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State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Post Secondary

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Post Secondary. Project Manager: Arthur Kenjora IT Programs and Projects Dept . Arizona Department of Education 1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Office: 602.542.3012 E-Mail: Arthur.Kenjora@azed.gov. Overview. Scope, Objective, Milestones

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State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Post Secondary

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  1. State Fiscal Stabilization FundPost Secondary Project Manager: Arthur Kenjora IT Programs and Projects Dept. Arizona Department of Education 1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Office: 602.542.3012 E-Mail: Arthur.Kenjora@azed.gov

  2. Overview • Scope, Objective, Milestones • High Level Requirements • Data Source Implementation Options • Next Steps

  3. SFSF Post Secondary Phase I - Spring 2011 Scope and Objectives • Receive & store the following data: • B1-4: The capacity to communicate with higher education data systems  is included in the State's statewide longitudinal system • B1-10: Student -level college readiness test scores are included in the State's statewide longitudinal system • B1-11: Information regarding the extent to which student transition successfully from secondary school to post secondary education, including whether students enroll in remedial coursework are included in the State's statewide longitudinal system • B1-12:Other information determined necessary by business rules to address alignment and adequate preparation for post secondary education  are included in the State's statewide longitudinal system • C11: Of the student who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i),the number and percentages who enroll in an Institution of Higher Education (IHE) (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)) within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma • C12: Of the student who graduate from high school consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i), who enroll in the State within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma, the number and percentage who complete at least one year's worth of college credit (applicable to a degree) within two years of enrollment in the IHE • Enrollment & graduation data from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), covering 22 Community Colleges and 3 Arizona State Universities. • ACT scores from ACT. Milestones

  4. SFSF Post Secondary OPTION #2 OPTION #1 Option #1:  Each Community College will provide data from independently based system capabilities. Option #2:  ADE will utilize ASSIST (http://www.asu.edu/assist/) system to extract SFSF required data elements.  • Current review shows us 85% of data elements required are available.  • Remaining 15% on agenda for discussion in workshop for receipt by each community college. • ASSIST is a data warehouse managed by the ASSIST Office of Institutional Analysis who also enforce data privacy/distribution rules agreed upon by each participating institution. ASSIST 11 Community Colleges 10 Maricopa County Community Colleges 3 Universities Arizona State Universities Maricopa County & Regional Community Colleges Data Warehouse

  5. AZ-SLDS & SFSF Post Secondary

  6. Collaboration Activities High-Level ADE Activities For each of the Sources of Data Elements Define Data Architecture and Technical Architecture to ensure customer adherence Define and Implement Identity Management System Define templates and/or interface requirements for data extract/Transform to support load process Define Requirements necessary to land extracted data in the Data Warehouse Define and Implement method of deliver to customers Build ADE specific Reporting Requirements for each institution Test and Deploy Reporting and Extract Programs Train Users (Reporting/Extract) High-Level Collaboration Activities For each of the 22 Community Colleges & 3 Universities: Data Definition with Community Colleges, Universitiesand Data Architect, Technical Architect (ADE) Work with ASSIST, Community Colleges and Universities to build (automated) extract scripts based on pre-defined/agreed data elements Manage Districts Extracts Build Customer Reporting Requirements Test and Deploy Reporting and Extract Programs Train Users (Reporting/Extract ,if necessary)

  7. SFSF Post SecondaryShort Term Next Steps • SFSF Data Definition Workshop to identify data sources, elements, and capability. • Meeting with Dan Anderson, Arizona Board of Regents to confirm data availability within ASSIST • Meeting with Melinda Gabel, ASSIST Steering Committee (ASU) to confirm data availability within ASSIST • Agreement by Community Colleges, Universities and ADE based on system capability and data availability • Finalize requirements across Community Colleges & Universities for Data Definition, Business Rules, Data Collection Methodology, and End-Customer Reporting.

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