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Department of Defense Education Activity DoDEA Pacific Allowances and Benefits August 2013

Department of Defense Education Activity DoDEA Pacific Allowances and Benefits August 2013. Your DoDEA-Pacific Servicing Human Resources Team Members. Lead Human Resources Specialist : Ms. Cynthia Southall, 644-5860 Human Resources Specialists: Ms. Tina Renfeld, 644-5856

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Department of Defense Education Activity DoDEA Pacific Allowances and Benefits August 2013

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  1. Department of Defense Education Activity DoDEA PacificAllowances and Benefits August 2013

  2. Your DoDEA-Pacific ServicingHuman Resources Team Members Lead Human Resources Specialist : Ms. Cynthia Southall, 644-5860 Human Resources Specialists: Ms. Tina Renfeld, 644-5856 Ms. Susan Maravich, 644-5858 Ms. Melissa Fossum, 644-5850 Customer Service Rep/Payroll: Mr. Charles Hines, 644-5939

  3. MAJOR TOPICS • Checklists • Advance Pay • Foreign Transfer Allowance • Miscellaneous Expense Allowance • Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) • Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) • LQA Reconciliation • Post Allowance • Federal Employees Group Life Insurance • Federal Employees Health Benefits • Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) • Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) • Educator Leave

  4. Japan District Incoming TransfereesIn processing Forms Checklist22/23 August 2013

  5. Japan District’s Incoming CONUS Hires In processing Forms Checklist22/23 August 2013

  6. ADVANCE PAY Eligible employees authorized a permanent change of station (PCS) to a foreign area may be authorized an advance of pay. The maximum advance allowed is up to 3 months of base pay (NET). WHAT TO SUBMIT: • SF-1190, Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report (hard-copy version) • PCS Travel Orders (DD1614) • If you are a current Federal employee, a copy of your last Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) • If you are a new Federal employee, a copy of your signed Offer Letter indicating your tentative salary amount or your Appointment SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action.

  7. ADVANCE PAY Employees must submit ALL required documentation to their servicing Customer Service Representative or Human Resources Specialist. Your School Secretary will be able to assist you. Advance pay is NOT requested through DAPS.

  8. Areas to Complete: page 1: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, Section 15 - please input the following information: a. requesting __ (1,2, or 3 months worth pay) b. On 21 or 26 pay periods **Special items to attach: a. Copy of PCS orders b. LES or Official Offer Letter (from New Employees)

  9. Areas to Complete: page 2: 16, 17, Section 21b: Advances – please check the box next to ADVANCE of PAY (DSSR 850): a. fill in will be repaid in 21 pay periods **IMPORTANT AREAS: -NEED YOUR BANK INFORMATION IN 19A-19B -Employee MUST SIGN IN SECTION 21 AND DATE

  10. FOREIGN TRANSFER ALLOWANCE (FTA)Pre-departure Subsistence Expense Portion Foreign Transfer Allowance (FTA) is for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by an eligible employee and family members. The pre-departure subsistence expense portion is applicable to lodging, meals (including tips), laundry, & dry cleaning expenses while occupying temporary quarters for up to 10 days before final departure from the U.S. to the overseas area. Expenses for local transportation (taxi, train, etc.) are not authorized under FTA. HOW TO REQUEST: • Create/submit an SF-1190 + worksheet on-line through the DODEA Allowances Processing System (DAPS). • Attach a copy of your $0-balance paid lodging receipt directly to your DAPS request or email a copy to your School Secretary for processing

  11. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE ALLOWANCE(MEA) for New CONUS-Hires The lump sum miscellaneous expense allowance (MEA) portion under FTA exists to assist with certain extraordinary costs such as converting household appliances; obtaining auto registration and drivers license, etc. AMOUNTS AUTHORIZED: • Without receipts: $650 for employees w/o dependents and $1,300 for employees with dependents. • With receipts:Reimbursement is authorized up to 1 week of employee’s base pay for those w/o dependents or 2 weeks base pay for those with dependents. HOW TO REQUEST: • Submit an SF-1190 + worksheet on-line through the DODEA Allowances Processing System (DAPS). If you’re itemizing your expenses, attach a copy of all receipts directly to your DAPS request or email to your School Secretary for processing.

  12. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE ALLOWANCE for Transfer Employees Miscellaneous Expense Allowance (MEA) is authorized to reimburse a current employee for various costs associated with an authorized permanent change of station/temporary change of station residence relocation. WHAT TO SUBMIT: • One standard travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2) • Copy of travel orders (front & back). • Amendments, if applicable HOW TO SUBMIT: • The completed travel voucher + travel orders should be faxed to the DFAS contact number listed on Page 2 of your travel orders.

  13. TEMPORARY QUARTERSSUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE (TQSA) • TQSA is an allowance granted to an eligible employee for actual expenses for the reasonable cost *of temporary quarters, meals, and laundry expenses incurred by the employee and/or family members: • Incoming TQSA may be granted for a period not to exceed 90 days after first arrival at a new post in the foreign area; • Outgoing TQSA may be granted for a period not to exceed 30 days immediately preceding final departure from the post subsequent to the necessary vacating of residence quarters. TQSA shall not be simultaneously paid while living quarters allowance (LQA) or post allowance is being paid. *Note: DODEA reserves the right to request receipts for any TQSA submission.

  14. TEMPORARY QUARTERSSUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE (TQSA) HOW TO REQUEST: • Submit one TQSA request on-line using the DODEA Allowances Processing Systems (DAPS) • Ensure you complete the TQSA Worksheet on Screen 2 of each TQSA request in DAPS • Attach your $0-balance paid Lodging Receipt directly to each DAPS request or email a copy to your School Secretary


  16. LIVING QUARTERS ALLOWANCE (LQA) LQA is a living quarters allowance granted to an eligible employee for the annual cost of suitable, adequate, off-base living quarters for the employee and his/her family. This includes rent + utilities but does not include TV , phone or internet expenses. LQA is not designed to cover 100% of quarters costs. HOW TO REQUEST: • After your move-in date, create/submit an SF-1190 & worksheet on-line via the DoDEA Allowances Processing System (DAPS). • Attach a copy of your rental contract or purchase agreement directly to your DAPS request or e-mail to your School Secretary. • If you elect on-base quarters, you need not request LQA.

  17. LQA FOR DEPENDENTS Spouses and children who may be listed on the SF-1190 for LQA purposes are; Spouse, excluding a spouse entitled to and receiving a similar allowance; Children, who are unmarried and under 21 years of age or, regardless of age, are incapable of self-support. The term children shall include in addition to natural offspring, step and adopted children and those under legal guardianship of the employee or the spouse when such children are expected to be under such legal guardianship at least until they reach 21 years of age, and when dependent upon and normally residing with the guardian. Employee married to employee with no children may each claim their own LQA, but quarters costs will be split 50/50. With children, one may claim the single rate and one may claim the with family rate. NOTE: This is not an all inclusive list of dependents. Please refer any questions on LQA to your servicing human resources representative.

  18. LIVING QUARTERS ALLOWANCE (LQA) • DODDS PACIFIC – JAPAN/OKINAWA DISTRICTS • REQUEST FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT OF AGENT'S/APPRECIATION FEES • I, ____________________________________, SSN _______________, • (Name) • request the following be paid in advance to me and not included in my biweekly LQA payments: • a) Agent's Fee _____________________________ • (Amount in Yen) • b) Appreciation Fee _____________________________ • (Amount in Yen) • C) ntereston a loan from American Financial Institution to finance "Key Money" paid to landlord _____________________________ • (Amount) • (Must provide proof from American Financial Institution of Loan) • ___________________________________ ___________________ • Signature Date • Note: This form must accompany your documentation requesting to begin your LQA. You must scan to following items to your computer to be able to attach the items in DAPS: Copy of Lease (all pgs) All Paid Receipts **Agency Reimbursement Form

  19. LQA RECONCILIATION WHEN TO SUBMIT: The Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) require employees to submit a LQA reconciliation after one year of occupancy in their new living quarters. WHAT TO SUBMIT: • Reconciliation Worksheet – Enter currency utilized for payment of utilities. • Utilities Receipts – Ensure receipts are translated (if not in English) and submitted in chronological order. HOW TO SUBMIT: • Scan/e-mail LQA reconciliation package to your servicing Human Resources Representative. Your servicing representative will proof the recon before forwarding to DODEA for processing. *NOTE: The actual LQA expenses will be compared to the amount of LQA authorized and paid during the first year of occupancy. If your actual expenses exceed the amount paid, you will be paid the difference up to the maximum allowable. If your actual expenses are less than the amount paid, you will be indebted for the overpayment.


  21. POST ALLOWANCE Post allowance (PA) is a cost-of-living allowance intended to reimburse eligible employees officially stationed at a post in a foreign area for goods and services more expensive than in Washington D.C. Post Allowance is a percentage of spendable income not a percentage of salary. Post allowance is not authorized while in a TQSA Status. Employee work schedule must be full time or full-time seasonal. HOW TO SUBMIT: • Current full-time employees should complete/submit an on-line SF-1190 form via the DODEA Allowances Processing System (DAPS).

  22. PA FOR DEPENDENTS Dependents who may be listed on the SF-1190 for PA purposes are; Spouse, excluding a spouse entitled to and receiving a similar allowance for him/herself. Children, who are unmarried and under 21 years of age or, regardless of age, are incapable of self-support. The term children shall include in addition to natural offspring, step and adopted children and those under legal guardianship of the employee and/or the spouse when such children are expected to be under such legal guardianship at least until they reach 21 years of age and when dependent upon and normally residing with the guardian**. Dual-Sponsor married couples without children residing at post will each claim their own PA; If children are at post, one employee claims the “single” PA rate, the other claims “with family” rate. Dependents must reside at the post to be claimed on PA. Employees must actively remove a dependent from PA in DAPS if a dependent departs post for over 30 days; otherwise, a debt may accrue. **NOTE: This is not an all-inclusive list of dependents. Please refer any questions on PA to your servicing Human Resources Representative.

  23. When Dependent Allowances End

  24. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES GROUP LIFE INSURANCE (FEGLI) • Basic Insurance • As a Federal employee, you automatically have Basic insurance, unless you waive it or you are in a position excluded from FEGLI by law or regulation. • Optional Insurance • Optional insurance is not automatic; you must elect it. Most enrollees who elect optional insurance do so via the SF 2817 "Life Insurance Election". • You may elect Optional insurance if: • You have Basic insurance; • You do not have a waiver of that type of Optional insurance still in effect (or a waiver of that number of Option B or Option C multiples still in effect); and • Your periodic pay, after all other deductions, is enough to cover the full cost. • IMPORTANT: If you do not want FEGLI coverage, you MUST waive your enrollment through via the SF 2817 or EBIS. Otherwise, you will be charged for the Basic Plan.

  25. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES GROUP LIFE INSURANCE (FEGLI) • To review all plans and cost of life insurance please the following website: http://www.opm.gov/insure/ • Registration, Enrollment and Cancellation of FEGLI is completed inside EBIS website: http://www.hr.dla.mil/resources/benefits/ebis/

  26. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS (FEHB) • Employees serving on permanent appointments and certain employees serving on temporary appointments may participate in the health program for themselves and their eligible family members. • Registration, Enrollment and Cancellation of FEHB: Every employee who is eligible must register to enroll or waive enrollment within 60 days of the effective date of appointment. An employee who does not elect coverage is thereafter precluded from enrolling until the “open season” or occurrences of an event permitting enrollment. • Use www.opm.gov to compare the costs, benefits, and features of different plans.

  27. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS (FEHB) • To review all plans and cost of health insurance please the following website: http://www.opm.gov/insure/ • Registration, Enrollment and Cancellation of FEHB is completed inside EBIS website: http://www.hr.dla.mil/resources/benefits/ebis/

  28. THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) • The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement savings and investment plan for Federal employees. Congress established the TSP in the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Act of 1986. • The purpose of the TSP is to supplement retirement income and it offers Federal employees the same type of savings and tax benefits many private corporations offer their employees under so-called “401K” plans. • The TSP is a defined contribution plan. The retirement income you receive from your TSP account will depend on how much you and your agency have contributed to your account. TSP contributions are tax deferred.

  29. THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) • Newly hired FERS employees will receive agency contributions upon eligibility. • DoDEA Agency Matching Contributions equal to 3% deposit, plus you receive an Agency Automatic Contribution that is equal to 1% of your basic pay each pay period whether you contribute or not. • If you are contributing, your agency will match your contribution: Dollar for Dollar on the first 3% you contribute each pay period 50 cents on the dollar for the next 2 % you contribute • CSRS employees do not receive any agency contributions.

  30. THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) HOW MUCH CAN I ELECT TO CONTRIBUTE? Current Limits and Rates This page was updated on January 1, 2013. Loan interest rate for new loans is 1.250%. Elective Deferral Limit (I.R.C. Section 402(g)): The elective deferral limit for 2013 is $17,500 and 2012 was $17,000. See the Fact Sheet Annual Limit on Elective Deferrals . Catch-Up Contributions: The limit on catch-up contributions for 2012 and 2011 is $5,500. If you are at least age 50 (or will become age 50 during the calendar year) and if you have made or will make the maximum amount of employee contributions for the calendar year (e.g., $17,500 in 2013), you may also make catch-up contributions to your TSP account. Can’t exceed $23,000 for 2013 See the Fact Sheet "Catch-Up Contributions Your account balance is updated each business day. To access your account balance on this web site, you will need your TSP account number (or custom user ID) and your 8-character Web Password. To obtain your account balance from the ThriftLine, you will need your TSP account number and 4-digit TSP Personal Identification Number (PIN).

  31. NEW ROTH THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) Roth vs. Traditional Contributions:

  32. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INFORMATION SYSTEM (EBIS) The Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS) is an automated tool created to provide 24 hour access to information on programs such as health benefits, life insurance, retirement, and the Thrift Savings Plan. Get detailed program information on how to make changes to your enrollments during open seasons or other allowed changes outside the open seasons. Your personal information is protected and available only to you. HOW TO ACCESS EBIS: • ARE YOU A FIRST-TIME USER? The first time you access the EBIS system, you must create a User-ID and Password on the Point of Entry (POE) screen. • INFORMATION REQUIRED TO CREATE USER ID AND PASSWORD: Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Service Computation Date for Leave (SCD-Leave), Pay Plan, Grade, and Step. You may obtain this information from your leave and earnings statement or most recent Notice of Personnel Action (SF-50). You may access your EBIS via the DODEA website: http://www.dodea.edu/offices/hr/

  33. EDUCATOR LEAVE • Teachers are entitled to Educator Leave. Leave is accrued at the rate of one (1) day for each calendar month. • Earning rate for full-time Teachers: 10 days per school year. • Three (3) days of Any Purpose Leave (APL) and seven (7) days of Educator Leave. If the APL is not used during the current leave year, it will be converted to Educator leave.

  34. DoDEA Educator - RAT Can I take my RAT any time of the year? According to the Joint Travel Regulation Vol II, Chapter 5, Part K C5542 Teachers in the DOD Overseas Dependents School System A. Completion of Period of Service RAT. Under RAT authority, a teacher who satisfactorily completes the period of service in the transportation agreement is authorized travel to a CONUS/Non-foreign OCONUS actual residence during the summer recess. The travel is authorized whether return is to the same/a different OCONUS area. According to the Negotiated Agreement, ARTICLE 48 – TRAVEL Section 6 Unit employees shall be authorized renewal agreement travel (RAT) during summer recess periods upon completion of their prescribed tour of duty under their transportation agreement. Completion of 175 days in a pay status constitutes a school year for the purposes of RAT.

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