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Ibadat –Rituals or More. Literal Meaning:. The basic concept implied by the root word, ' abd , is that of acknowledging someone other than oneself Holding supremacy or enjoying over lordship
Literal Meaning: • The basic concept implied by the root word, 'abd, is that of acknowledging someone other than oneself • Holding supremacy or enjoying over lordship • Abdicating one's freedom and independence in big favor, of relinquishing any resistance to or disobedience • Surrendering oneself totally to one’s authority • Its not slavery or bondage which tantamount to similar status, the sense conveys to the mind of Arabs is of this very factor, namely, Slavery / Bondage
In Fiqh • The Arabic word ibadah (عبادة) or ibada has connotations of obedience, submission, and humility. • In Islam, ibadah is the ultimate obedience, the ultimate submission, and the ultimate humility to Allah (God) along with the ultimate love for Him. • Ibadah is the reason for the existence of all humanity.. Following Islamic beliefs and practices – its commands, prohibitions, the halal, and the haram. • Ibadah cannot be forced upon another person
Concept Classical Concept • It includes anything refined for elites in the form of worship, flattery, gifts etc • Any thing meant for Holy Royal • Brhaman in Hinduism • Confession in Christianity • Leading congregation of Hajj in Islam
Modern Concept • Rituals: Prayer, fasting, Ganga Ashnan, Idolatry etc • Thoughts: Prophet S.A.W used to worship in Cave Hira. Ibadat of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S related to thoughts. • Experience:Self denial, love, Chilla, Mediation Wajjadh, Tasawuf,Zikar etc • Amer Bil Maroof wa Nahi En-el-Munkir • Social Work: Sadka-e-Jaria • Human rights- Haqooq-ul-Ebad • Truth and Truthfulness
Cont…. • Islamic concept of Ibada is beautiful mix of all definitions of ibada. As Allah said in Holy Quran The Quran says: • "And to every nation We sent Messengers, ordering them that they should worship Allah alone, obey Him, and make their worship purely for Him; and that they should avoid at-Taaghoot." [Sooratun-Nahl 16:36]
Nature of Ibadat in Islam • Physical Ibada • Financial Ibada • Spiritual Ibada • (Thoughts) Fikriibada • Primary ibada it includes five basic ibada. Prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj,Jihad (Obligatory) • Secondary ibada e.g. Charity, Nawafil, slaughtering of animal to Seek mercy of Allah (Recommended) • Social ibada e.g. Greetings, Eid, funeral namaz, Amanat (Optional) • Political ibada e.g. establishment of Islamic state etc (??????)
Infradi-o-Ijtamai fwayid Collective and Individual Benefits
Individual Reimbursements Individual benefits: • Faith or belief in the Oneness of God • Fulfillment of basic purpose of life • Nourishment of Self (Nafs) • Hatred for evil • Cause the mercy of Allah • Self purification • Sense of Responsibility
Collective • Spirit of Brotherhood • Equality • Realization of others’ pain • Foundation of healthy society • Implementation of Shariah • Development of values • Strength of social relations • Social development • Social betterment/welfare • Spirit of mutual help
Ibadat/ 5 ibadah-five pillars of Islam • Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad; • Namaz /Establishment of the daily prayers; • Zakat /Concern for and almsgiving to the needy; • Roza /Self-purification through fasting; • Hajj/The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able. Jihad !!!!!!
Some objectives • Namaz was declared as farz on 10 hijri • Roza was declared as farz on 2 hijri • Zakat was declared as farz on 2 hijri (9 hijri rules) • Hajj was declared as Farz/wajib on 9 hijrai
Zakat • Concept • Purity, Tazkiya • Three important constituents • Rate, Time, threshold • Difference B/w Zakat and Sadq`aat,Nifaq,Khums,Fay,Haq
(a) A religious function: • In this respect zakat is a manifestation of the faith that affirms that God is the sole owner of everything in the universe, and what men hold is a trust in their hand over which God made them trustees to discharge it as He has laid down: • Al-Quran Surah Al-Hadid (57:7) "Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend of that over which He made you trustees" • It is also an expression of gratitude towards the Bestower Who said: "If you give thanks, I will give you more." (Quran 14:7)
(b) a social functions • Zakat makes a fair contribution to social stability. • By purging the soul of the rich of selfishness and the soul of the poor of envy and resentment against society, • It stops up the channels leading to class hatred and makes it possible for the springs of brotherhood and solidarity to gush forth
Socio-Economics Effects • Circulation of Wealth • Reduction in Poverty (Umer-bin abdul Aziz and Saladin) • Economic Prosperity • Reduction in Unemployment • Increase in Investment • Increase in consumption (Y= C+ S)
Possibility of Working of Zakat • Corruption in Collection and Distribution • Increased administrative Cost • Exemptions in Payments of Zakat • True Education • Collective Reimbursement by Govt • Separation of Zakat and Sadakat • Trust Deficit on System
Some important questions about Zakat to ponder over • Can Zakat be given to Non-Muslims • Is it applicable on Non-Muslims • Can it be given to Mosques, Madaras etc • Can it be given in family ? • Do Holy Royals pay or receive Zakat ?
Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [ Allah 's blessings] upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. 9-103
Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise. 9-60
Agri production and Zakat • And He it is who causes gardens to grow, [both] trellised and untrellised, and palm trees and crops of different [kinds of] food and olives and pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of [each of] its fruit when it yields and give its due [zakah] on the day of its harvest. And be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess. 6-141-inaam
And know that anything you obtain of war booty - then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for [his] near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the [stranded] traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our Servant on the day of criterion - the day when the two armies met. And Allah , over all things, is competent. 8-41-infiaal
They ask you, [O Muhammad], what they should spend. Say, "Whatever you spend of good is [to be] for parents and relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveler. And whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it."
[Charity is] for the poor who have been restricted for the cause of Allah , unable to move about in the land. An ignorant [person] would think them self-sufficient because of their restraint, but you will know them by their [characteristic] sign. They do not ask people persistently [or at all]. And whatever you spend of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. 2-273