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Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays

Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays. Dominique Lavenier - Frederic Raimbault. IRISA Rennes, France lavenier@irisa.fr. UBS Vannes, France raimbault@univ-ubs.fr. SVCA Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays. Warning Just ideas - no work (yet) performed The talk mainly aims to

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Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays

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  1. Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays Dominique Lavenier - Frederic Raimbault IRISA Rennes, France lavenier@irisa.fr UBS Vannes, France raimbault@univ-ubs.fr

  2. SVCASpecialized Virtual Configurable Arrays • Warning • Just ideas - no work (yet) performed • The talk mainly aims to • get feedback - positive or negative ! • open discussion / collaborations ?

  3. Overview • Introduction • exemplified from F. Raimbault talk • Virtual Configurable Arrays • implementation - Advantages / Disadvantages • Specialized Virtual Configurable Arrays • 2 examples : Genome / hyperspectral images • Conclusion

  4. FPGA support for Java network hardware support: any reconfigurable boards PC Hardware JAVA machine • Boards are different • architecture • FPGA family • power computation • We want to define a hardware support • independent of the FPGA boards • allowing fast implementation

  5. Architecture CTRL PE PE PE • Nb of PEs • PE functionality Application dependant

  6. Java Hardware Support • We want an hardware support with the following features: • platform independent • all FPGA boards can be targeted • fast implementation • depending on the application and the available resources, an architecture must be synthesize in a very short time

  7. Challenge • The hardware support must provide: • A platform independent hardware • A fast design implementation Virtual Configurable Array Specialization

  8. Virtual Configurable ArrayIntroduction Fixe implementation (Application independent) Virtual Configurable Array Application dependent implementation

  9. Virtual Configurable Array Implementation (1) • Virtual CLBs • one virtual CLB is made of several physical CLBs

  10. Virtual Configurable Array Implementation (2) • Routing • physical CLBs are used as switches

  11. Virtual Configurable Arrays • Advantages • applications are portables • common design tools - open architecture • Disadvantages • less resources / lower speed (how much ?) • no concept evolution • still the same problems for programming, routing, ...

  12. Virtual Configurable Arrays • Platform independent • Fast implementation YES NO

  13. Specialized Virtual Configurable ArraysIntroduction CLB functionality CLB interconnection Specialization of Virtual Configurable Arrays

  14. 2 Examples • Genome Computation • Hyperspectral image processing

  15. Genome Computation • Data • DNA or Protein sequences • large databases • Computation • data retrieval, classification, ... • mostly based on sequence comparison • time consuming but highly parallel

  16. Genome Computation • Needs: • high computation power • rapid test of new algorithms • Features: • integer arithmetic • 8,12,16 bits - no multiplication • efficient parallelization on linear arrays

  17. Specialized Virtual Configurable Array for Genome Computation • Regular Routing • N-bit wires • CLB: • N-bit operators

  18. VCLB VCLB i n-bit operator (32 operations) routing switch to i-1 to i-2 to i-3 from i-1 from i-2 from i-3 from i+3 from i+2 from i+1 to i+3 to i+2 to i+1 configuration memories CM CM CM 7 bits 7 bits 5 bits

  19. Hyperspectral images processing A few hundred spectrum • Data • 3D cube • one image = qq 100 Mbytes • Computation • compression, segmentation, … • very time consuming, but high level of parallelsim

  20. HyperSpectral Image Processing • Needs: • high computation power • rapid test of new algorithms • Features: • integer arithmetic • efficient parallelization on 2D arrays

  21. Specialized Virtual Configurable Array for Hyperspectral Image Processing Memory VCLB Routing

  22. Specialized Virtual Configurable ArrayConclusion Architecture SVCA FPGA

  23. Specialized Virtual Configurable ArraysConclusion • One SVCA class of algorithms • Advantages • platform independent - fast programming • Disadvantages • small array - slow

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