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Understanding the Page Layout Example Question. Assessment Criteria: this is what is being tested in the question. Example Answer: the blue text gives examples of different levels of an answer. The black italicised text shows the Edexcel mark scheme used for the level.
Understanding the Page Layout Example Question. Assessment Criteria: this is what is being tested in the question. Example Answer: the blue textgives examples of different levels of an answer. The black italicised text shows the Edexcel mark scheme used for the level. The Top Tip gives pointers on improving your answers. .
There are a seven rules that apply to every single exam answer. • Answer the actual question.This may sound obvious, but if you don’t do this, you can’t get good marks. • Stop and think before you start writing an answer. • Planning exactly what you are writing about will help you to get the best marks. • Always use the words of the question at the beginning and in your answer.This will help you to focus an actually answering the set question. • Frequently check that you are still answering the set question how it actually asks you to. • Timing. Divide the minutes available by the total marks to find out how much time to spend on each answer. • Planning. This is essential for your answers to questions 3, 4 and 5, as they involve writing an essay. • Answer the right number of questions. In this exam, all of the questions are compulsory. • Question 1 carries 6 marks. What can you learn from Source A about life in Britain in 1942 ? • Question 2 carries 8 marks. Why was this newspaper article published? • Question 3 carries 10 marks. Do sources A and B support the evidence of Source C about the impact of the welfare state? • Question 4 carries 10 marks. How reliable are sources D and E as evidence of people’s experience of the welfare state? • Question 5 carries 16 marks. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” • How far do the sources in the paper support this statement?
Example Questions Question 1 Study Source A. What can you learn from Source A about life in Britain in 1942 ? 6 marks Question 2 8 marks Study Source B and use your own knowledge. Why was this newspaper article published? Use details from the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. Question 3 10 marks Study Sources A, B and C. Do Sources A and B support the evidence of Source C about the impact of the welfare state? Explain your answer using the sources. Question 4 10 marks Study Sources D and E and use your own knowledge. How reliable are sources D and E as evidence of people’s experience of the welfare state? Explain your answer, using Sources D and E and your own knowledge. Question 5 16 marks Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” How far do the sources in the paper support this statement? Use details from the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer.
What should I revise? Question 1 Is a source comprehension and inference and inference support question. Tip: No factual revision is required, but review the example answer and make sure that you understand about inferences and how to support conclusions. Question 2 Is a source comprehension and interpretation, message and purpose question. This requires that you are able to read and understand Source B, identify and explain its message and then use this to explain why it was produced. To do this you need to think about who produced it and to use your own knowledge of what was happening at the time that it was produced (contextual knowledge). Tip: This question is testing that you have studied the whole syllabus, so it could be on almost anything. Carefully study the example answer to understand how. Question 3 is a comprehension, interpretation, and cross-referencing and recall of knowledge question. This requires you to compare three sources, namely A, B and C. You will be expected to read and interpret the meaning of the sources and to compare them for points of similarity and difference. For the top marks you will be expected to support what you say with evidence drawn from the sources as well as your own contextual knowledge and to consider the degree to which they support each other. Tip: Carefully study the example answer to understand how to answer these questions. It is very important that you focus on what the questions asks you to write about, in this case: “ To what extent do these sources agree about the impact of the welfare state?” Question 4 requires the evaluation of sources for utility and recall of knowledge question. This requires you to make a supported judgement about the usefulness of two sources in order to answer a particular historical enquiry. For the higher marks you will have to discuss the nature (what the source is about and the type of source), the origin of the source (who produced it) and the purpose of the source (why it was produced). Tip: Make sure that you focus on answering the actual question. Study the top level of the example answer comments on “How reliable are sources D and E as evidence of people’s experience of the welfare state?” Study the example answers to understand how to do this. Question 5 assesses your ability to explore the evidence for and against an hypothesis (an unproven statement contained in the question), using all of the sources skills assessed in questions 3 and 4. It also expects recall of knowledge. The question also assesses your quality of written communication. To gain the best marks you will have to provide a balanced answer that uses an introduction and paragraphs to examine the evidence for and against the hypothesis that forms a part of the question. In the case of the example answer: “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” Tip: You are advised to plan carefully for this answer for at least 5 minutes, before spending 20 minutes writing the answer. Study the example answer to understand how to do this. Revise topics that lend themselves to different interpretations: what was the worst effect of the Depression, was everyone badly affected by the Depression, what was the worst effect of World War 2, what was the most important result of the war, did everyone welcome the Welfare State?
Question 5 Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” How far do the sources in the paper support this statement? Use details from the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer. 16 Marks Targets: Use of historical sources and recall of knowledge to produce a balanced evaluation of an hypothesis Most people welcomed the welfare state because it gave people benefits that they hadn’t had before. Source B describes all the things that will be free and Source E lists how the family had free glasses and false teeth.Level One (1-4 marks) Generalised answer, offers valid undeveloped comment without direct support from sources or own knowledge, or selects from the sources , but without direct linkage to the question. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Your ability to use the sources and your own knowledge to select, use and communicate evidence to support and / or oppose an hypothesis. Top Tip This answer provides a number of correct, but undeveloped statements. Because there are no links to the sources to support ideas and no attempt to actually discuss the hypothesis, it cannot earn more than four marks. Compare it with the level 2 answer on the next slide.
Question 5 Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” How far do the sources in the paper support this statement? Use details from the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer. 16 Marks Targets: Use of historical sources and recall of knowledge to produce a balanced evaluation of an hypothesis I agree that the welfare state was welcomed by everyone because the sources include many advantages. Source C says that its introduction was “one of the greatest days in British history”. Source F explains how Mrs Bond’s family got free treatment at the optician and dentist. Source C was written by an historian who is able to provide an objective and balanced judgement by writing forty years later. Mrs Bond is talking from personal experience and her comments are backed up by Source B, which lists the same benefits. Level Two (5-8 marks) Supported answer offers a judgement on the hypothesis and links to relevant details from the sources. Award 7-8 marks to answers which also comment on the reliability or sufficiency of the sources. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Your ability to use the sources and your own knowledge to select, use and communicate evidence to support and / or oppose an hypothesis. Top Tip This answer makes supported judgements about the “reliability” of both of the sources based on their content, nature and origin. It uses these judgements to addresses the actual question by including words from the question. Compare this with the level 3 answer on the next slide.
Question 5 Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” How far do the sources in the paper support this statement? Use details from the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer. 16 Marks Targets: Use of historical sources and recall of knowledge to produce a balanced evaluation of an hypothesis Many of the sources support the notion that the introduction of the welfare state was welcomed by all. In Source A the architect of the welfare state, William Beveridge, outlines the “giant evils” whose defeat was to be the result of the welfare state. In Source B the Daily Mail describes all of the new benefits that would be available in two days time on the Appointed Day. People were told that they will be cared for from before birth until after they had died. Mrs Bond’s description of how her family benefited from the welfare state further supports the hypothesis that the welfare state was welcomed by everyone. This primary evidence is backed up by the objective view of Peter Hennessy, an historian, writing forty years after the event, when he states the 5th July 1948 “was one of the great days in British history …it was the day that like no other transformed like no other the lives and life chances of the British people.” Level Three (9-12 marks) Response focuses on the issues and reaches a judgement making direct use of the sources. At this level the answer will be unbalanced and only points of agreement or disagreement will be convincingly dealt with. Award 11-12 marks to responses which also identify issues of reliability and or sufficiency of the sources. In this question the examiner will be assessing: Your ability to use the sources and your own knowledge to select, use and communicate evidence to support and / or oppose an hypothesis. Top Tip This answer makes supported judgements about the “reliability” of both of the sources based on their content, nature, origin and purpose and uses these to support the answer. As it not a balanced argument, it is level 3. Compare this with the level 4 answer on the next slide.
Question 5 Study all the sources (A to F) and use your own knowledge. “The introduction of the welfare state was a change that was welcomed by everyone.” How far do the sources in the paper support this statement? Use details from the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer. 16 Marks Targets: Use of historical sources and recall of knowledge to produce a balanced evaluation of an hypothesis Many of the sources support the notion that the introduction of the welfare state was welcomed by all. In Source A the architect of the welfare state, William Beveridge, outlines the “giant evils” whose defeat was to be the result of the welfare state. In Source B the Daily Mail describes all of the new benefits that would be available in two days time on the Appointed Day. People were told that they will be cared for from before birth until after they had died. Mrs Bond’s description of how her family benefited from the welfare state further supports the hypothesis that the welfare state was welcomed by everyone. This primary evidence is backed up by the objective view of Peter Hennessy, an historian, writing forty years after the event, when he states the 5th July 1948 “was one of the great days in British history …it was the day that like no other transformed like no other the lives and life chances of the British people.” However, not all of the sources support the hypothesis that the introduction of the welfare state was “welcomed by everyone”. In Source B, the Daily Mail is, in fact, critical of the manner in which the benefits were to be available. It talks of “a new Britain, in a State which “takes over” its citizens six months before they are born …”. Britain had just fought the Second World war against a Nazi State that dominated the lives of not only its citizens, but also the peoples of occupied Europe. It then goes on the say “for 4s 11d out of your weekly pay packet.”, suggesting that the freedom of choice had been removed. There were, in fact many people who did not welcome the welfare state. It was expensive and Britain at the time was deeply in debt. Winston Churchill had lost the 1945 election partly because he had said that welfare reforms could not all be introduced at once. The welfare state was unpopular among the more wealthy who would pay increased tax to fund it and in particular among the Doctors, who feared the loss of private patients. Source F, published on the Appointed Day, shows Aneurin Bevan, the politician responsible for the introduction of the welfare state, wrestling to control a doctor and a dentist. For these reasons, it is not possible to generalise about peoples’ reactions to the introduction of the welfare state. Top Tip Notice the evidence to support the view that not everyone welcomed the welfare state, but that many did. At the same time the origin of sources is considered and this is used to explain the views that they express. The examiner will see evidence of your own knowledge when you explain these views. The information on Churchill and opposition from the wealthy and the medical profession also demonstrates own knowledge. Finally the writing reaches a balanced conclusion linked to the question.