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Standard Terminology Alignment Study: Enhancing Cross-Standard Consistency

This study analyzes terminological inconsistencies across standards P1687.1 and P2654, aiming to establish a common grammar and defined usage intent for shared terms. Observations reveal the need for clarity and alignment to ensure consistent understanding. Through examining various standards, the study aims to improve the uniformity and accuracy of terminology usage.

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Standard Terminology Alignment Study: Enhancing Cross-Standard Consistency

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  1. P1687.1 Glossary Discussion Bradford G. Van Treuren 16 April 2019

  2. Outline • Motivation • What P2654 is considering • Terminology usage across standards • Observations

  3. Motivation • Need a common grammar between P1687.1 and P2654 • Analysis of other standards P2654 is leveraging reveals inconsistency in the usage of some common terms and in most cases common terms are not defined in the standards as to their usage intent. Thus, there is an overloading or inconsistent use of terminology across standards. • Analysis of standards also revealed different terms used for the same object

  4. P2654 (STAM) Glossary • Retarget (Dictionary.com): to aim toward or calibrate for a different target • Retarget: to translate an instrument pattern to one or more network-level patterns using the same protocol and structure • Transform (Dictionary.com): 1) to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose. 2) to change in condition, nature, or character; convert. 3) to change into another substance; transmute. • Transform: to change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature, character or substance into another that is an equivalent representation of the intent of the original behavior (May need to describe in terms of protocols and structure) The intent and behavior of the original is the same for the new representation. Ex. Serial (TTL vs. RS232), A/D (SPI tuning too slow for app)

  5. P2654 (STAM) Glossary • Event(Dictionary.com): something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time. Physics . in relativity, an occurrence that is sharply localized at a single point in space and instant of time. • Event: Action that changes state of the hardware at a particular point in time (Glenn: any change that causes a reevaluation is an event) • Pattern Retargeting: the process of translating an instrument pattern to aone or more network-interface using the same protocollevel vectors • Retargeter: The tooling used for retargeting an instrument pattern to a new network-interface using the same protocollevel

  6. P2654 (STAM) Glossary • Access Interface: The interface (hardware or software) whereby a selected path is controlled • Access Point: A point in the hierarchy (pin, protocol, or sub-structure) whereby a change in protocol or structure of the data takes place • Virtual Access Point: An Access Point that is stimulated indirectly by the stimulation of a higher level Access Point

  7. Glossary: AccessLink • AccessLink(1687-2014): An Instrument Connectivity Language (ICL) keyword that is used to describe the details of the interface between the device pins and the network. The IEEE 1149.1 test access port (TAP) has a well-defined description built into ICL.

  8. Glossary: Access Point • Access Point (P2654): A point in the hierarchy (pin, protocol, or sub-structure) whereby a change in protocol or structure of the data takes place

  9. Glossary: Chip • Chip (1149.1-2013): Typically mounted on a board or some other package with other components. The more general term “component” is normally used in this standard for a compliant object as there may be multiple integrated circuits in a package, even when they behave as a single object. Syn.: integrated circuit (IC).

  10. Glossary: Component • Component (1149.1-2013): An active or passive electronic part. For the sake of this standard, this usually refers to an integrated circuit, although it could include non-integrated-circuit devices mounted on a board. See also: chip. • Component (1687-2014): A hardware entity that is one of the primitive building blocks of the network, including storage elements, multiplexers, and logic. • Jan: Should we specify resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc. as examples of components for STAM? Is a logic gate a STAM primitive? • Ian: At what point does a primitive building block transform into a component on its own? • Jon: There are all kinds of things called chips. Resistors, capacitors, IC’s. • Ian: IC is thought as more of a mountable active component. Vs passive component. • Jon: Is an IC only a passive device? • Terry: Integrated into a single fabrication process. • Louis: Active element group (includes active element and corresponding passive components necessary to make the circuit work) • Brad: Probably have to straddle between 1149.1-2013 and 1687 terminology and settle for the smallest unit (entity) of definition of a term to follow • Ian: Might be better to avoid using this term altogether • Brian: It tends to be an overly broad term

  11. Glossary: Device • Device (1687-2014): A collection of circuitry with a well-defined test boundary, generally including a TAP and physical pins. • Device(1450-1999): A reference to an integrated circuit or other design structure. • Louis: 1687 definition is closer for us • Ian: TAP needs to be clarified as it doesn’t really apply to STAM • Ian: Conventional usage associates TAP with JTAG. Needs to be generic Test Access Port (which could be I2C or SPI)

  12. Glossary: Event • Event(Dictionary.com): something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time. Physics . in relativity, an occurrence that is sharply localized at a single point in space and instant of time. • Event (P2654): Action that changes state of the hardware at a particular point in time • Events (P1687.1): Operations on one register (an iApply causes a CSU sequence on a register). • Brad: P1687.1 discussion argues event is update of model or DUT or both • Brad: Michele and I have been settling on needing clarification adjective to identify context of the event and are unable to use the term alone • Ian: Isn’t 1687.1 view a HW register? iApply to what? SW Model or HW • Brad: iApply to SW Model, synchronization of SW model to HW is where the event gets satisfied

  13. Glossary: Functional Vector • functional vector(1450-1999): A pattern generated to exercise a device’s functional behavior. Generally defined to run the device at system speeds to verify system behavior of a design. Contrast with: structural vectors. • Ian: May not have been a need for this in 1149.1 or 1687 since they talk about tests that are not necessarily “at speed” types of test, but instruments bring a new role to these tests instead of limited to TCK speed

  14. Glossary: Hierarchy • Hierarchy (1149.1-2013): Objects may be contained (used) in other objects in a tree-type arrangement with no loops; that is, no circular references. The containing (outer, higher) object is referred to as the parent, and the contained (inner, lower) object is referred to as the child, and they are said to be in a parent-to-child relationship. In this standard, only user Packages and Test Data Registers have hierarchy. Packages may “use” (refer to) other packages. Test data registers may be composed of segments and fields, where segments may be composed of other segments and fields. Fields may not contain other objects. See also: instance and instantiation. • network hierarchy (1687-2014): A configuration of modules with host-client relationships (i.e., where one module is a host relative to a client module on its right and a client relative to a host module on its left, using the convention that the device interface is on the far left and the instrument interface is on the far right).

  15. Glossary: Instance • instance and instantiation (1149.1-2013): These terms refer to the hierarchical inclusion of an object within another object. For the normative purpose of this standard, these terms are used in the documentation of Test Data Registers, which may be composed of segments and fields, and of segments that may be composed of other segments and fields. A single field or segment definition is an object that may be used multiple times, and each use is termed an instance of that object. An instantiation is the statement that creates and names an instance of a child object within the definition of the parent object. (Similar terminology is used when discussing “instances” or “instantiations” of components on a board.) See also: hierarchy.

  16. Glossary: Interface • Access Interface (P2654): The interface (hardware or software) whereby a selected path is controlled • client interface (1687-2014): The port functions that attach a module to a host interface in a network. A client interface consumes control signals from the host interface and exchanges data with it. • device interface (1687-2014): The circuitry that connects the device pins to the instrument access network. A TAP controller is the most common example of a device interface for an instrument access network, but other interfaces (I2C, a parallel microprocessor bus, a PCI-express port, etc.) could also serve as device interfaces if correctly adapted to the instrument access network. The device interface itself is not considered part of the network. • host interface (1687-2014): The port functions that attach a module to a client interface. A host interface provides control signals to a client interface and exchanges data with it.

  17. Glossary: Interface (continued) • network interface (1687-2014): The connection point between the instrument access network and an external device interface [such as the test access port (TAP)]. See: AccessLink. • scan client interface (1687-2014): A specific type of Client Interface that is comprised of the signals defined in a ScanInterfacewith a single scan chain, which allows plug-and-play attachment to a serial access network. • ScanInterface(1687-2014):An Instrument Connectivity Language (ICL) keyword used to identify a well-defined set of related signals of a serial access network that are ports of a module and comprise a logical interface to one or more scan chains. A ScanInterface may include multiple scan chains (with unique Scanin/Scanoutpairs), and a module may have multiple ScanInterfaces. • Note: DeviceInterface is not defined in 1687, but device interface is.

  18. Glossary: Module • module (IEEE 1687 module): A component containing a test access mechanism that provides communication with on-device instrumentation, an instrument, an interface to the pins of a device, or other module instantiations. • black-box module (1687-2014): A module description in Instrument Connectivity Language (ICL) that has only ports, but no contents. These modules may be used to hide proprietary intellectual property (IP). Such modules are often used in conjunction with iScancommands in Procedural Description Language (PDL) and thus have a precisely defined length at any given time, which is associated with each ScanInterfaceof the black-box module. • client module (1687-2014): The successor of a module in a network organized in a host-client fashion. A host module’s client is closer to the instrument. A client module contains a client interface that connects to a host interface. Contrast: host module. • handoff module (1687-2014): A module that is intended to be exchanged between parties [intellectual property (IP) providers and integrators] or tools (e.g., simulators or rule checkers) for which all access network ports must be declared and must match. A common example: a wrapped instrument delivered by an IP provider must have all the ports of the Instrument Connectivity Language (ICL) module present in the associated register transfer language (RTL) module. Note that the RTL may have additional ports that are unrelated to the access network; these need not be declared in the ICL module. • host module (1687-2014): The predecessor of a module in a network organized in a host-client fashion. A client module’s host is closer to the device interface. A Host Module contains a host interface to which a client interface connects. Contrast: client module.

  19. Glossary: Network • Network (1687-2014)(access network, instrument access network, IEEE 1687 network): The circuitry that connects the device interfaces to the instrument interfaces. An example of a device interface currently used for IEEE Std 1687 is the test access port (TAP). The network consists of one or more modules. The network interface is the external access point to the network, conventionally referred to as the left-hand side (LHS) of the network. An instrument interface is the other end point of the network and is conventionally referred to as the right-hand side (RHS) of the network. Intermediate modules, if included, may be arranged in a host-client fashion and may contain logical hierarchy. • serial access network (scan network): A network or sub-network with one or more serial data communication paths and no parallel data signals.

  20. Glossary: Pattern • Pattern (1450-1999): One or more vectors comprising a functionality test for a specific portion of a device under test (DUT).

  21. Glossary: Pattern Retargeting • Pattern Retargeting (P2654): the process of translating an instrument pattern to one or more network-level vectors

  22. Glossary: Register • Register (1149.1-2013):Most often a Test Data Register, which is accessed by one or more specific instructions. (See Clause 9.) • Register (1687-2014):One or more storage elements that share a name and whose bits are arranged as a vector range (e.g., MyReg[31:0]). • selected test data register (1149.1-2013):A test data register is selected when it is required to operate by an instruction supplied to the test logic. • instruction register (1149.10-2017):Refers to the IEEE 1149.1 instruction register. Bit “I” of the ICSU defined section in the scan packet indicates if there is an operation from a HSTAP and PEDDA to an IEEE 1149.1 instruction register. All other “instruction” registers, such as the IEEE 1500 wrapper instruction register, are treated as IEEE 1149.1 test data registers. • data register (1687-2014):A set of one or more storage cells with a parallel input and a parallel output.

  23. Glossary: Retarget • Retarget(Dictionary.com): to aim toward or calibrate for a different target • Retarget (P2654): to translate an instrument pattern to one or more network-level patterns using the same protocol and structure • Retarget (1687-2014): The process of mapping a set of operations in Procedural Description Language (PDL) at the ports and/or registers of a module through the network to a desired module at a higher level of the logical hierarchy and/or closer to a device interface in the network hierarchy. A retargeted PDL will perform the same operations on the original module, but may also perform additional operations to configure the network between the original module and the new target module. • Retargeting (P1687.1): Deduces the operations on a ScanInterface/Datainterface to cause those register events.

  24. Glossary: Retargeter • Retargeter(P2654): The tooling used for retargeting an instrument pattern to a new network-level • retargeting tool (1687-2014)(or retargeting software): A tool that implements the process of retargeting.

  25. Glossary: Scan Test Methodology • scan test methodology (1450-1999): A test methodology that utilizes shift register latches to precondition and observe modeled faults within the DUT. Scan tests typically consist of a serial preconditioning (load via scan inputs), parallel vectors to clock/transition the DUT, and then a serial observation (unload via the scan outputs).

  26. Glossary: Scan Vectors • scan vectors (1450-1999): A representation of test information containing lists of states that are to be shifted into or out of the scan pins on the device. Note: Scan vectors imply the use of scan test methodology in the design of the device under test.

  27. Glossary: Structural Vectors • structural vectors (1450-1999): A pattern generated to exercise a device’s structural elements (e.g., scan-based ATPG test generation). Contrast with: functional vectors.

  28. Glossary: Transactions • Transaction (P1687.1): (on a device interface or an access interface) the protocol at the pins of the device which become the operations on the ScanInterface

  29. Glossary: Transform • Transform(Dictionary.com): 1) to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose. 2) to change in condition, nature, or character; convert. 3) to change into another substance; transmute. • Transform (P2654): to change in form, appearance, structure, condition, nature, character or substance into another that is an equivalent representation of the intent of the original behavior (May need to describe in terms of protocols and structure) The intent and behavior of the original is the same for the new representation. Ex. Serial (TTL vs. RS232), A/D (SPI tuning too slow for app) • Transaction-to-transaction transformation (P1687.1): Transformation between device interfaces (hosts and clients) • Transaction-to-Event transformation (P1687.1): Transformation from an interface to a register

  30. Glossary: Vector • Vector (1450-1999): Every signal’s stimuli/response to be applied/observed in the smallest integral “step” of a device test. Contains a collection of waveforms to be applied to the primary signals. See: T0. • Note: 1450-1999 associates a vector to a tester cycle • T0 (pronounced “tee-zero”): A reference to a MASTER clock that synchronizes all events across all signals to a common starting point. Initiates the start of each test vector.

  31. Observations: Qualifiers Required • Many terms require adjectives or qualifiers to denote context in which they are used (e.g., interface, module, register, transform(ation), vector, event)

  32. Observations: Interface Usage • When the term “interface” is used, it is generally defined with a preceding adjective/qualifier (e.g., TAP Interface, IEEE1149.10 interface, device interface, host interface, client interface, DeviceInterface, ScanInterface)

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