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    3. Curriculum Vitae A CV or curriculum vitae is a marketing tool. With your CV you will be able to promote yourself. Imagine the CV as being a brochure that will list the benefits of a particular service. The service being your time and skills! When writing a CV look at it from your employers point of view. Would you stand out against the competition (the other candidates) and would the manager want to talk you for a possible job? You have to ask yourself these questions when writing your CV or curriculum vitae.

    4. Networking and interviewing are essential for your job hunt and your CV is just the first step in the job search. However a CV will be your first contact with potential employers and will open the door. If you are invited for an interview you would then be in a position to explain and expand on what is in your CV.

    5. Some advice: Remember not to omit any personal information (address, age, marital status, contact telephone, e-mail...). Most HR managers receive thousands and thousands of CVs, so try to keep the number of pages in your CV to a minimum Write it on a computer. You can send a written letter of introduction, if the prospective employer requires it. Use Simple phrases and a clear language uses, in this way the company will be able to understand you better.

    6. Resume Recommendation # 1 Focus your resume on what the potential employer wants to hear.  Your resume should be an advertisement addressing the needs of the potential employer, NOT your autobiography.  The employer should be thinking "wow, this person has exactly what I am looking for" as they read your resume. Resume Recommendation # 2 Make your resume easy to read.  A potential employer will spend approximately 20 seconds scanning each of the 50-100 resumes in front of them.  An easy-to-read format enables them to read your whole resume rather than a small portion in that 20 seconds. Resume Recommendation # 3 Write a resume with substance & depth. Don't summarize, water-down, and oversimplify your job responsibilities and accomplishments.  The result is that a potential employer thinks "this person is lazy and doesn't do very much" Resume Recommendation # 4 Be bold but honest throughout your resume.  An employer will interview only the 3-5 strongest candidates.  Modesty will cause you to lose the interview. Resume Recommendation # 5 Prioritize the information that the employer seeks and simplify or omit information of minimal interest to the employer.  The most significant accomplishments and jobs need to be at the beginning of the resume, not buried further down the page. Resume Recommendation # 6 Proofread your resume to eliminate spelling errors, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies.  A potential employer will say "a person presenting them self this poorly on paper will likely poorly represent our company."

    12. Dear Sirs, I am a 24-year old Turkish graduate from Istanbul University of Biology. I have been working for a Turkish pharmaceutical company for 3 years as a sales representative. I work mainly outside the office directly with hospitals, doctors and pharmacies. We also have pharmaceutical training periodically. I organise our weekly meetings and prepare presentations on human anatomy and drugs. Last year, while working, I completed a post graduate course in Business administration at the University of Istanbul Faculty of Business. I need to improve my English for my job and to help me get promotion at work. I started my career in the pharmaceutical sector and I wanted to learn more and to increase my knowledge of the marketing environment. I have already worked in biological analysis and sales. I hope I can learn a lot from this experience. Regards M.G.

    13. http://www.resume-resource.com/ http://www.resume1-2-3.com/ http://www.resumesplanet.com/ (Her bir hizmet için ort 70 USD)

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