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Exp. Sensitivity to CKM Angles

Exp. Sensitivity to CKM Angles. References BaBar Physics Book: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacreports/slac-r-504.html Fermilab Run II B-Workshop writeup: http://www-theory.lbl.gov/~ligeti/Brun2/report/drafts/

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Exp. Sensitivity to CKM Angles

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  1. Exp. Sensitivity to CKM Angles References • BaBar Physics Book: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacreports/slac-r-504.html • Fermilab Run II B-Workshop writeup: http://www-theory.lbl.gov/~ligeti/Brun2/report/drafts/ • BTeV Proposal (May 2000): http://www-btev.fnal.gov/public_documents/btev_proposal/index.html • “B Decays at the LHC” (1999 LHC SM Workshop):http://pball.home.cern.ch/pball/bdecaypage.html • “Present and Future CP Measurements” (UK Phenom. W’kshop 2000)hep-ph/0102159 • + various talks Notes • sensitivities for single exp – usually for one year, optimistic numbers used Columbia D0 Snowmass Meeting - H.Evans

  2. b c (,) W u  W   t b s (0,0) (0,1) ,Z u Review of CKM Angles and Pitfalls Tree Level Penguin Columbia D0 Snowmass Meeting - H.Evans

  3. sin 2: Bd J/ Ks • Most use J/l+l- , Ks+- Columbia D0 Snowmass Meeting - H.Evans

  4. Bd +-: Problems with Penguins  adir,amix  eff Bd  : Dalitz analysis necessary Columbia D0 Snowmass Meeting - H.Evans

  5.  and Friends Columbia D0 Snowmass Meeting - H.Evans

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