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Title I Feedback Meeting May 16, 2019 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a feedback meeting to discuss and provide input on vital documents for the upcoming school year according to ESSA regulations. Learn about the parental involvement plan, school-parent compact, engagement budget, and more.

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Title I Feedback Meeting May 16, 2019 2:00 p.m.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title I Feedback Meeting May 16, 20192:00 p.m.

  2. Purpose of Feedback Meeting • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that each Title I School hold parent meetings to receive feedback on the following documents: • Parent Involvement Plan • Parent-School Compact • Parent engagement budget • School-wide Plan/School Improvement Plan • Strategies to build teacher and parent capacity

  3. Parent Feedback • Please submit feedback using the paper survey provided • Place your survey on the back table before you leave. • Parent feedback will be used to revise the documents for the 19-20 school year. • Revised documents will be available on the school website and discussed at the Annual Title I Parent Meeting in the fall.

  4. What’s included in the school’s Parental Involvement Plan? • This plan addresses how the school will implement the parental involvement requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Components include… • How parents can be involved in decision-making and activities • How parental involvement funds are being used • How school-parent compact outlines all stakeholder responsibilities • How the school will build capacity in parents and staff for strong parental involvement • .

  5. What is the School-Parent Compact? • The compact is a commitment from the school, the parent, and the student to share in the responsibility for improved academic achievement. • Each parent will be asked to sign the revised compact for 19-20. • You, as Title I Parents, have the right to be involved in the development of the School-Parent Compact.

  6. How is Title I Parent Involvement Funds Spent? • Any district with a Title I Allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of it’s Title I allocation for parental involvement. • Columbia County’s Title I FY18 Allocation is $2,498,656. • 1% set-aside for parent involvement is $24,986. • Each Title I school receives a per pupil amount of the $24,986 to implement school-level parental involvement. • Currently, our school uses parent involvement funds for • Bullpup Men, Family Literacy Night, STEM Night, Pre-K and Kindergarten Summer Activity, Slowing the Summer Slide, Parent Resource Room

  7. What is a School-wide/School Improvement Plan? • The School-wide Improvement Plan includes: • How the school conducted a needs assessment to determine areas of strength and areas needing improvement in the school. • Measureable goals that address the identified needs of the school • Action plan for meeting the goals • Professional learning needed to meet goals.

  8. Building Parent Capacity

  9. What type of training do our teachers need to increase parent engagement? • Visit to Brumbee Elementary School (last year) • Visit to Ron Clark Academy (last year) • Bus Tour of NHE school zone (last year) • Research-based articles and videos • Looking into APTT

  10. What type of training can we provide parents to support students’ academic needs? • Bullpup Men • Family Literacy Night • STEM Night • Slowing the Summer Slide • Please list suggestions of what you would like to see offered.

  11. Concerns Regarding Title I Programs Sonya Bailey, Principal 706-556-5997 Sonya.Bailey@ccboe.net Betty Barfield, Parent Involvement Coordinator 706-556-5995 Elizabeth.Barfield@ccboe.net Brian Campbell, Title I Director 706-541-2723 ext. 5230 Brian.Campbell@ccboe.net

  12. Questions? • Please turn in feedback forms before you leave. • Annual Title I Meeting will be in the fall of 2019.

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