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C.S.O.M.: Mastoidectomy. Dr. Vishal Sharma. Schwartze’s Cortical Mastoidectomy. Middle ear cleft (Right). Cortical Mastoidectomy. Boundaries of cavity. Superior: Dural or Tegmen plate Anterior: Posterior wall of external auditory canal Inferior: Digastric ridge
C.S.O.M.: Mastoidectomy Dr. Vishal Sharma
Boundaries of cavity • Superior:Dural or Tegmen plate • Anterior:Posterior wall of external auditory canal • Inferior:Digastric ridge • Posterior:Sigmoid sinus plate • Medially:Lateral semicircular canal
Coalescent mastoiditis & Masked mastoiditis • CSOM T.T.D. active refractory to antibiotics • Secretory otitis media refractory to antibiotics • Approach to: Endolymphatic sac surgery Facial nerve decompression Vestibulo-cochlear nerve section Translabyrinthine approach for C.P. angle Cochlear implant surgery Combined approach tympanoplasty
Medical Treatment Topical ear drops + frequent suction clearance Indications: • Early disease with shallow retraction pocket • Only hearing ear with cholesteatoma • Elderly patients • Pts who are not fit for surgery under G.A. • Pts who can regularly come for follow up
Surgical Treatment Canal Wall down: • Attico-antrostomy • Modified Radical Mastoidectomy (MRM) • Radical Mastoidectomy Canal Wall up: • Combined Approach Tympanoplasty (CAT)
Perform cortical mastoidectomy • Lower facial ridge & break facial bridge • Remove cholesteatoma & granulations from mastoid air cells & middle ear cavity • Preserve healthy mucosa, T.M. remnant & ossicles • Mastoid cavity & E.A.C. become a single cavity seperated by middle ear cavity • Perform tympanoplasty. Do concho-meatoplasty.