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Accounts Management. Preparation of Estimates and hand holding of MB, Muster Roll By : Er. Syed Ozair Ahmad. Estimate.
Accounts Management Preparation of Estimates and hand holding of MB, Muster Roll By : Er. Syed Ozair Ahmad
Estimate • Estimate may be defined as expenditure to be incurred to meet the cost of construction of a work based on detailed calculation of the quantities, rate and cost thereof for different items of the work. • Project Estimate Contains: • (a) The report (b) Specification (c) Estimate (with calculation, etc) (d) Analysis of rate (e) Drawings. • Original Works may be divided into three categories, (As per PWD code) • 1. Major work Cost more than 10,000 • 2. Minor work Cost 1000 – 10,000 • 3. Petty work Cost less than 1000
Stages in the project for a work 1. Administrative approval 2. Expenditure approval 3. Technical sanction 4. Appropriation or re-appropriation of fund
Administrative & Expenditure approval 1. Admin Approval: It is a necessary to obtain concurrence of the department concerned to the proposal before technical sanction to the work. “The formal acceptance by the department concerned is termed as Administrative approval”. It should not be accorded until professional authority intimated that preliminary estimate is sufficiently correct for the purpose and structurally sound. Revised A.A is necessary is case of deviation by more than 10%of the cost. 2. Expenditure Sanction : Sanction of the state Govt. to the expenditure proposed to be incurred on the work. For works for which there is already provision in the budget no separate expenditure sanction is necessary.
Technical sanction 3. Technical Sanction : Sanction of the detailed estimate by the competent authority to carryout the proposed work which guarantee that structure is sound and estimate is accurately calculated and based on data. ‘Sanction of the estimate does not mean sanction of the rate’ Sanction of estimate will ordinarily ceases to operate after 5 years period from date of accord.
Appropriation or re-appropriation • Appropriation or re-appropriation : It is allotment of particular sum of money to meet expenditure out of fund placed at disposal of competent authority. No expenditure should be incurred without such appropriation. Re-appropriation means the transfer of fund from one unit of a appropriation to another such unit. Both are operated in a particular financial year for which made available.
Measurement Book & Muster Roll The initial records upon which accounts of works are based are: a. Muster Roll : It is initial record of the labour employed each day on a work and must be written daily by the subordinate in charge of works. b. Measurement Book : For piece work and for contract work, the MB will form the basis of account. MB is a most important record since it is the basis of all accounts of quantities whether the work done by the daily labourer or by the piece or by contract and material received which is to be counted or measured.
Labour Reports From the M.R, labour reports will be prepared and from MB bill will be checked. It will be in a prescribed format. No. of each class of labour will be noted and any discrepancies between MR & MB should be checked.
Certificate to be furnished when MB is issued Certified that the pages in this measurement book have been counted and found to be (Nos) printed pages. No page has been torn out. This MB is issued in favour of Sri....... (Name & designation) for ....... (Name of work) Signature of issuing Authority
Instruction for movement and entries of M.B • A movement register to be maintained at office indicating M.B No, to whom issued, Date of issue, signature of receiving person, Dt. of return, Remarks. • No page torn out or missing and blank should be left out un-cancelled. • Corrections should be properly made and initialed by a responsible person. • Entries in MB should be recorded legibly in ink. • The no and date of each voucher in which the quantities are entered for payment must be noted. • In the case of cancellation of any measurement the reason for cancellation must be given supported with signature of the person who made the measurement. • Measurement should be test checked by the superior officers of the department with date & signature.
General Instructions 1. The measurement books (MB) should be numbered in order of issue. 2. The M.B should be considered as very important accounts records and maintained very carefully and accurately as they may have to be produced as evidence in court of law. 3. The entries of measurement and their abstract in the MB should be recorded legibly in ink at site of works. The recording of measurement else where and copying them in MB is forbidden. 4. Measurement taking official or person should sign in full with post and must be test checked by superior officer. 5. Each set of measurement should start with entries starting. a. Full name of the work. b. Location / watershed no and code. c. Date of start of work. d. Date of completion. e. Name of agency. d. Date of measurement.
Format of measurement • Measurement of work in progress shall be entered as running A/C bill no. 1,2, i.e 1st RIA Bill, 2nd R/A Bill ……………. • When work is competed, final bill will be prepared by taking measurement of all items of work executed from 1st RA bill to final bill and abstract of cost will be prepared accordingly. • Income tax, sales tax, royalty of material used shall be deducted from each and every bill, as per rule.
Format of M.R It contains of two parts. Part I Consists on Nominal Roll showing names grouped according to classes with father’s name, attendance date wise, Rate & Amount with signature or thumb impression of payee. All entries must be initialed by paying officer and should also be initialed by inspecting officers. Part II Contains details of the measurement of work done by the labour employed as per this nominal Muster Roll. If work is not susceptible of measurement, a remark should be recorded accordingly. - Format as per separate sheet
Model estimate for water Harvesting Structure or Seepage Tank (70’X 60’size) Slope 2:1 Calculation of Quantity : a. Site clearance : 80’X70’ = 5600 sft b. Earth work in excavation : 70 + 60/ 2 X 60+50/2 X 10 = 35750 cft 1st lift (extra) : 65+62/ 2 X 55+52/2 X 3 = 10192 cft 2nd lift : 62+60/2 X 52+50/2 X 2’= 6222 cft c. Providing Boulder Pitching – L.S d. Providing and fixing 2’-0”dia hume pipes – 6 nos Abstract of cost a. Site clearance – 5600 sft @ Rs. 1/- = Rs 5600 b. E/W in excavation – 35750 cft = 1013.3 M3@45/M3 = 45600 extra for 1st lift - 10192 cft = 289m3 @ 8/- = 2312 extra for 2nd lift – 6222 cft = 1763m3 @15/- = 2645 c. Boulder pitch – L.S = 25000 d. Providing H.P – 6 No. @ 2500/each = 15000 90558.00 Add Contingency 1% 905.00 Total Rs. 91463.00 70 65 60 50 60 55