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R esourceful Futures

Issued Quarterly April 2019 . R esourceful Futures. IN THIS ISSUE : *Revamped Open Futures Learning *Disability Education continues *Training Opportunities. Check out our new facebook page, Resourceful Futures.

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R esourceful Futures

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  1. Issued Quarterly April 2019 ResourcefulFutures IN THIS ISSUE: *Revamped Open Futures Learning *Disability Education continues *Training Opportunities Check out our new facebook page, Resourceful Futures QR code for Resourceful Futures Website. Scan using an app for QR codes If you have any news, suggestions, kudos, thank you’s or thoughts, please let Eric know in person, by phone at 403-531-8631 ext 1181, or by email at ericj@resourcefulfutures.org. Thank you and remember that YOUR contributions are what make the newsletter interesting and fun!

  2. Closures for Office and Community Access Program Friday April 19 Good Friday Monday May 20 Victoria Day Monday July 1 Canada Day Wilma Millson DANCE SCHEDULE Clients requiring caregivers must be accompanied at all times. Dances run from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. On Saturdays May 4 May 11 June 1 Hot Dob Night July 6 Stampede BBQ and Dance Dances are held at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association, 1320 5th Ave NW Calgary

  3. Director’s Corner Happy Hopping Easter Every Bunny, “The days are longer, the nights are warmer and we can finally put our heavy coats and gloves in the back of the closet. Winter is gone and that means it is time to launch our spring and summer activities starting with our Community Access program Easter Hunt Party on April 18. I am sure this will be an exciting hoppy event with lots of activities (and chocolate). Check out our website for a full schedule of events/activities over the spring and summer months at www.resourcefulfutures.org Please remember, we highlight an employee or subcontractor each month. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, I would love to hear from you. The employees/ subcontractors stories that we have been hearing about over the past nine months have been absolutely amazing. It is not much wonder why I clients feel they are being supported by the best caregivers around and making so much progress in their quality of lives. Well DONE EVERYONE !!!!!!!!! Hoppy Easter and Happy Spring. Remember, “If you see a rabbit laying little brown eggs, DON’T eat them. It’s NOT chocolate!!!!!!!!!! Rob H, CEO

  4. Coordinators’ Report Welcome to Spring! Thank you to all permitted subcontractors and respite workers for the amazing role you play in our individuals’ lives.  We appreciate your dedication and professionalism. Due to the weather changing and the season of cold and flu, please have your individuals stay home when they are showing signs of illness.  If you require additional support please let us know. We have the opportunity to participate in additional  modules in Open Futures Learning.  Open Future Learningsite is now live! Much more than just a new website, here are some of the great new things we have launched: Mini Learning Modules: You told us you wanted shorter modules - we give you Mini Modules! Taking 30 minutes or less to complete, our Mini Learning Modules capture everything you expect from Open Futures and deliver it in a bite size format. Audio Learning Modules: You told us you are busy - we give you Audio Modules! Like an interactive podcast, our Audio Learning Modules make it possible to learn while you travel to work, workout, do your dishes, or any other time you are on the go. Mobile Learning: You can now use the Open Futures site on any device including your phone with no app needed. Our next fund raising event is scheduled for April 18th.  Watch for the MEMO! Thanks once again for all that you do. Shelly, Kendra and Tracy

  5. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Please join us in offering “kudo’s” to our most recent employees of the month January 2019 Tracy Dunn February 2019 OusmaneDiallo March 2019 Samsam Omar TRAININGResourceful Futures will be hosting some in house training Positive Behavior Supports Workshop Day program Staff 9:00-3:00 Lisa McKee will schedule you in for one of the following dates and times. Wednesday May 08 2019 Wednesday June 12 2019 Wednesday July 10 2019 Wednesday September 18 2019 Permitted Subcontractor 9:00-4:00 Lisa McKee will schedule you for one of the follow dates and times Saturday May 04 2019 Saturday June 15 2019

  6. TRAINING, cont’d All Saturday trainings are open to all residential respite staff as well. You will need to contact Lisa McKee to register them. Non-violent Crisis Intervention (CPI) Workshop You will be receiving a memo if you require a renewal. Workshops will be posted for October and November 2019. Please check all your residential respite renewal needs, as it is your responsibility to register them with Lisa McKee. In addition, I would like to acknowledge the staff at Pearson’s Funeral Home for assisting us to prepare a new program helping clients and families discuss end of life wishes. This is an emotional topic and David Root, Owner of Pearson’s has offered his personal time to educate and support our leadership team to prepare a fantastic package that will benefit everyone. Enjoy the springtime everyone, Linda Morris Client Services Manager

  7. ALSO EXCITING NEWS 2019 will be a year to celebrate disabilities.  We are arranging for monthly presentations to learn about different disabilities.  Your client, son/daughter may come home with projects, etc. from our day program as we are encouraging research using the disability as a topic for the month.  Here are the scheduled presentations for the next few months; Our “2019 The Year to Celebrate Disabilities” is going well. The next presenters attending are from the Autism Society, Downs Syndrome and more on FASD. A thank you to all our staff for attending, welcoming our guest speakers and embracing this knowledge with enthusiasm.

  8. Community Access News Team leaders would like to use this opportunity to inform you of some great news happening at Resourceful Future over the last few months. First of all, we are glad to have Jill Randall, a practicum student from the University of Regina, to have her second practicum experience with us. Jill facilitates Sign Language Class and the Individualized Resume Workshop for clients who are interested in learning sign language and/or writing their resume for applying to volunteer/employment opportunities. Cooking class and Advanced Art Project are two new activities which are newly introduced to our clients this year. We want to say “Thank You” to the Calgary Rehabilitation Society for letting us facilitate the cooking class in their kitchen. A group for five clients (two groups in total) will prepare two dishes, one main dish and one dessert, with staff’s support once a month. During the class, clients will learn food preparation, nutrition value, safety and hygiene requirements for cooking. All participants will discuss their menu ahead of time and have a great time sharing the food and cleaning together after cooking. Our Advanced Art project offers clients who are interested in special art projects, for example: Plastic Spoon Art, Thread Art, Floor Rug … etc. Clients can sign up for the special projects which they may be interested in. Chicken and Corn Salad Pita Wrap Strawberry Chocolate Brownie

  9. Thank to all clients and staff who volunteer to clean and disinfect our facility to minimize the outbreak of cold/flu. We would like to remind all clients and staff to put more attention on breaking the chain of infection by washing your hands before and after activities, covering your mouth or wearing a mask when coughing. If possible, get vaccinated to get better protection from getting the flu. Year of 2019 is known as the Year of Disabilities at RFCSL. Resourceful Futures invited speakers to help our staff to learn more about FASD, Autism Disorder, and Schizophrenia Disorder. Staff had the opportunity to learn the up-to date information and ask questions during the presentations. Thanks to Linda, our Client Service Manager, for bringing all of the wonderful guests and arranging great learning opportunities for us. We all looking forward to meeting more speakers and to have a better understanding about the clients whom we support. Jessamine and Marylenn Special Art Projects

  10. Committees Health and Safety Chair Jessamine C. , former mentor, now Team Leader Members Dinah B. Ousmane D. Marsha W. Colt M. Employee Relations Chair Rakesh P. Members Heather H. Elmer L. Jordan L. Client Relations Chair Sylvia B. Members Kim M, Jennifer B. Luisa M. A.J. Social/Cultural Diversity Chair Sharon C. Members Michelle T. Leeann M. Hayley B. Brady M.

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