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Explore the purpose and realities of prayer, emphasizing the importance of the relationship with God. Learn about childlike faith, following the example of Jesus, and understanding the Lord's prayer.
Prayer...Imádság Part2 • Prayers main purpose
Points to consider... • “Biblical prayer is impertinent, persistent, shameless, indecorous. It is more like haggling in an outdoor bazaar than the polite monologues of the church.” Walter Wink
Points to consider... • “Does God really care about the details of our lives, such as getting a house sold or finding a lost cat? And if the answer is yes, then what about a hurricane that flattens a city or tsunami that washes away a quarter million people?” Philip Yancey
Points to consider... • “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Jesus (revelation 3:20)
In groups of 3 Look up these scriptures • Psalms 46:10 • Isaiah 40:31 • Matthew 6:7-13 • Matthew 7:7-11 • Galatians 4:6 • What do you identify as the central focus/reality/reason of prayer?
The Central reality of Prayer is? • God Himself!
The Central reality of Prayer is? • God Himself! • NOT: all that we identify as things we need from God, not feeling His presence, not fulfilling religious duty. Simply put, it is relationship!
The Central reality of Prayer • “So don’t hunt for feeling in prayer. Deep in our psyches we want an experience with God or an experience in prayer. Once we make that our quest, we lose God. You don’t experience God:you get to know him. You submit to him. You enjoy him. He is, after all, a person.” Paul Miller
Our challenge with Prayer • Relationship with God does not require a “cleaned up life”...come as you are always, don’t wait.
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest...” • “Jõjjetek én hozzám mindnyájan, a kik megfáradtatok és megterheltettetek, és én megnyugosztlak titeket.”Mate11:28
The qualifications of coming to Jesus? • Come weary? • Come heavy-burdened? • Why?
In groups of 3: come up with 5 things that block relationships from growing in healthy ways!
Vital prayer realities • #1. Mate 18:3 “ És monda: Bizony mondom néktek, ha meg nem tértek és olyanok nem lesztek mint a kis gyermekek, semmiképen nem mentek be a mennyeknek országába.” • “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.” • CHILDLIKENESS!
Vital prayer realities • #2. John 5:19 “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by myself. He does only what he sees the Father doing.” • “Felele azért Jézus, és monda nékik: Bizony, bizony mondom néktek: a Fiú semmit sem tehet önmagától, hanem ha látja cselekedni az Atyát, mert a miket az cselekszik, ugyanazokat hasonlatosképen a Fiú is cselekszi.? • Follow the Example of Jesus!
Why did Jesus pray? • It was his identity! • It reflected his humanity! Matt 6:6 • It was where he centered his heart and life. “One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.” Luke 6:12
Why did Jesus pray? • It “nourished” his life. John 4:32. He prayed around his baptism, after preaching, before temptation, before choosing the 12 apostles, before ministry moments...etc. He prayed always!
Why did Jesus pray? • CHALLENGES
Why did Jesus pray? • “For most of us prayer serves as a resource to help in a time of testing or conflict. For Jesus, it was the battle itself. Once the Gethsemane prayers had aligned him with the Father’s will, what happened next was merely the means to fulfill it.” Yancey
Why did Jesus pray? • He prayed for others! Ex/ Peter. • Luke 22:31-34, Heb 7:25
In groups of 3 • Read Matthew 6: 1-18 • What did Jesus underline as key “attitudes” to watch for when praying? • Don’t include vs9-13 in your discussion
Key’s to understanding the Lord’s prayer: • There are 6 “headlining topics” that are given to pray through
Key’s to understanding the Lord’s prayer: • There are 6 “headlining topics” that are given to pray through. • It is not to be simply prayed through as a memorized prayer.
Key’s to understanding the Lord’s prayer: • There are 6 “headlining topics” that are given to pray through. • It is not to be simply prayed through as a memorized prayer. • The time needed to pray this prayer is up to you and your desire!
“Pray like this...” • 1st Topic: “ Our Father in heaven...”
“Pray like this...” • 2nd Topic: “...may your name be kept holy.”
“Pray like this...” • 2nd Topic: “...may your name be kept holy.” • The 7 names of God, reflect his character and nature and our relationship to him!
“Pray like this...” • Jehovah-tsidkenu (God our saving justice/righteousness) Jeremiah 23:5-6 • Jehovah-mekoddishkem ( God who sanctifies you) Exodus 31:12-13 • Jehovah-shalom (God our peace) Judges 6:22-24 • Jehovah-sabaoth (God of heavens hosts) Ps 46:7 • Jehovah-rapha ( God who heals) Ex 15:26 • Jehovah-jireh (God provides) Gen 22:11-14 • Jehovah-nissi (God is my banner) Ex 17:16 • Jehovah-raah (God is my shepherd) Ps 23
“Pray like this...” • 3rd prayer topic: “ May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
“Pray like this...” • 4th topic: “Give us today the food we need.”
“Pray like this...” • 5th topic: “forgive us... as we do • Other”
‘Pray like this...” • 6th topic: “And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.”
Pray like this! • Let’s do it!