood created by the setting, and ways in which the setting affects characters in order to understand the play. • Drill: Identify the main and subordinate clauses in the following sentence. • I’ll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you, that chances here.

  8. Drill 5 continue • I’ll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you, that chances here. • Main Clauses: • I’ll find your man • he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you • Subordinating clause: • that chances here • What kind of sentence has two main clauses and one or more subordinating clauses? • Compound-Complex • Scavenger Hunt: Identify the main and subordinating clauses • Circle both main clauses and underline the subordinating clause. • It is a meteor that the sun exhal’d to be to thee this night a torchbearer, and light thee on thy way to Mantua. (Act III:v:13-15) • Main: It is a meteor, light thee on thy way to Mantua • Subordinating clause: that the sun exhal’d to be to thee this night a torchbearer

  9. Drill 6 (4/18A)((4/19DFGH) • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Reading as assigned • Act II and III quiz (4/24 A)(4/25DFGH) • Objective: SWBAT paraphrase lines of Shakespeare accurately in order to demonstrate understanding. • Drill: Read Act III:1:93-99 • Paraphrase Mercutio’s words. • Identify the pun.

  10. Act III:i:93-99 • Mercutio: No ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but ‘tis enough, ‘twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow and you will find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague a’ both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to death! A braggart, a rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the devil came you between us! I was hurt under your arm. • Context clues: What does “Zounds” mean? • What does “rogue” mean?

  11. Drill 7 (4/20AFG)(4/23DH) • D block take out Status Check 4 • Homework: Status Check 4 (4/23 DF)(4/24AGH) • Reading as assigned • Act II and III quiz (4/24 A)(4/25DFGH) • Objective: SWBAT analyze details that provide information about the setting, the mood created by the setting, and ways in which the setting affects characters. • Drill: Juliet’s Soliloquy Hand Out • Juliet is waiting for Romeo. She does not know he has killed Tybalt or the he is banished. This is her wedding night. • Highlight all references to day one color and all references to night another. • What is this soliloquy about?

  12. Directions • Work with your teams • Paraphrase each sentence • Answer the questions at the bottom of the paper.

  13. Phoebus literally means radiant one in Greek mythology. He is the Sun God. • Phaethon is the son of the Sun God, Phoebus. He wants proof of his father. He is allowed to drive Phoebus’ chariot pulling the sun across the sky. When he cannot control the chariot and threatens to destroy the Earth, Zeus kills him with a lightning bolt. • Mantle---cape • Amorous--love

  14. Francisco Pacheco

  15. Drill 8 (4/23AF)(4/24DGH) Block DFGH Take out Status Check 4 Homework: Finish Metaphor hand out Act II and III Quiz (4/24A)(4/25DFGH) • Status Check 4 (4/24AGH) • Act III BCR • Objective: SWBAT paraphrase lines of Shakespeare accurately in order to demonstrate understanding. • Drill: Metaphors handout. Work with your team. What you do not finish is homework. We will check tomorrow.

  16. Don’t be Big Nate—Study for the test!

  17. Review for the Quiz • Terms to Know: • Pun • Soliloquy • Aside • Tragedy • Sonnet • Meter • Oxymoron • Know the play well enough to be able to paraphrase short passages.

  18. Drill 9 (4/24 A)(4/25 DFGH) • Block A take out Status Check 4 • Homework: Complete Act III BCR • Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their ability to paraphrase Shakespearean verse. • Drill: Review for the Act II and III quiz • Things to look at Act II and Act III notes • Similes • Metaphors • Imagery

  19. Pun: play on words • Find all of the puns in this comic. Be prepared to explain them.

  20. Drill 10 (4/30 AFH) (5/1 G) • Take out Act III notes and BCR. Collect • Homework: Act IV BCR due next class • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Answer the grammar question you received when you came into the room. Use your notes. Be prepared to explain the grammar rule to your table. Write your answers one the paper. This will be collected.

  21. Drill 10 4/30 D • Take out Act IV notes and BCR • Homework: Status Check 5 5/2 • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Answer the grammar question you received when you came into the room. Use your notes. Be prepared to explain the grammar rule to your table. Write the answer down. This will be collected.

  22. Block D Writing Review • Active/Passive Voice • Revise the following sentence for active/passive voice. • After Mercutio is killed by Tybalt, the mood of Romeo and Juliet changes. • Answer: After Tybalt kills Mercutio, the mood of Romeo and Juliet changes. • Sentence Fluency • Revise the following sentence to combine ideas and make your writing more interesting. • In the beginning of Act III, the mood of Romeo and Juliet is playful. After Tybalt kills Mercutio the mood changes from playful to serious.

  23. Citing Shakespeare • In quoting shorter passages in linear form, you still need to indicate line breaks when Shakespeare is writing in verse: Othello recalls, "Upon this hint I spake: / She lov'd me for the dangers I had pass'd, / And I lov'd her that she did pity them" (I.iii.166-168). • When quoting four or more lines from Shakespeare, normally you should use block quotation: • Richard III tells his troops, • Remember whom you are to cope withal: A sort of vagabonds, rascals, and runaways, A scum of Britains and base lackey peasants, Whom their o'ercloyed country vomits forth To desperate adventures and assur'd destruction. (V.iii.315-319) • Use the Act/scene/lines • Notice punctuation.

  24. Drill 11 (5/1 AH) (5/2 FG) • Homework: Finish reading Act V • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Language of grief handout. • Complete the language of grief handout. • Paraphrase both passages. • Answer the questions in complete sentences.

  25. Drill 11 5/1 D • Homework: Finish reading Act V • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Language of grief handout. • Complete the language of grief handout. • Paraphrase

  26. Drill 12 (5/2 H) (5/3 AFG) • Take out Act V notes • Homework: Status Check 5 (5/7 AHG) (5/8 F) • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Read any part of Act V you still need to read and complete your notes sheet.

  27. Drill 12 5/2 D • Take out Status Check 5 • Homework: Work on project due next week • Objective: SWBAT understand Shakespearean verse through dramatic readings. • Drill: Read any part of Act V you still need to read and complete your notes sheet.

  28. Extra Drill for Friday, May 4 • Homework: Blocks AFGH Status check five • D block complete project • Objective: SWBAT compare and contrast the written play with a movie adaptation. • Drill: Take out a piece of paper, put a proper heading on it and create a T-Chart.

  29. Extra Drill for Friday, May 4 D Block • Homework: • D block complete project • Objective: SWBAT read and interpret Shakespeare in order to understand the play. • Drill: Take out Act V notes. Read any part of Act V you have not read yet.

  30. Drill 13 (5/7AHG) (5/8 F) • Homework: Finish Project • Objective: SWBAT make comparisons between written and cinematic adaptations of Romeo and Juliet in order to improve understanding. • Drill: Sit with your project group. • Take out your Project Journal and your proof of life • Make sure the journal is complete and the proof of life is ready to turn in. • Use this time to work with your group.

  31. Drill 13 (5/7 D) • Take out Projects and Journals • Homework: Begin reviewing notes for assessment 5/30 • Objective: SWBAT evaluate themes in Romeo and Juliet in order to develop and synthesize themes across literature. • Drill: Think about Frankenstein and the theme of responsibility. Draw on class discussions. Who is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Be prepared to argue your point with claims and counter claims.

  32. Drill 14 (5/8 G) (5/9 AF)(5/10H) • Homework: finish projects • Objective: SWBAT identify theme in Romeo and Juliet and use text support in order to argue the theme in writing. • Drill: Think about all the discussions we have had about what Romeo and Juliet is about. What do you think Shakespeare is trying to say? What is the theme of the play? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

  33. Drill 14 (5/10 D) • Homework: Complete the draft of the paper. Due 5/11 for Peer Review Activity. • Objective: SWBAT analyze similar themes, across multiple texts especially experiences, emotions, issues, and ideas across texts that give rise to universal themes in order to develop a paper on a universal theme found in Romeo and Juliet. • Drill: Who said it? Handout.

  34. Drill 15 (5/9 H) (5/10AF)(5/11H) • Homework: Finish project • Objective: SWBAT identify character traits based on what the characters say, do, and think in order to understand elements of drama. • Drill: Pick one of the main characters of Romeo and Juliet besides Romeo or Juliet and create a character sketch based on what the character says, does, and thinks. Support your characterization with evidence from the text.

  35. Drill 15 (5/11 D) • Homework: Final paper due 5/16 • Objective: SWBAT compose texts using the revising and editing strategies of effective writers and speakers in order to produce a polished final paper. • Drill: Take out your draft and proof read for conventions.

  36. Drill 16 (5/11AG)(5/14FH) • Homework: Projects Due • Objective: SWBAT identify character traits based on what the characters say, do, and think in order to understand elements of drama. • Drill: Take out any notes or pictures you have for the Who Would You Choose Activity.

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