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EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL CO-OPERATION 2007-2013. Brussels, 1 September 2008 Nathalie Verschelde Unit REGIO E1 «Territorial Cooperation ». AGENDA. What is territorial cooperation ? How does it work ? The new programming period 2007-2013 How can you participate ?.
EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL CO-OPERATION 2007-2013 Brussels, 1 September 2008 Nathalie Verschelde Unit REGIO E1 «Territorial Cooperation »
AGENDA • What is territorial cooperation ? • How does it work ? • The new programming period 2007-2013 • How can you participate ?
What is territorial cooperation ? • Co-operation between MS and/or regions based primarily on geographical features: borders, sea basins, periphery, etc • Structural Funds support for activities which decrease the negative impacts of borders or enhances co-operation and integration among partners who share a “common space”
What is territorial cooperation? • Three broad types of programmes: • Cross-border co-operation : direct land or maritime borders, contiguous areas • Transnational co-operation : wider geographical groupings based on shared geographical features • Inter-regional co-operation : no specific geographical focus, regions from 27 MS working together
Other features • Strong presence of the Lisbon and Göteborg agendas (growth, jobs, innovation and environment very important) • 75% ERDF co-financing for all, even 85% for some (more than before with 50% and 75%) • Recommended involvement of wide partnerships • Improved governance (effectiveness, transparency, accountability, etc)
New Legal Basis • General Structural Funds regulation which fixes the main objectives (1083/2006) • ERDF regulation including a chapter on ETC with detailed requirements (1080/2006) • Implementing Regulation (1828/2006) • Regulation for a European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation, i.e. EGTC (1082/2006)
How are the strands financed ? * Billion €, Current prices
1. Cross-border co-operation (by far the largest in funding and number of programmes) € 5.6 billion
2007-20013 : 52 cross-border programmes
Cross-border cooperation In Italy 8 programmes: Italy – Malta (not yet adopted) Italy – Greece Italy – Slovenia Italy – Austria Italy – Switzerland Italy – France (land) Italy – France (Maritime)
What do they do? Essentially local in nature : • Entrepreneurship and SMEs, cross-border trade, tourism and culture • Protection and joint management of the environment • Better access to transport • Information and communication networks • Water, waste management and energy management systems • Joint use of health, culture and education infrastructure • Judicial and administrative co-operation Particularly important to contribute to Lisbon and Göteborg while working on erasing the negative border effects Possibility to finance ESF-type activities too.
2. Transnational co-operation € 1.8 billion
Transnational cooperation in Italy Alpine Space Central Europe South East Europe MED
What do they do? Focus on : • Innovation, RTD, enterprises • Environment : water management, environmental protection and risk prevention (including maritime safety) • improved accessibility, transport, information and communication networks • sustainable urban development
What is new ? • Concrete projects (investments where possible) • Networking, plans and studies acceptable only if they prepare for concrete projects • Development of strategic projects, involving both regional and national authorities – leverage towards other funding instruments • Not only open calls but also focused/thematic calls • Higher profile programmes (e.g. Baltic Sea Strategy)
3. Interregional co-operation € 445 million
2007-2013 • A single management structure for INTERREG IVC covering entire EU • MA in Nord-Pas de Calais (Lille) • Contact points in other regions (Valencia, Katowice, Rostock) • MC composed of 27 MS !
What do they do? “Reinforcement of effectiveness of regional policy” : • Mainly through establishing regional co-operation networks for exchange of experience and good practice • Focus on innovation & knowledge economy and environment & risk prevention
What is new ? • Besides “classic” inter-regional approach of bottom-up networking, new type of intervention : “Regions for Economic Change” • RfEC supports networks in 30 themes (20 INTERREG and 10 Urban)
Also financed through inter-regional budget In addition to regional networks : • Framework programme for the exchange of experiences on urban renewal (developed on the basis of URBACT II) • Identification, transfer and dissemination of best practice in management of co-operation programmes (developed on the basis of INTERACT II) • Studies and data collection, observation and analysis of development trends in the Community (developed on the basis of ESPON II)
External borders – programmes managed by DG REGIO IPA CBC € 600 million (ERDF and IPA)
IPA Programmes • In theory, 12 programmes managed by DG REGIO (with MS participation) • 10 programmes functioning. GR/TK and CY/TK problematic at the moment • 9 CBC + 1 transnational in nature (Italy/Adriatic) • Managed under the responsibility of the MS
Structures For each programme: • One Managing Authority, One Certifying Authority, One Audit Authority (classic) • One Joint Technical Secretariat (genuine international team – main contact point for beneficiaries) • Exceptionally, additional structures to ensure good coverage (sometimes long and geographically difficult areas) All this even with involvement of minimum 2 MS
ProjectSelection Cross-border and transnational co-operation: • Partners from at least two countries • Fulfill at least 2 of the following 4 criteria: • joint project development • joint implementation • joint project staff • joint financing
ProjectSelection (2) Responsibility of the Monitoring Committee (sometimes delegated to a Steering Committee) made up of representatives of all MS (or regions) involved Challenge : to select the best projects regardless of their location – resist temptation to “get out” of the programme what “goes in” as financial contribution.
Lead Partner Principle New legal basis now requires that : one project = one lead partner = one contract • Essential for genuine cross-border projects • Reduces risk of unilateral projects • But a big challenge in terms of management and responsibility for all involved
How can you take part ? • Cross-border cooperation - Trento not eligible • Transnational programmes – Alpine Space, Central Europe and South-East Europe. All three programmes focus on innovation, accessibility, environment, risk management. See the websites and joint technical secretariats for more info on contents and calls for projects. • For inter-regional cooperation – check the programme priorities and establish your interest in a network or initiate your own network. Frequent calls for projects.
Thank you for your attention ! Visit our website: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/funds/feder/index_en.htm#European_Territorial_Cooperation