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Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. Territorial cooperation 2007-2013 in Italy: implementing the new strategic approach. Rossella RUSCA Ministry of Economic Development Department for Development Policies Structural Fund Unit.
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Territorial cooperation 2007-2013 in Italy: implementing the new strategic approach Rossella RUSCA Ministry of Economic Development Department for Development Policies Structural Fund Unit Alpine Space Heading for Excellence- St Johann im Pongau – 27 june 2007
The background • A new strategy for regional development • The 2007-2013 National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) • Wider competences of the Regions • Title V of the Constitution modified
The new strategy for regional development • The NSRF is the comprehensive and single reference for all the Italian regional development policy 2007-2013, using: • Community and national additional resources • Structural Funds • ERDF, ESF • National Co-financing • National Rotation Fund, Other public funds • National funds for regional policy • Fund for Under Utilised Areas • Ordinary funds • National, regional, local
The new strategy for regional development • THE DIAGNOSYS • Regional development problems are the same all over Italy, but their intensity is considerably higher in the Southern regions (Mezzogiorno) • The consequences: • The development priorities are the same for all Italy • Financial resources are concentrated in the Mezzogiorno and in under-utilised areas • Also ordinary policies (national, regional, local) must collaborate to regional policy, concentrating their intervention to contribute to cohesion
The new strategy for regional development • Factors limiting development • Difficulty in promoting the supply of public goods and services and in ensuring enough competition on the markets • Education: not adequate level of competences • Lack of innovation and a weak research system • Difficulty of the financial market in supporting innovation and firms’ growth
4 main objectives and 10 priorities • Developing knowledge flows • Enhancing human resources • Research and innovation for competitiveness • Increasing quality of life, security and social inclusion in the territories • Efficient and sustainable use of natural resources for development • Social inclusion and services for quality of life and territorial attractiveness • Reinforcing productive filieres (chains), services, competition • Enhancing natural and cultural resources for attractiveness and development • Networks and links for mobility • Competitiveness of local productive systems and employment • Competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and urban systems • Internationalising and modernising • International opening and attraction of investments, consumptions and resources • Capacity building The new strategy for regional development
Italian participation to territorial cooperation:governing the complexity Italian regions within Alpine space are interested by many other operational programmes
Territorial cooperation and regional development • The territorial cooperation is included in the NSRF: • Territorial cooperation is fully part of the Italian strategy for regional development • Cooperation activities contributes to NSRF priorities, providing added value to regional development strategies and programmes • European Territorial cooperation programmes (cross-border included IPA and ENPI programmes, transnational, interregional) • Interregional cooperation activities within mainstream operational programmes (ROP Veneto, ROP Toscana, ROP Campania, NOP Education, InOP Competitiveness, etc)
Italian strategy for territorial cooperation (National Strategic Preliminary Document) “For many territories cooperation with cross-border areas or with other poles and regions outside the country is essential for getting real development results” (Ex: the success of the re-launching, promoting innovation and research, culture and nature, of some northern regions depends for many aspects from alpine crossborder and transnational cooperation)
Territorial cooperation in the NSRF Italy can bring competences and knowledge useful to get shared objectives for the development of cross-border and transnational areas (examples): High quality research, to be more systematically interlinked with competence centres existing outside the national borders Competences and experiences in the field of sustainable development, to used for the growth of administrative capacity, the promotion of distinctive sustainable tourism, the promotion of mitigation actions and the risk prevention Capacity to protect and enhance cultural heritage, domain in which Italy brings an added value of specific competences, capacity, know-how, methodologies and experiences internationally acknowledged, but still insufficiently used for European regional development Strategic infrastructures for the development of transnational territorial platforms linked to TransEuropean corridor and on Motorway of the sea, to adequately respond for instance to traffic growth in the Mediterranean
Transnational cooperation in support to NSRF priorities Mainly in NSRF priorities 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 • 2. Research and innovation for competitiveness • 3. Efficient and sustainable use of natural resources for development • 5. Enhancing natural and cultural resources for attractiveness and development • 6. Networks and links for mobility • 7. Competitiveness of local productive systems and employment • 8. Competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and urban systems
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 2 – Promoting, enhancing and disseminating research and development, and innovation for competitiveness Creation of scientific and technological networks to support regional research and development and innovation capacity • Reinforcement of research capacity, promoting the collaboration among research producers • Increase of the internalisation level of competence centres • Development of new capacities in the field of applied research • Enhancement of existing excellence capacities in support of local productive systems development and competitiveness
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 3-sustainable and efficient use of environmental resources • Promoting mitigation measures in areas interested by European level infrastructure • Defining integrated strategies to improve air quality and to manage natural and technological risks • Defining long-term strategies for the mitigation and management of climate change effects, reinforcing joint actions for monitoring, control and prevention in territories exposed to risks (mountain areas, etc) • Promoting an efficient management of water resources, the use of alternative and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, supporting the market of environmental technologies, promoting innovative projects and the development of productive clusters in the field of new environmental technology
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 5- Enhancing natural and cultural resources to improve attractiveness • Promoting the development of competences, capacities and qualified knowledge in the field of conservation, management and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage • Increasing the use and integration of methodologies, tools, experiences of integrated enhancement of cultural resources and landscape • Using advanced systems for the monitoring of control and management of the risk of decay • Developing innovative management tools, excellence poles, networks and systems of cultural resources (material and immaterial) • Reinforcing administrative and technical capacity in the field of sustainable development, in particular in new or recently joining Member States and in EU partner countries • Reinforcing and increasing sustainable tourism, to enhance and extend sustainable tourism as distinctive European and Mediterranean brand
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 6-Networks and links for mobility • Promoting the development of strategic and territorial platforms enhancing the local competitiveness potential, by: • reinforcing trans-European corridors and infrastructure links • guaranteeing the establishment of networks supporting development • promoting the strategic repositioning of ports, airports and related services • developing new market segments for those sectors where the Italian comparative advantage is conditioned by logistical lacks • Improving safety and intermodality, integration and synergies among networks, development of ICT services and platforms supporting the economic and social system
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 7-Competitiveness of productive systems and employment • Promoting the interconnection and integration of local systems in “extended networks” where the exchange of capitals, knowledge and technologies take place, in particular: • Promoting the integration of human resources • Enhancing existing scientific competences • Reinforcing the development of international clusters and technological platforms • Reinforcing cooperation networks between research and enterprise
Territorial cooperation and NSRF priorities • Priority 8-Competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and urban systems • Promoting the growth of attractiveness, the re-launch and repositioning of Italian cities on specific target markets • Promoting the balanced economic growth of cities in cross-border areas, by the networking of structures and services (for knowledge, innovation, culture, hosting) allowing the reaching of higher European and international rank and rating • Counteracting exclusion and lack of well-being (health centres, integrated transport services, centres for public services supply, etc)
Transnational cooperation in the Alpine space can promote activities really collaborating to get the NSRF priorities and objectives (examples) • Innovation and R&TD can support • Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural resources • Risk Prevention • Development of sustainable economic activities for competitiveness • Increase of renewable and alternative energy resources use • Transport and mobility • Need the support of ICT and innovation to be sustainable and provide solutions fitting Alpine space needs • Alpine space area is the cross-road for connection among EU, Mediterranean and Far East • ICT and innovation can also provide to population living in mountainous, and rural areas • Social inclusion and access to services and labour market • Better quality of life standard • A better urban-rural cooperation is vital • Cities can offer to mountainous, and rural areas competences, services and infrastructures • Rural and mountainous areas can provide to cities quality of life and attractiveness, high quality products, natural resources Territorial cooperation and NSRF
Territorial cooperation in Italyprinciples, methods and criteria for an effective implementation • To realise larger scale projects, oriented to the effective production of services for citizens and firms • To establish also in the domain of territorial cooperation clear objectives and strong evaluation process • To reinforce the contribution of national and international high competence centres • To correspond to quality criteria, measured using internationally acknowledged standard scoring systems • To fulfil complementarity's and scale of intervention criteria in order to generate significant impacts
Territorial cooperation in Italyprinciples, methods and criteria for an effective implementation • In order to transform and use Territorial Cooperation as an opportunity for the regional development it is necessary to have • strong collaboration among Institutions • integration of policies
Territorial cooperation in Italythe new governance (from NSRF) Regional and local actors are the main actors of territorial cooperation Central Administrations have a strategic coordination and accompanying role Within a multilevel governance model respecting Subsidiarity and partnership principles governing Community cohesion policy
Territorial cooperation in Italythe new governance (from NSRF) • A national Strategic Coordination Group is established, chaired by the Ministry of Economic Development and composed by representatives of • Central Administrations • Regional Administrations • Institutional and socio-economic partnership • The Strategic Coordination Group is in charge of ensuring an overall view of all activities supported in the implementation of the European Territorial Objective, in order to get and promote interaction and integration among cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation • The Strategic Coordination Group will ensure the integration of territorial cooperation within the programming and implementation of the Italian single strategy for regional development (NSRF)
Territorial cooperation in Italythe governance of transnational cooperation programmes For each transnational programme a new National Committee will be created: • Chaired by a Region • Composed of representatives of • concerned Central Administrations • concerned Regional Administrations • concerned institutional and socio-economic partnership • Linked to the national strategic group • systematically reporting to it and getting from it general guidelines • Organising and managing the day-by day of the implementation of the programme • Information and publicity (National info-points) • Promoting dialogue with potential beneficiaries • Assessing project proposals • Developing strategic projects • Monitoring and evaluating progresses achieved
Territorial cooperation in Italy In synthesis what Italy expects from the Alpine space programme? • Results, results, results visible, understandable, measurable, really useful and consistent with NSRF priorities, objectives and targets
Alpine Space programme Contact persons National Authority and overall coordination of the territorial cooperation programmes Ministry of Economic Development Department for development policies Structural Funds Unit Ms Rossella Rusca E-mail: rossella.rusca@tesoro.it National Committee of the Alpine Space Programme Regione Lombardia Directorate General for Territory and Urban planning Operational Unit for Territorial and Urban Planning CTT-Transnational Territorial Cooperation Mr Fabio Girotto E-mail: fabio_girotto@regione.lombardia.it