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Different Approaches to Competence Descriptors

Different Approaches to Competence Descriptors. Key Issues. Language and meaning Reduction of complex wholes into constituent parts . The use of ‘competence’. language competence. linguistic, strategic, sociocultural. modes, skills. behaviours. Descriptors.

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Different Approaches to Competence Descriptors

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  1. Different Approaches to Competence Descriptors

  2. Key Issues • Language and meaning • Reduction of complex wholes into constituent parts

  3. The use of ‘competence’ language competence linguistic, strategic, sociocultural modes, skills behaviours

  4. Descriptors • Specific - related to an assessment task • Broad - indicator of learning appropriate to attainment at a particular level

  5. ...in move from broad to narrow statements • loss of key elements • separation of key elements • teaching becomes mechanistic

  6. Progression B Write a letter A

  7. ‘Write a postcard’ ‘...that inadvertently conveys homesickness’

  8. Negotiation of meaning • Cultural assumptions • Contextual clues • Implicit understanding

  9. Difference between first and second language acquisition • Relationship between language as subject and language in other subjects

  10. Descriptors as focus for assessment • Specific testing requirements • Broad approach to assessment needed in other contexts

  11. Descriptors as a focus for education as a right • Learning outcomes for assessment purposes may be too narrow • Role for descriptors in identifying rights

  12. Descriptors have potential to • make activities more focused and purposeful • act as reminder of the need for acquisition of skills and competences • make process of learning more transparent • help support and identify progression

  13. BUT • Must not detract from genuine engagement, intrinsic motivation, focus on meaning • Bald statements of outcome say little about the importance of the educational process that makes for successful learning

  14. Descriptors Community of practice

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