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SCHOOL WORKFORCE CENSUS AUTUMN 2012. Anita Belworthy ScoMIS Applications Analyst. School Workforce Census. The Annual Statutory SWC Return enumeration date is Tuesday 6 November 2012 Return Date to Devon LA is 14 November 2012. School Workforce Census.

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  1. SCHOOL WORKFORCECENSUSAUTUMN 2012 Anita Belworthy ScoMIS Applications Analyst

  2. School Workforce Census The Annual Statutory SWC Return enumeration date is Tuesday 6 November 2012 Return Date to Devon LA is 14 November 2012

  3. School Workforce Census SIMS will need to be on the Summer Upgrade. Version 7.146 In order to run the School Workforce Census you must be a member of the Personnel Officer User Group Check in System Manager to make sure that the person responsible has the correct access rights

  4. Personnel Updates Please make sure that any updates to Service Terms etc that have been supplied by your LA are imported prior to the Census date

  5. SWC Return 2012 contains.. • All members of staff in regular service employed on 6 November 2012 • Contract/service level details for staff in regular service between 1 September 2011 to 6 November 2012 • Absence data for all teachers and teaching assistants during the previous academic year • Current Teacher vacancies • Headcount of third party support staff • Level 4 or above qualifications for all staff in regular service • Curriculum subjects taught by teachers and teaching assistants in Secondary schools

  6. CHANGES! All staff with a named staff record within your return will include their Pay and Hours information. Any staff record missing this information will generate a validation error.

  7. CHANGES! Description Total Pay amended to Base Pay Base Pay is the pre-tax annual salary of a member of staff as at 6 November 2012. Information about Base Pay is not collected for staff paid by a daily rate

  8. CHANGES! Workforce Members Allowance Details Report This report shows a breakdown of the Additional Payment Amount and helps with the calculation of allowances It uses snapshot data of payment details and allowances as at 6 November 2012

  9. CHANGES! New fields are displayed on the School Information Panel Focus – School – School Details • Previous School Name • Date Name Changed • Previous Estab Number • Date Number Changed

  10. CHANGES! These fields are shown for all schools but should only be completed where applicable. This will be necessary for all schools that have changed to Academy status or changed their name/DfE number within the collection period.

  11. CHANGES! New Academies that have not changed their name must enter the current school name in the Previous School Name. They then enter the date of change to Academy Status as the date in the Date Name Changed field.

  12. CHANGES! The date entered as Date Name Changed will be used to ensure that data relating to the previous setting of the school is not collected • Contracts, allowances and absences that ended before the date will not be collected • Contracts that started before the date and continued afterwards will be collected • Where an allowance started before the date and continued afterwards, only the data after the date is collected • An absence started before the date and continued afterwards will trigger a warning message to say the absence is not included in the return. You will need to amend the absence accordingly.

  13. CHANGES! Previous Authorised Census Returns A new routine enables the school to report on previous returns, so that data can be compared across years. These can be accessed via the Tools / Statutory Return Tools / Authorised Census Returns.

  14. What staff data is included? • Staff details • Contract details • Service Agreement details for agency teachers • Payment details for all categories of staff • Absence details (Teachers and TA’s) • Curriculum details for Teachers and TA’s (Secondary Schools only) • Qualifications for all staff – level 4 and above (i.e. Post A Level)

  15. School data included Teaching vacancies Occasional teachers Third party staff count

  16. Which Staff do I include? Teachers Teaching Assistants Other support staff in regular service Caretakers, Catering and other staff employed direct by the school (include Agency premises staff in the headcount if they are in the school at any time on Census day) Agency staff – if they are in Regular Service Regular Service defined as completed service of 28 days or more (not necessarily continuous).

  17. Which Staff do I exclude? Breakfast Clubs and After School Clubs are extended services and are therefore not in scope. Children’s Centres and Early years Settings are also out of scope. Any staff supplied via a Service Agreement with the LA (i.e. Educational Pyschologists, Scomis Technicians, DCC Finance Officers)

  18. People in P7 not included Temporary staff with a service of less than one month Non contracted temporary staff employed on a temporary basis PGCE students on teaching practice Staff working in breakfast or after school clubs Teachers only engaged in one to one programmes Governors and voluntary staff Staff whose contracts finish before 1 September 2011

  19. Is this Teacher directly employed by the school with a current contract for 28 days/more YES: Individual data required NO: Are they employed via a current Service agreement with a third party (not LA) for 28 days/more? YES: Individual data required NO: Were they employed by the school via a contract/SA (not with LA) for 28 days/more in the period between 1/9/11 and 6/11/12 YES: Individual data required NO: Are they an occasional teacher (employed for less than 28 days) and in school on 6/11/12? YES: Include in headcount of occasional teachers NO: Do not include in School Workforce Census Which Teachers to include? Note: Roles/Contracts of staff working in extended services or only working in the OneToOne Tuition Programme are not required

  20. Which Non-Teachers to include? Note: Roles/Contracts of staff working in extended services or only working in the OneToOne Tuition Programme are not required

  21. Which staff to in/exclude? If you are in any doubt please contact your local authority. Academies – contact the Dfe helpdesk DSD.Helpdesk@education.gsi.gov.uk

  22. Teachers & TAs Origin information must be provided for all Teachers and Teaching Assistants who started after September 2011 Destination information must be provided for all Teachers and Teaching Assistants who left after September 2011

  23. REMINDER Submission of the SWC is statutory. This means that schools do not need to obtain consent for the provision of data from individual members. However, schools and LA’s must satisfy Data Protection Act obligations and let staff know that the information is being collected

  24. Privacy Notices for Staffformerly Fair Procession Notice The DfE recommend that those already in receipt of Privacy Notices are advised of these new links as the previous links were to documents which have now been removed.

  25. Privacy Notices for Staffformerly Fair Procession Notice The Privacy Notice guidance has been updated. This can be found at:- http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/schooladmin/ims/datacollections/schoolcensus

  26. Privacy Notices for Staffformerly Fair Procession Notice DEVON SCHOOLS ONLY The Privacy Notice guidance has been updated. This can be found at:-http://devon.gov.uk/j4s-privacynotice

  27. Data Checking Sheets There is a staff data checking form report available from the Scomis website http://faq.scomis.org/kb7560/ Follow the instructions on the faq to import and run the report. The report does not contain contract information.

  28. Reminder Temporary Teacher Numbers should not be submitted. If a Teacher Number is not available, then the corresponding field should be left blank and a note sent to the local authority or put against the query in COLLECT to explain why.

  29. Reminder Where staff are acting up within the same school, the Department’s preference would be for contract information on the acting up post, not the substantive post, to be returned.

  30. Reminder Please do not remove the “Eligible for SWR” tick from a member of staff’s record who has left. The SWC collects historical data, so may need their information to be supplied. If they have left before the start of the SWC period, they will be automatically excluded from the collected data

  31. Reminder If a member of staff has more than one contract and one is required for SWC, then you will need to leave the tick in “Eligible for SWR” on their record. You will then need to email your LA/DfE to tell them which contract information to exclude via Collect. You will need to manually record the name and contract details of the staff member on your detail reports to ensure a true and correct record.

  32. PREPARATION SIMS requires a Fileset provided by Capita This can contain: • Files used to determine what is included in the return • Updates to the Validation Errors Summary • Updates to the Summary reports • Updates to the Detail reports

  33. PREPARATION The current fileset for SWC is number 116. When you have run the Create and Validate routine, the Validation Fileset ID is displayed on the left-hand side of the Summary panel header. If you are not on Fileset 116 you can follow the instructions on http://faq.scomis.org/kb2896/

  34. PREPARATION Run the Pay Related Checking Reports to ensure all Service Terms are mapped correctly Reports – Run Reports – Focus – Service Terms Run the following reports • ST Pay Scale Definitions • ST Allowances • ST Post Definitions These reports will show the mappings for each Service Term in use.

  35. Curriculum Information on the curriculum is only required from Secondary Schools with timetabling software that interfaces with their MIS.

  36. Curriculum The default requirement is the week in which the census date falls. Subject code, hours taught and year groups must be recorded.

  37. Curriculum Information is required for all teachers in regular service, as well as teaching assistants where they are timetabled.

  38. Curriculum - Hours If your school operates a timetable cycle covering two weeks, then an average figure over that period should be calculated and submitted. The SIMS SWC software does this for you – as tested by a secondary school last year

  39. Curriculum – Year Group This must reflect the NC Year Group to whom each subject is being delivered. Year 10 students on an accelerated GCSE course should be shown as Year 11

  40. Staff Absences Absence data must be entered in SIMS.net and is being collected for staff employed in the previous academic year i.e. 1st September 2011 to 31st August 2012. This includes many types of absences, such as sickness, compassionate leave and secondment periods.

  41. Staff Absences • Absence data is only required for teachers and teaching assistants. It is optional for other members of staff. • Absence data due to training is included in the return but is not reported upon as it is not a statutory requirement

  42. Staff Absences • Examples of activities or circumstances that are not counted as absence for School Workforce Census are:- • taking part in activities such as field trips • days that are non-working days under a person’s contract • PPA time • INSET days • NQT non-contact time • Training • Working at a Consortium school or a Primary/Secondary linked school • attending meetings that are part of an individual’s normal duties

  43. Working days lost – sickness only It is important to accurately record the number of working days missed Good practice would be to discuss the period of absence and working days lost with the member of staff at a “return to work” meeting. Staff Absences

  44. Schools using Cover software Where absences are recorded via Cover, some but not all of the SWC required fields are completed in the Absences panel. The additional details will need to be entered manually before the Census is run. Where absences are recorded via the Absences panel, the relevant fields are copied to the Cover software. The Cover record does not require any further input. Staff Absences

  45. Qualifications Post A Level (NFQ Level 4+) qualifications are collected for ALL staff Whether or not a qualification has been verified does not need to be provided.

  46. Qualifications - Teachers Their initial teacher training qualification e.g. PGCE, BEd, Certificate in Education. For those with a PGCE, information on prior degrees. For those without QTS or those trained overseas, all qualifications relevant to their engagement as a teacher. Any subsequent qualifications gained relevant to their job as a teacher as detailed later.

  47. Qualifications for TA’s to include Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) BEd or other 1st degree combined with teacher qual Certificate in Education or equivalent Doctorate, eg PhD Masters Degree, eg MSc, MEd Postgraduate certificates and diplomas Other first degree (ie not BEd or other first degree combined with teacher qualifications) such as BA & BSc Graduate certificates and diplomas Diplomas of higher education and further education Foundation degrees Higher national diplomas Certificates of higher education Non-UK teaching qualification

  48. Qualifications Schools may check the qualifications held by the Teaching Agency and provide any qualifications that are not held by them OR gather and record the information in SIMS

  49. Qualifications Schools check the qualifications held by the Teaching Agency for their qualified teachers, instructors and overseas trained teachers via their web based service (link below) and provide any qualifications not held by the Teacher Agency. www.education.gov.uk/employeraccess/LoginAction.do, If your establishment has not already registered for this service please e-mail teacher.enquiry@education.gsi.gov.uk with the following information: • Full name of the establishment • Contact address of the establishment • Establishment DfE number • E-mail address of the Head teacher or Principal and their full name. Please contact the Teaching Agency in good time as it takes at least four working days to register for the service.

  50. Qualifications Information on the following qualifications does not need to be provided as the Department will obtain it direct from the National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services:- National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and Certificate/Diploma for School Business Management (CSBM/DSBM).

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