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NQT Induction Tutor

This meeting provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities of an Induction Tutor, including support, assessment coordination, and sharing resources. It covers assessing NQT progress, identifying early action needs, and overseeing professional development. The meeting emphasizes ongoing support, observations, feedback, and formal assessments to ensure NQTs meet Teachers' Standards.

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NQT Induction Tutor

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  1. NQT Induction Tutor Updates Meeting Autumn 2019 Deb Harris Gloucestershire Local Authority NQTs@gloucestershire.gov.uk

  2. Objectives • Share good practice. • To discuss specific roles, responsibilities and actions of an Induction Tutor. • To share key resources NQTs@gloucestershire.gov.uk

  3. Roles & responsibilities of an induction tutor • The head teacher/principal must identify a person to act as the NQT’s induction tutor, to provide monitoring / support, and co-ordination of assessment. See example policy for more details. http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolsnet/glosed/networks/ • The induction tutor: • must hold QTS. • must be given time to carry out the role. • will make judgements about the NQT’s progress. • will recognise when early action is needed. • In addition, some schools also allocate an induction mentor.

  4. Roles & responsibilities

  5. The induction tutor will provide: • Ongoing support. • Carry out Observations and Feedback. • Carry out Professional Progress Meetings. • Assessment Meetings and Reports.

  6. Term 4 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1 Term 5 Term 6 Ongoing informal monitoring e.g. drop-ins, observations, meetings, work scrutiny. Ongoing informal monitoring e.g. drop-ins, observations, meetings, work scrutiny. Ongoing informal monitoring e.g. drop-ins, observations, meetings, work scrutiny. Progress Review / assessment Meeting Progress Review Meeting Progress Review / assessment Meeting Progress Review Meeting Progress Review Meeting Progress Review / assessment Meeting Formal observations of the NQT’s teaching. Follow–up discussion, providing written feedback against the Teachers’ Standards Formal observations of the NQT’s teaching. Follow–up discussion, providing written feedback against the Teachers’ Standards Formal observations of the NQT’s teaching. Follow–up discussion, providing written feedback against the Teachers’ Standards 2nd Assessment 3rd / Final Assessment 1st Assessment Collate relevant evidence to contribute to the formal assessment Collate relevant evidence to contribute to the formal assessment Collate relevant evidence to contribute to the formal assessment Progress Review / Assessment meeting with NQT Progress Review / Assessment meeting with NQT Progress Review / Assessment meeting with NQT

  7. 1. Ongoing Support – personalised for each NQT • reduced timetable; • provide, or co-ordinate, on going guidance and effective support including coaching and mentoring for the NQT’s professional development and implementing an induction to your school – see example • ensure NQT’s are aware of how, both within and outside the school / setting, they can raise any concerns about their induction or their personal progress; • take prompt, appropriate action if an NQT appears to be having difficulties or is making slow progress; for example through an action plan.

  8. 2. Observations and Feedback • An NQT’s teaching should be observed at intervals throughout their induction period against the standards. The first one should be in the first four weeks of term. Observations of the NQT may be undertaken by the induction tutor or another suitable person who holds QTS . Observations should be against the standards and not Ofsted grades. • The NQT and the observer should meet to discuss the teaching that has been observed. Feedback should be prompt and constructive and followed up with a written record. It should enable the NQT to have a clear view of their performance against the standards, and set objectives from any areas that may require further development. • If it is considered appropriate , an action plan may be formulated to address specific areas of concern, and steps agreed that will support improvement.

  9. 3. Professional Progress Meetings. • Arrangements for Professional Progress meetings should be made in advance and a brief written record made. This could be dated annotations on the Teacher’s Standards Tracker. (See example record and example tracker.) • The induction tutor and NQT should review progress against the Teachers’ Standards. • Reviews should be informed by evidence of the NQT’steachingand any other aspects of their work as a teacher and must be recorded.

  10. 4. Assessment Meetings and Reports • Formal assessments meetings should take place between the NQT and the head teacher/principal or the induction tutor. This should occur as near to the report submission date as possible i.e.3 per year. Many people use the second progress review meeting of each term as the assessment meeting. • These meetings should gather together evidence from the term to feed into the assessment report – see example. Judgements made relate directly to the standards. NQTs can also bring additional evidence to be considered at these meetings. • There should be no surprises.

  11. Annual timetable for the return of newly qualified teacher (NQT) assessment paperworkSeptember 2019 - July 2020 This timetable applies to the majority of NQTs. However, if your NQT is part-time or did not start at the beginning of term, different return dates may apply

  12. Extension of the induction period • The AB has the option, when making its decision at the end of the induction period, to extend the period where this can be justified. It determines the length of the extension, the procedure for assessments during it, and the recommendation at its end. Examples where AB may decide to extend include the following: • Personal circumstances • Illness • Disability • Issues around the school’s support or evidence during induction

  13. Key Resources • 1a. NQT Induction programme sample • 1b. Timeline • 1c. Action Plan format • 1d. Action Plan example • 2. Lesson observation formats (2 options) • 3. Teachers Standards’ Tracker • 3a. Blank • 3b. Excel Blank. • 3c. Completed example • 3d. Example record of Personal Progress Review meeting • 4. New assessment report formats (plus completed example) • 5. Example Policy http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolsnet/glosed/networks/

  14. Resources to support you can be found here http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolsnet/glosed/

  15. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/induction-for-newly-qualified-teachers-nqtshttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/induction-for-newly-qualified-teachers-nqts

  16. Gloucestershire L.A. NQT CPD.

  17. The local NQT Team • Virtual Support http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolsnet/glosed/networks/ • Support, Monitoring and administration: (Anne Lloyd) • CPD http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolsnet/glosed/networks/ • Quality Assurance: (Deb Harris & Anna Barker) NQTs@gloucestershire.gov.uk

  18. Good Practice

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