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Topological insulators and superconductors. KITPC 2010 Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University. Colloborators.
Topological insulators and superconductors KITPC 2010Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University
Colloborators Stanford group: Xiaoliang Qi, Andrei Bernevig, Congjun Wu, Chaoxing Liu, Taylor Hughes, Sri Raghu, Suk-bum ChungStanford experimentalists: Yulin Chen, Ian Fisher, ZX Shen, Yi Cui, Aharon Kapitulnik, … Wuerzburg colleagues: Laurens Molenkamp, Hartmut Buhmann, Markus Koenig, Ewelina Hankiewicz, Bjoern TrauzettleIOP colleagues: Zhong Fang, Xi Dai, Haijun Zhang, … Tsinghua colleagues: Qikun Xue, Jinfeng Jia, Xi Chen,…
Outline Models and materials of topological insulatorsGeneral theory of topological insulators, exotic particlesTopological superconductors
The search for new states of matter The search for new elements led to a golden age of chemistry. The search for new particles led to the golden age of particle physics. In condensed matter physics, we ask what are the fundamental states of matter? In the classical world we have solid, liquid and gas. The same H2O molecules can condense into ice, water or vapor. In the quantum world we have metals, insulators, superconductors, magnets etc. Most of these states are differentiated by the broken symmetry. Superconductor: Broken gauge symmetry Magnet: Broken rotational symmetry Crystal: Broken translational symmetry
The quantum Hall state, a topologically non-trivial state of matter • TKNN integer=the first Chern number. • Topological states of matter are defined and described by topological field theory: • von Klitzing, 1980 • Physically measurable topological properties are all contained in the topological field theory, e.g. QHE, fractional charge, fractional statistics etc…
Discovery of the 2D and 3D topological insulator HgTe Theory: Bernevig, Hughes and Zhang, Science 314, 1757 (2006) Experiment: Koenig et al, Science 318, 766 (2007)BiSb Theory: Fu and Kane, PRB 76, 045302 (2007)Experiment: Hsieh et al, Nature 452, 907 (2008)Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, Bi2Se3 Theory: Zhang et al, Nature Physics 5, 438 (2009)Experiment Bi2Se3: Xia et al, Nature Physics 5, 398 (2009), Experiment BieTe3: Chen et al Science 325, 178 (2009)On average 2-3 paper per day on the subject!
Traffic jam inside chips today Info highways for the chips in the future From traffic jam to info-superhighwayon chip
Topological protection (Qi and Zhang, Phys Today, Jan, 2010) Spin=1/2 y=>-y
The topological distinction between a conventional insulator and a QSH insulator Kane and Mele, Wu, Bernevig and Zhang; Xu and Moore • Band diagram of a conventional insulator, a conventional insulator with accidental surface states (with animation), a QSH insulator (with animation). Blue and red color code for up and down spins. e k k=0 or p Trivial Trivial Non-trivial
P3/2 S S S S P3/2 P P P1/2 P1/2 Band Structure of HgTe
Band inversion in HgTe leads to a topological quantum phase transition Let us focus on E1, H1 bands close to crossing point HgTe HgTe H1 E1 CdTe CdTe CdTe CdTe E1 H1 normal inverted
The model of the 2D topological insulator (BHZ, Science 2006) Square lattice with 4-orbitals per site: Nearest neighbor hopping integrals. Mixing matrix elements between the s and the p states must be odd in k. Similar to relativistic Dirac equation in 2+1 dimensions, with a mass term tunable by the sample thickness d! m/B<0 for d>dc.
E E Bulk kx 0 Bulk Mass domain wall Cutting the Hall bar along the y-direction we see a domain-wall structure in the band structure mass term. This leads to states localized on the domain wall which still disperse along the x-direction, similar to Jackiw-Rebbi soliton. y y x m/B<0 m 0 x
Experimental setup • High mobility samples ofHgTe/CdTe quantum wells have been fabricated. • Because of the small band gap, about several meV, one can gate dope this system from n to p doped regimes. • Two tuning parameters, the thickness d of the quantum well, and the gate voltage. • (Koenig et al, Science 2007)
x x Experimental observation of the QSH edge state (Konig et al, Science 2007)
Nonlocal transport in the QSH regime, (Roth et al Science 2009) R14,14=3/4 h/e2 2 1 I: 1-4 4 3 V: 2-3 R14,23=1/4 h/e2
No QSH in graphene • Bond current model on honeycomb lattice (Haldane, PRL 1988). • Spin Hall insulator (Murakami, Nagaosa and Zhang 2004) • Spin-orbit coupling in graphene (Kane and Mele 2005). They took atomic spin-orbit coupling of 5meV to estimate the size of the gap. • Yao et al, Min et al 2006 showed that the actual spin-orbit gap is given by D2so/Dps =10-3 meV. • Similar to the seasaw mechanism of the neutrino mass in the Standard Model!
Single valley 2D Dirac cone • At the critical thickness, the BHZ model reduces to the massless Dirac model in 2+1d, with a single valley. • Recent experiments on HgTe has reached this critical point! • HgTe provides an ideal platform to study 2D massless Dirac fermions!
3D insulators with a single Dirac cone on the surface (b) z y (a) y x x Quintuple layer (c) C A B t2 t3 t1 C Bi A Se1 B Se2 C
Relevant orbitals of Bi2Se3 and the band inversion (a) (b) 0.6 Bi 0.2 E (eV) Se c -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 (eV) (I) (II) (III)
(a) Sb2Se3 (b) Sb2Te3 (c) Bi2Se3 (d) Bi2Te3
Model for topological insulator Bi2Te3, (Zhang et al, 2009) Pz+, up, Pz-, up, Pz+, down, Pz-, down Single Dirac cone on the surface of Bi2Te3 Surface of Bi2Te3 = ¼ Graphene !
Arpes experiment on Bi2Te3 surface states, Shen group Doping evolution of the FS and band structure Optimally- doped Undoped Under-doped Over-doped EF(undoped) BCB bottom BVB bottom Dirac point position
3D TI Surface states of TIs vs Rashba SOC • Unlike graphene, here two components are related by time reversal, and Pauli matrix is the real spin. • Surface Rashba term: Breaking of inversion symmetry at the surface. Conduction band Conduction band E E Strong SOC Valence band Valence band
Spin-plasmon collective mode (Raghu, Chung, Qi+SCZ, PRL2009) • General operator identity: • Density-spin coupling:
General theory of topological insulators • Topological field theory of topological insulators. Generally valid for interacting and disordered systems. Directly measurable physically. Relates to axion physics! (Qi, Hughes and Zhang) • For a periodic system, the system is time reversal symmetric only when • q=0 => trivial insulator • q=p => non-trivial insulator • Topological band theory based on Z2 topological band invariant of single particle states. • (Fu, Kane and Mele, Moore and Balents, Roy)
Generalization of the QH topology state in d=2 to time reversal invariant topological state in d>2, in Science 2001
The periodic table of topological states: (Qi, Hughes and Zhang, Ludwig et al, Kitaev) The TRI topological insulators form a dimensional chain: 4D=>3D=>2D
The 4D TRI topological insulator directly inspired the discovery of the intrinsic spin Hall effect in d=3, Science 2003 “Recently, the QHE has been generalized to four spatial dimensions (4). In that case, an electric field induces an SU(2) spin current through the nondissipative transport equation…The quantum Hall response in that system is physically realized though the spin-orbit coupling in a time reversal symmetric system.”
TRB topological insulators in d=2 • Chern-Simons topological field theory, odd under TR: • 1st Chern number
TRI topological insulators in d=4 • Chern-Simons topological field theory, even under TR: • If we perform Kaluza-Klein compactification, we obtain the effective field theory of the d=3 topological insulator! • 2st Chern number • If we replace k4 by an adiabatic parameter, we obtain the quantized cyclic change of the magneto-electric polarization in d=3! The best way to understand TRI TI is D=4 => D=3 => D=2 The best way to understand critical phenomenon is D=4 => D=4-e
Dimensional reduction • From 4D QHE to the 3D topological insulator Zhang & Hu, Qi, Hughes & Zhang A5 x5 q (x, y, z) • From 3D axion action to the 2D QSH Goldstone & Wilzcek
TRI topological insulators in d=3 • Axion field theory, even under TR only when q=0, p: • Magneto-electric polarization (QHZ 2008):
Generalization to general interacting TI (Wang, Qi, SCZ) • Topological order parameter for generally interacting TI • Experimentally measurable through the topological magneto-electric effect • WZW extension u introduces integer ambiguity of P3 • P3 is topologically quantized to be integer or half-integer • Also applies to disordered systems, see Li et al, Groth et al.
Topological field theory and the family tree • Topological field theory of the QHE: (Thouless et al, Zhang, Hansson and Kivelson) • Topological field theory of the TI: (Qi, Hughes and Zhang, 2008) • More extensive and general classification soon followed (Kitaev, Ludwig et al)
TRI topological insulator d=2, characterized by the discrete Z2 topological number in 2005 Topological band theory
The continuum TI formula and the discrete TI formula are pre-destined to converge! (Wang, Qi and Zhang, 0910.5954)
Equivalence between the integral and the discrete topological invariants (Wang, Qi and Zhang, 0910.5954) LHS=QHZ definition of TI, RHS=FKM definition of TI
Low frequency Faraday/Kerr rotation (Qi, Hughes and Zhang, PRB78, 195424, 2008, Zhang group 2010, MacDonald group 2010) Adiabatic Requirement: (surface gap) Universal quantization in units of the fine structure constant!
q TME insulator Seeing the magnetic monopole thru the mirror of a TME insulator, (Qi et al, Science 323, 1184, 2009) higher order feed back (for =’, =’) similar to Witten’s dyon effect Magnitude of B:
Dynamic axions in topological magnetic insulators (Li et al, Nature Physics 2010) • Hubbard interactions leads to anti-ferromagnetic order • Effective action for dynamical axion
Axions and dark matter on your desktop? (Zhang group, Nature Physics 2010) Now Shou-Cheng Zhang and his colleagues inform us that, all along, axions have been lurking unrecognized on surfaces of topological insulators. Frank Wilzcek, NATURE 458, 129 (2009)
Topological insulators and superconductors Full pairing gap in the bulk, gapless Majorana edge and surface states Chiral fermions Chiral Majorana fermions massless Majorana fermions massless Dirac fermions Qi, Hughes, Raghu and Zhang, PRL, 2009
Topological superconductors and superfluids The BCS-BdG model for 2D equal spin pairing model of 2D TI by BHZ where p+=px+ipy. The edge Hamiltonian is given by: forming a pair of Majorana fermions. Mass term breaks T symmetry=> topological protection! Tanaka, Nagaosa et al, PRB, 2009 Sato, PRB, 2009 Qi, Hughes, Raghu and Zhang, PRL, 2009 Schnyder et al, PRB, 2008 Kitaev Roy