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English for Graduate Students. Physiology. Unit 2. 1. 5. Ⅰ Brain-storming. V Translation in Medical Literature. 2. ⅡIntroduction. 3. Ⅲ Text Explanation. 4. 6. Ⅳ Discussion and Presentation. Ⅵ After-class Reading and Writing. Contents. Background Information. What is Physiology ?
English for Graduate Students Physiology Unit 2
1 5 Ⅰ Brain-storming V Translation in Medical Literature 2 ⅡIntroduction 3 Ⅲ Text Explanation 4 6 Ⅳ Discussion and Presentation Ⅵ After-class Reading and Writing Contents
Background Information • What is Physiology ? The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.
In-class reading Text Cells and Aging Reaching 100 is Easier Than Suspected Ⅰ In-class reading
Glossary • Match the words with their Chinese equivalents . • 1. homeostatic adj. ( )胚胎 • 2. geriatrics n.( )[解]腱 • 3. metabolism n. ( )酶 • 4. homeostasis n.( )葡萄糖 • 5. extracellular adj. ( )支持 • 6. collagen n.( )抗氧化剂 • 7. tendon n. ( )(作单数用)老人病学 • 8. atherosclerosis n.( )硒 • 9. elastin n. ( )过氧化物 • 10. glucose n. ( )体内平衡 • 11. mitosis n.( )歧化酶 • 12. radical n. ( )[化] 基;free radical (自由基, 游离基) • 13. selenium n. ( )动脉粥样硬化症 • 14. antioxidant n.( )胶原质 • 15. bolster v. ( )(位于或发生于)细胞外的 • 16. enzyme n. ( )新陈代谢 • 17. superoxide n. ( )弹性蛋白 • 18. dismutase n.( )(细胞的)有丝分裂 • 19. embryo n. ( )体内平衡的
Text Cells and Aging • Questions • 1. How are aging is defined? • -- How are aging is defined? • What are the physiological signs of aging? • According to the text, what contributes to the elasticity of blood vessels and skin? • Is it true that all kinds of cells can be replaced? • What are the theories of aging proposed in this text?
Answers • 1. Aging is a normal process accompanied by a progressive alteration of the body’s homeostatic adaptive responses • 2. The physiological signs of aging are gradual deterioration in function and capacity to respond to environmental stresses. • 3. Elastin • 4. No, several kinds of cells in the body—heart cells, skeletal muscle fibers, nerve cells—cannot be replaced. • 5. Many theories of aging have been proposed, including genetically programmed • cessation of cell division, glucose addition to proteins, free radical reactions, • and excessive immune responses
Main idea • Cells and Aging • Aging is a normal process accompanied by a progressive alteration of the body’s homeostatic adaptive responses . The obvious characteristics of aging are well known: graying and loss of hair, loss of teeth, wrinkling of skin, decreased muscle mass, and increased fat deposits. These signs of aging are related to a net decrease in the number of cells in the body and to the dysfunctioning of the cells that remain.
Word formation • homeo-, homo- [希] (prefix) 相同的 • homeostasis[həumiəu'steisis ] 体内平衡 • homeotherapy [həumiə'θerəpi ] 同种疗法, 顺势疗法 • homogeneity [hɔməudʒe'ni:iti ] 同种, 同质 • dys-, dis- [拉] (prefix) 坏的;有病的;困难的 • dysfunction [ dis'fʌŋkʃən ] 机能不良,功能紊乱 • dysphonia [ dis'fəuniə ] 发声困难, 言语障碍 • dysgraphia [ dis'græfiə ] 书写困难 • anti- [希] (prefix) 相反;反对; 抵抗 • antioxidant[ænti'ɔksidənt ] 抗氧化剂 • antibody [ 'æntibɔdi ] 抗体 • antiallergic[æntiə'lə:dʒik ] 抗变应性的 • -osis [希] (suffix) 异常或病理情况 • sclerosis [ skliə'rəusis ] 硬化 • atherosclerosis [ æθərəuskliə'rəusis ] 动脉粥样硬化症 • arteriosclerosis [ɑ:.tiəriəuskliə'rəusis ] 动脉硬化
Fast Reading • Read the following passage and decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, write “T”, if it is not, write “F”。
1. If you skip the daily 30-minute walk, you’ll start compromising health in other ways too. ( ) • 2. Getting a little exercise and cutting back on salt is the best way to lower your blood pressure number. ( ) • 3. Your oral health affects all your arterial health. ( ) • 4. Eat foods that are low in fat but high in sugar, and you will get little fat around your belly. ( ) • 5. People who don’t drink have a higher risk of heart disease than those who drink a little.
Translation • A. Please analyze the following sentences and then put them into Chinese • 1.These changes in the in the collagen of arterial walls are as much responsible for their loss of extensibility as are the deposits associated with atherosclerosis, the deposition of fatty materials in arterial walls. • 2.As a person ages, more cross-links are formed, and this probably contributes to the stiffening and loss of elasticity that occurs in aging tissues. • 3.These observations provide strong evidence for the hypothesis that cessation of mitosis is a normal, genetically programmed event.
B. 医学英语文摘翻译 • 翻译标题时应注意的几个问题(I): • 由于中西文化的差异以及时代的发展, 英汉两种语言在表达方式上也会出现不同的风格。当今英语表达趋于删繁就简,’过去在标题中常用的 thought of… , observation on…, 以及Study of…, Investigation of… 等短语已不多见。因此,在汉译英时,带有“关于”、“研究”、“报告”、“观察”、“分析”等字样均可省略不译。’ (P 8《如何写英语医学论文摘要》唐清理等) • 如:1) 关于苯对于白细胞毒性作用的研究。 • (Study of ) Toxic effects of benzene on leucocytes. (括号里的study无实质意义,可以省略) • 2) 对中学生肌肉耐力增长趋势的研究。 • (Investigation of) The increase of endurance of muscular strength of middle school students. (省略括号里无实质意义的investigation) • 如果study前有定语成分,study就有了具体的内容,此时study不可省略。如: • 3) An In-depth Review of the Evidence Linking Dietary Salt Intake and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease。 (review 前有in-depth修饰,所以没有省略) • ( Nephrology, June 9, 2006) • (to be continued) • Please translate the following sentences into English: • 1. 150例胸痛病人前瞻性分析 • 2. 关于儿童心肌炎的几个问题。 • 3. 腺性膀胱炎 (cystitis glandularis) 治疗新体会.
Assignment • Please read 10 Easy Steps to a Healthier Heartagain and write a two-hundred-word synopsis: