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Cyfnod sefydlu ANG NQT Induction. Prosesau Statudol Sefydlu Statutory Induction Arrangements. English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wytybRBpmk8 Welsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yy_4ask1eA&t=8s. Aims for induction arrangements. Consistency in structure and support across ERW
Cyfnod sefydlu ANGNQT Induction ProsesauStatudolSefydlu Statutory Induction Arrangements English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wytybRBpmk8 Welsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yy_4ask1eA&t=8s
Aims for induction arrangements Consistency in structure and support across ERW Cysondebar draws y rhanbarth Flexibility within different patterns of employment Hyblygrwydd High quality experience for NQTs Profiad o ansawdd da Fair and equitable process Proses deg a chyfartalibawb Rigorous assessment Asesiadtrwyadl
Arrangements from SeptemberTrefniantargyfermisMedi Induction period consists of 380 sessions - equivalent to one school year All periods of teaching of half a day or more will count towards induction for all NQTs (1 sesiwn = ½ diwrnod) No limit on when induction period must be completed. Mae pobdiwrnodyncyfrif! An NQT can not start Induction or log any sessions in a school in Special Measures
Trefniant o fisMediArrangements from September Supervision and assessment against the practising teacher standards (PTS) In practice, support and training delivered by: Induction Mentor and External Verifier (Mentor sefydlua’rdilyswrallanol) Through other events and activities provided by LA/consortia Appropriate body (AB)(Corffpriodol) will use evidence from school and External Verifier (gwiriwrallanol) to make assessment
Roles and responsibilitiesEichrôla’chcyfrifoldebau NQT/ANG: Has to register as a member of the EWC (as a teacher) Rhaidcofrestru Inform the school they are an NQT and provide Career Entry Profile from their ITT college Rhaidhysbysu’rysgoleich bod yn ANG Ensure EWC is kept fully informed of status and is notified of each period of employment Rhaidhysbysu CGA Participate in training and development activities Identify and maintain a record of evidence of meeting the PTS Rhaidcadwcofnodo’chprofiadau
Roles and responsibilitiesRôl a chyfridoldebau Headteacher/ Pennaeth: Provide EWC with required notifications. Hysbysu’r CGA Assign a school-based mentor to provide day-to-day support Trefnu bod mentor sefydluareichcyfer Ensure the NQT receives 10% reduced timetable in addition to the 10% reduction for PPA. Sicrhaueich bod yncael 10 % ychwanegol Liaise with the external verifier (EV) Work in collaboration with the EV to provide evidence that will contribute to the final assessment
Roles and responsibilitiesRôl a chyfirfoldebau Induction mentor (IM)/ Mentor sefydlu: Attend consortium training Mynychuhyfforddiant Provide day-to-day coaching and mentoring support to the NQT throughout the induction period Eichmentoraa’chcefnogi Set NQT’s professional development priorities for the year based on Career Entry Profile and PTS Gosodblaenoriaethau Observe the NQT teaching Arsylwigwersi Support the NQT in identifying evidence of meeting the PTS Provide evidence to the EV of NQT’s progress Tystiolaethargyfer y GA Liaise with AB as required Cydweithiogyda’r CP
Roles and responsibilitiesRôl a chyfrifildebau External mentor (EV) Gwiriwrallanol (GA): Monitor NQT’s progress and hold half termly cluster meetings Monitrocynnyddmewncyfarfodyddclwstwr Quality assure induction arrangements by working with IM and headteacherDilysugwaith y mentor sefydlua’rpennaeth Observe the NQT teaching Cydarsylwi 1 wersgyda’r mentor sefydlu Assess all induction profiles against PTS Asesuproffiliauynerbyn y safonau Provide evidence to the AB Rhoi’rtystiolaethi’r CP
Roles and responsibilities Rôl a chyfrifoldebau Appropriate body (AB)/ CorffPriodol (CP): Overall responsibility to ensure that induction meets the statutory requirements Cyfrifoldebdros y prosesaustatudol Work with EV and IM to quality assure school induction arrangements Intervene where necessary Provide LA/Consortia support to all NQTs Work with EWC to assign External Mentor to NQT Use assessment evidence to make final decision on induction outcome and inform EWC
Before starting in your new schoolCyndechraumewnysgol As an NQT you will need to: Register with the EWC Cofrestrwchgyda’r CGA Ensure you have copy of your Career Entry Profile Cadwchgopio’chproffilgyrfa Inform your school you are an NQT Dwedwchwrthyrysgoleich bod yn ANG
Induction period Cyfnod sefydluBased on full-time, three term model Term 1: HT sends Induction notification forms to EWC within 10 days of starting at the school HT assigns Induction Mentor (IM) IM sets priorities with NQT based on CEP & PTS within 10 days of starting at the school IM & EV carries out a joint observation of the NQT teaching before half term NQT starts gathering evidence of meeting PTS IM reviews evidence with NQT and completes the on-line progress review identifying new targets if appropriate (Pebble Pad) NQT attends all organised ERW training events EV will be assigned by half term
Induction periodCyfnodsefydluBased on full-time, three term model Term 2: IM carries out observation of the NQT teaching before half term NQT continues gathering evidence of meeting PTS EV arranges cluster meetings IM reviews evidence with NQT and completes the on-line progress review identifying new targets if appropriate NQT attends all organised ERW training events
Induction period Cyfnod sefydlu Term 3: IM carries out observation of the NQT teaching before half term NQT finalises evidence of meeting PTS EV to QA process IM reviews evidence with NQT and completes the on-line progress review and completes summative assessment Update Section 4 and ensure 380 session have been logged and verified
Part-time teachersAthrawonrhanamser Exactly the same requirements and entitlements as full-time teachers except that the timescale for completing induction (380 sessions) will be longer than for a full time teacher. Part time teachers should also therefore: Participate in training and development activities by joining a cluster Identify and maintain a record of evidence of meeting the PTS Ensure EWC are kept fully informed of status and are notified of each period of employment
Short-term supply teachersAthrawontymorbyr Must notify EWC when starting induction including expected LA area of work – EWC will inform AB Rhaidhysbysu’r CGA All sessions must be logged and verified using Section 4 of the on-line tool at least half termly Rhaidcofnodi’rsesiynauyngyson An EV will be assigned who will also be your mentor Fe gewchWiriwrallanol a fyddynfentori chi
Assessment EvidenceTystiolaethasesu Evidence of meeting logging professional experiences – examples drawn from practice( need to add impact statements for each standard) NQT collects evidence progressively, throughout year Casglutystiolaethyngyson Evidence recorded in Induction Profile Cofnoditystiolaeth Induction Profile builds on CEP, leads into performance management and PLP Reviewed and supported by IM/EV Yncaeleiadolgua’icefnogigan mentor sefydlu a gwiriwrallanol
Engage in the process and ensure a successful induction period and future career ! Byddwchynrhanweithredolo’r broses ermwynllwyddoyneichcyfnodsefydlua’chgyrfa!