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Mrs. Wise’s Class Newsletter November 2, 2012. WORD WALL WORDS New words added to our Word Wall for last week and the upcoming week: catch good put want be could horse old paper. CLASSROOM NEWS
Mrs. Wise’s Class Newsletter November 2, 2012 WORD WALL WORDS New words added to our Word Wall for last week and the upcoming week: catch good put want be could horse old paper CLASSROOM NEWS Math ~ We finished the rest of our unit on Numbers and Operations, specifically, extending the counting sequence to 120, reading, writing, and representing numbers, understanding place value, and comparing numbers. This week we started learning strategies for addition. English/Language Arts ~ This week we focused on Fairy Tales and the lessons that can be learned from them. Next week we will resume our Communities theme.. Spelling ~ Next week, our words will include long vowels. I enjoyed meeting many parents on Thursday’s conference night. Thanks for all you do at home to support your child’s learning!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! How fun was the Character Parade on Wednesday! In the afternoon, we enjoyed a Harvest Celebration. If you are able to contribute healthy foods for future parties, please complete the back of this newsletter and send back to school. Thanks! PAWS FOR READING Thanks to all who are participating in this worthwhile program. It is great for the children to see how they can help others by doing something so simple. Mrs. Debbie Wise Email address: djwise@access.k12.wv.usFirst-Grade Teacher Webpage: http://boe.jeff.k12.wv.us//Domain/685Blue Ridge Primary School304-724-3300
I will be able to provide a healthy food item for a classroom celebration. Name Child’s name Email address Phone number Mrs. Jackson, our Room Parent, or Mrs. Wise will be in contact with you in advance. Thank you!