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New REA Program

Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary Alice L. Sweeney, Director Department of Career Services Michelle R. Amante, Director Department of Unemployment Assistance. New REA Program. Agenda. Welcome and Introductions

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New REA Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary Alice L. Sweeney, Director Department of Career Services Michelle R. Amante, Director Department of Unemployment Assistance New REA Program

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • Summary of Changes for REA Program • Review of Program Flow • Increased Outreach to Bring REA Enrollees to Career Centers • Emphasis on LMI • Emphasis on Work Search Review • REA Review • MOSES Updates • Communication with DUA • Wrap up and Questions

  3. Current REA Program Components • UI Claimant must be provided Labor Market Information (LMI) • UI Claimant must register with JobQuest • Review of UI Claimant Career Action Plan (CAP) • Work Search Verification • CCS/REA Review must be Attended/Attained by Week 5 • Referral to other Career Center Services • Referral to DUA Adjudication when Necessary

  4. New REA - Overview of Changes • Enrollment into REA • Claimants will now be enrolled at the time they receive their first check • CCS Notification Letter • All REA claimants are sent the same CCS letter except for people who attended a CCS in last 30 days • Claimants enrolled in REA who attended a CCS in the last 30 days are waived from attending the CCS (similar to EUC-REA) • Career Center Staff will contact the ‘30 Dayers’ to schedule them for their REA Review (similar to EUC-REA) • Emphasis on Outreach to Reduce Sanctions • Robo call and letter 10 days after invite if no CCS attendance • Claimants who do not attend the REA Review by week 4 after enrollment will receive a reminder Robo call

  5. New REA - Overview of Changes continued… • Length of the Program (5 weeks) • Claimant has 3 weeks to attend CCS from date of enrollment (date of the CCS Invite Letter) • Claimant has 5 weeks to attend/attain REA Review from the date of enrollment • REA Reviews do not have to be scheduled between weeks 2-4 • UI Sanction • Claimants who do not attend a CCS and attain their REA Review by week 5 after enrollment will receive a 1 week sanction • Reminder Calls - Outreach • CCS reminder robo call & letter at 10th day from enrollment • REA Review reminder robo call at 4th week from enrollment

  6. New REA - Overview of Changes continued… • New Emphasis on LMI and Work Search Verification • Emphasis on LMI as the foundation of an informed and effective work search • Recognizing the link between LMI and the Work Search Activity Log • DUA Work Search Activity Log must be used - this will be the only acceptable form • Claimants will be instructed to keep copies of their weekly Work Search Activity Logs to provide to DUA upon request • CCS and EUC Orientation will be updated to emphasize work search requirements and maintenance of Work Search Activity Logs

  7. Side by Side Comparison

  8. New REA Starting April 1, 2013

  9. LMI Training & Development

  10. LMI Training & Development

  11. As part of the REA Grant, the role of the LMI Training and Development Team is to consult with One-Stop Career Center leadership and staff to assess training needs. The focus is to design, implement, and conduct professional development in the areas of LMI as it relates to job search activities. 11

  12. Labor Market Information Updates

  13. Labor Market Information (LMI) • The new REA grant emphasizes LMI and how it benefits the job seeker’s re-employment opportunities. • CCS seminar will be updated to include slides that emphasize the tight link between LMI and the Work Search Activity Log. • The focus will drive the customer’s approach to work search. 13

  14. Benefits of Using Labor Market Information 14

  15. Why is LMI Important? As a vital benefit for job seekers, it helps to: Identify skill gaps and wage information Know what jobs are growing or declining Find employers who are filling jobs of interest Narrow the job search Make informed decisions Find employers that hire people in the occupation being researched Find the right job *LMI is a requirement for REA participants* 15


  17. LMI Tools 17

  18. Works Search Activity Log Updates

  19. Benefits of Using Work Search Activity Log 20

  20. REA Review

  21. 22

  22. The REA Review is a focused discussion between the REA Specialist and the job seeker. • This review emphasizes: • assessing work search and CAP progress • connecting Work Search Activity Log and Labor Market Research • relating knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) to the job search • guiding the job seeker to available resources REA Review 23

  23. Lets take a look at your work search log to see what we can learn about your job search • Review and notice trends to discuss with customer • The number of jobs applied for • The job titles and industries • Methods of Job search • Pay rate • Results • Did your job search lead to any interviews • Did your interviews lead to any job offers • What LMI tools did you use to help focus your job search REA Review 24

  24. Did you notice that your occupation had related job searches based on your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities? • Have you considered that a related occupation may be an option when looking for a job? • Were you able to find jobs in your occupation? Are your skills still in demand? • Do you know how to determine this using LMI? • Based on these answers we may need to look at a few areas to see how we can guide you toward your re-employment goals. REA Review 25

  25. REA Review Exercise

  26. Activity Instructions Job Seeker Total time: 15-20 minutes REA Specialist Observer

  27. REA Review • Emphasize tight link between Work Search Activity Log and LMI • Ensure that one-on-one review meets the REA Grant Guidelines • Ensure that the job seeker has a focused approach to next steps 28

  28. MOSES Updates

  29. MOSES Updates • CCS Event Schedule • CCS Event Attendance • REA Program History • Work Search CAP Goal • MOSES Notes

  30. CCS Event Schedule

  31. CCS Event Attendance • Enrollment and REA Review Deadline date

  32. REA Program History

  33. CAP Goals • Multiple REA Enrollments

  34. Work Search CAP Goal • New Requirement for Attained

  35. MOSES Notes • Notes will Auto-populate with Work Search Description

  36. MassWorkforce • 30-Dayers Outreach Report Report name: REA mail email export 30-dayers

  37. Communicating with DUA

  38. Communicating with DUA • Weekly DUA REA Sanction Report • Customer has an issue 66 because of an REA issue • DUA Contact Person – Staff only Sue Clark - DUA REA Program Manager EMAIL: sclark@detma.org PHONE:617-626-6861 • MOSES All notes in MOSES must be clear and concise and provide a description of customers reason for DNR, DNA or API

  39. Communicating with DUA EUC REA Customers that have questions on their claim must call: 617-626-6800

  40. Questions and Wrap Up

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