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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology
29 February 2012
2. Outline
3. What is the problem?
4. Lessons from history – a US example Energy system transformation is enabled by advances in technology, and ordinarily takes several decades. South Africa is beginning with one of the most carbon intensive systems and has little time to achieve the transformation
Energy system transformation is enabled by advances in technology, and ordinarily takes several decades. South Africa is beginning with one of the most carbon intensive systems and has little time to achieve the transformation
5. Transformation - global data (1850-1982)
6. ERD&D in OECD countries
7. ERD&D funding breakdown in OECD countries
8. Peculiar factors of energy Ubiquity
Numerous interests that don’t often align
Medupi and Kusile are 4800 MW plants (a piece)
In South Africa, more than 9 million ICE vehicles
Base load power infrastructure lasts from 40-100 years
Average age of cars on South African roads is 12 years
Low carbon solutions will have to compete on cost against a system entrenched and subsidised over decades
9. What is the solution? Science and technology has to provide solutions
Supply side
Invest in R&D to resolve some of the technological constraints
Leverage public procurement to ensure technology transfer
Demand side
End user habits lead to wasted energy: Make the grid more transparent to end users
Policy has to encourage development and uptake of innovative solutions
Innovative financing frameworks are necessary
Certainty, coherence and transparency
Government needs to position itself as an early customer of innovative solutions
11. Push and pull effects – the evidence
12. Energy R&D in SA
13. Strategic Overview Vision: a globally competitive South African energy industry that supports economic growth and ensures universal access to modern energy services without harming the environment
Mission: Support, develop and coordinate technological capabilities within the South African energy sector
14. Relevant DST initiatives Some relevant guiding policies include:
Ten year innovation plan for South Africa
Minerals beneficiation strategy
Industrial Policy Action Plan
Integrated resource/energy plan (IRP/IEP)
Strategic management model for managing S&T
Strategic pillars:
South Africa has a comparative advantage in energy-related natural resources
Hundreds of billions of Rands are being spent procuring energy technologies from overseas
South Africa has world leading capabilities in some niche areas
15. Strategic objectives Support R,D&I initiatives in strategic research areas to enhance our knowledge and skills base
Promote multidirectional policy and institutional linkages in order to ensure commercial opportunities for local energy related S&T capabilities
Promote coordination among NSI entities in energy and thus optimize resources
16. DST Anchor strategies DST-approved draft energy research, development and innovation strategy
Implemented through a number of research institutes, including SANEDI, CSIR, Mintek
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Development and Innovation Strategy
Implemented through Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) programme
17. Implementation architecture
19. HySA Strategic Goals Develop PGM-based catalysts in South Africa: supply 25% of catalysts demand for the global fuel cell industry industry by 2020
Develop local cost competitive hydrogen infrastructure solutions
Promote beneficiation, develop downstream industries from IP generated commercialisation
21. Strategic PPPs
22. Some HySA highlights to date Launch of HySA Systems by Minister Pandor, on 14 September 2010.
Establishment of Clean Energy Investment DST-Anglo-Platinum (PGMD Fund) and Altergy Power Systems (Technology Partner)
Establish fuel cell manufacturing know-how in partnership with a German company
Designed fuel cell based back-up power systems for telecom applications: currently being constructed by a SA engineering company
Development of a Hydrogen storage prototytype demonstrated on the hydrogen e-bike(Ahi fambeni!)
Built a small-scale prototype battery component manufacturing line for FCV
23. HySA CoCs Human Capital Development
24. Sector Budget Support Projects Council for Scientific & Industrial Research
Pilot 2-stage anaerobic digester technology innovation for integration into waste water (sewage) treatment works so as to leverage capacity of the municipal WWT plant capacity and further, provide usable deactivated sludge as fertiliser and optimise production & collection of biogas.
Durban University of Technology
Supporting demonstration and piloting of a hybrid technology solution for renewable energy to community/municipality serving rural community.
University of Fort Hare
Setting up Renewable Energy Generation Infrastructure to supply heat and electricity to agro- processing facility that beneficiates vegetable produce from emerging farmers and supply the finished product to school nutritional programme.
25. Some established and envisaged platforms
26. On transport and renewable energy Vision
South Africa to be among the leading nations in providing innovative energy solutions in the transport fuels/technologies and renewable energy industries.
Take advantage of natural resources
Diversify energy resources to include cleaner energy technologies
To develop distributed energy solutions (tackling energy poverty)
2018 Objectives
At least 15 % contribution energy mix from renewable technologies
Maintain or exceed the 35 % contribution in liquid fuels
Reduce transport sector dependency on crude products by 10 %
27. Implementation mechanism Renewable Energy Hub
3 Spokes
Solar thermal (US and UP)
Solar PV (NMMU and UFH)
3 Research Chairs
Bio-fuels late generation
Bio-fuels conventional technologies
Clean coal
Science councils
Energy Bursary Programme
28. Solar Resource Mapping (draft framework)
29. SOLAR ENERGY Resource Mapping PURPOSE
To support bulk solar energy generation through the establishment of a credible solar energy resource network
Funding level (R’m): 3.5 (over 2 years)
Infrastructure Requirements: Setting up of ground-based Solar Radiation monitoring Network (SAWS/ARC/University);
Provisions of traceability link to the World Reference Standards (NMISA)
Satellite-based Solar Radiation for validation and extrapolation (SANSA/ARC)
Modelling & Forecasting tools for estimating potential solar yields (UKZN/SANSA/ARC)
Web-based GIS visualisation of Solar Map
Framework Development
INTERNATIONAL LINKAGES - CEM – World solar atlas (tbd)
30. Solar thermal Objective: Bulk power generation using CSP with a focus on
developing thermal systems, ranging from components to
plants and including hardware and software
Solar thermal analysis
Cooling system – dry and hybrid
Thermal storage – packed bed rock
Development high temp phase change materials
Institutions: US and UP
31. Solar PV Objective: Reduce the cost and improve efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) by investigating alternative materials.
Funding level (R’m): 1.5
Characterisation - enhance photon absorption/ photo-generated current
Concentrated PV - cells replaced with optical refractor/reflector material
Institutions: NMMU and UFH
Bio-energy resource quantification in order to stimulate the higher uptake and integration of a bio-energy based technologies in the South African energy mix.
Atlas specification
Atlas with limited capability - data gathering (new and existing), databank infrastructure, GIS analytical tools, website
Fully enabled Atlas – bio-energy resource monitoring network, with data layers and complete modelling & forecasting toolset for bio-energy yields, costs and impacts.
DG approved funding support of R 2,5 million for this activity (transferred in 2 phases);
Institutions: NRF-SAEON
INTERNATIONAL LINKAGES - Bio-energy Atlas for Africa (tbd)
33. Second generation Bio – fuels
34. Bio-fuels Research Objective:
Ligno-cellulose Bio-fuels Research
Cellulolytic yeast
Proprietary yeast that convert paper sludge with 85% efficiency
Amylolytic yeast
Industrial strain developed - convert starch to ethanol in one step
Biomass to Liquid
Combination of plasma (NECSA) and FT (WITS) platform
Conceptual design and feasibility study
Conventional bio-fuels
Alternative feedstock
Ethanol gel
35. Algae to energy (NMMU)
36. Algae to energy
Currently getting 1: 0,6 (algae to oil)
Analysis to be done by UCT (compare to ESKOM bunker 150 for OCGT)
Coal fines binding agent
Passed weathering and mechanical test (pellets)
Briquettes will undergo the crush test (100kg) and burn test (2- 4 tons)
Fresh water recovery capability
1sqm water recovery – 50l/day (summer)
Conductivity (distilled water) and bacterial (tbd)
37. Wind Objective: Develop high efficiency turbine blade with an emphasis on low wind speed regimes
Support SAWEP
Permanent Magnet – rare earth free metals
Small wind turbines
Diagnostic tools - signal techniques
38. Renewable energy Human Capital Development
39. SANHARP Programme Objectives To position the development of human and intellectual capital for the South African nuclear sector on both local and international platforms.
To promote teaching, research and innovation capacity in South African secondary and tertiary institutions in strategic areas of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) for the nuclear sector.
To facilitate the development of nuclear skills through skills transfer programmes, collaboration and cooperation as an element of acquiring technology from local and international institutions.
To develop a critical research and skills base to support the South African nuclear sector.
To promote and ensure comprehensive public awareness and understanding of nuclear-related issues.
40. SANHARP Statistics for 2011 Support amount: R15 000 000.00
School Bursaries: R570 000.00
Undergraduate: R5 576 000.00
Postgraduate: R4 228 000.00
Operation Costs: R4 626 000.00
223 supported
101 School Learners
122 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
41. SANHARP Bursary Students
42. SANHARP PhD Students
43. Bursary Amounts
44. Learners per Province
45. Energy efficiency Statistics for 2011 Support amount: R3 000 000
54 supported(38 MEng, 13 PhD, and 3 partially supported Post-Docs)
9 females (17%), 23 whites (43%), 26 blacks (48%), 5 Asians (9%)
60 journal paper publications, conference presentations and technical reports
46. Energy efficiency for 2011 Cont.
47. Some conclusions Policy alignment, coordination and implementation capacity are crucial to effectively address the energy grand challenge
Numerous opportunities exist for South Africa to advance its socio-economic policy in addressing the energy grand challenge
South Africa can leverage ongoing and planned energy technology procurement programmes to build its science and technology system and related industrial capabilities
Significant local and global markets exist for innovative energy technology solutions that can emerge from South Africa
The DST is developing some of the strategic initiatives required to attain a critical mass of technological capabilities to ensure successful achievement of the country’s socio-economic policy objectives
With aligned and coherent related policy, the threat of a runaway energy technology balance of payments can thus be mitigated
49. Table with some DST-supported initiatives
50. Cont