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Master of Occupational Health Seminar November 19, 2019

Master of Occupational Health Seminar November 19, 2019. Kara A. Arnold, PhD. Overview: My research interests. Psychosocial factors related to well-being: Leadership & employee well-being Perspective of both employee and leader

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Master of Occupational Health Seminar November 19, 2019

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  1. Master of Occupational Health Seminar November 19, 2019 Kara A. Arnold, PhD

  2. Overview: My research interests • Psychosocial factors related to well-being: • Leadership & employee well-being • Perspective of both employee and leader • Other projects – workplace aggression & incivility; flexible scheduling; ERGM; HR policies & practices; safety climate • Diversity: • Women in leadership – intersects with well-being • Sexual orientation

  3. Arnold & Walsh (2015) Discussion questions • Arnold, K.A., & Walsh, M.M. (2015). Customer incivility and employee well-being: Testing the moderating effects of meaning, perspective taking and transformational leadership. Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health and Organisations. 29(4), 362-378.doi:10.1080/02678373.2015.107/5234 • Have any of you held customer service roles? Is this challenge familiar? • Did your supervisor help the situation or make it worse? • What are the practical implications of this study’s findings?

  4. Arnold (2017)Discussion questions • Arnold, K.A. (2017). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: A review and directions for future research. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 22(3), 381-393.http://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/ocp0000062. • Have you ever worked for a leader that you would consider transformational? • Was this helpful for you in terms of the stress you felt, or your general well-being? In a good way or not? • Based on the findings of this review, should organizations train their leaders/managers to be transformational?

  5. Lin et al (2018)Discussion questions • Lin, S.J., Scott, B.A., & Matta, F.K. (Published online, 2018). The dark side of transformational leader behaviours for leaders themselves: A conservation of resources perspective. Academy of Management Journal. • Have you been in a leadership role and experienced negative outcomes from trying to be a good leader? • Do you know of someone who has? • How can we reconcile these findings with those in Arnold (2017)? • Based on this, what advice would you give leaders? And should organizations train leaders to be transformational? Other practical implications from these findings?

  6. General Discussion • Which paper was most interesting to you and why? • What do you conclude about leadership and employee well-being from this set of readings? • Further reading: • Kelloway, E.K. & Barling, J (2010). Leadership development as an intervention in occupational health psychology. Work & Stress, 24(3), 260-279.

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