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Safety in Science

Safety in Science. We don’t want any trouble !. What we worry about. What to wear General rules First aid Hot stuff Chemicals Clean up. What to wear. Goggles, when listed On the eyes All the time Tie long hair back No baggy clothes. General rules. Appropriate behavior - ALWAYS

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Safety in Science

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safety in Science We don’t want any trouble !

  2. What we worry about • What to wear • General rules • First aid • Hot stuff • Chemicals • Clean up

  3. What to wear • Goggles, when listed • On the eyes • All the time • Tie long hair back • No baggy clothes

  4. General rules • Appropriate behavior - ALWAYS • Read the experiment first, don’t just copy other groups • Follow directions, don’t make up your own lab • Clean up as you go • Wash your hands • No food

  5. First aid Tell the teacher, even for little things

  6. First aid (continued) • Chemical spills • Small amount, non-toxic chemicals – rinse in sink with clear, cold water, at least two minutes • BIG spills, toxic chemicals – safety shower • Splash in the eyes – eye wash • Burns • Put under cold water • Teacher will get ice • Cuts • Rinse with plain water • Apply pressure Always let the teacher know

  7. Hot stuff • A hot beaker looks like a cold beaker • At least one supervisor for flame or hot plate • Keep your face to the side of the container that is heating • Use clamps or hot pads

  8. Hot stuff (continued) • If YOU catch on fire: • Stop • Drop • Roll • If someone else catches on fire: use the fire blanket • Fire extinguisher – tell a teacher, we’ll use it

  9. Chemicals • Follow directions • Touch, smell, or taste only when instructed • Waft, don’t snort • Take only what you need • Dispose of the extra, not back in bottle • No “mad scientist” • Measure carefully • Follow directions on clean-up

  10. Clean up • Follow directions • Different chemicals different clean-up • Sometimes in the trash • Sometimes down the sink • Sometimes in a special container • Includes equipment, table, and floor • Clean up as you go, don’t wait until later

  11. A little pop quiz • What should you do if you get a small amount of chemical splashed on your arm? • Rinse in cold water for at least 2 minutes and tell the teacher • If you are pretty sure what will happen, can you mix together two powders that you have left over from your experiment? • No, no, no! • True or false: you always clean up by putting things in the trash • Not always, only when the directions say to do that

  12. A little pop quiz • When should you wear goggles? • When the experiment procedure directs and then as long as you have the chemicals or flame at the table • You catch your sleeve on fire and it quickly spreads to the rest of your clothes. Should you: • Run and get the fire blanket • Ask your lab partner to squirt you with the fire extinguisher • Stop, drop, and roll • Stop, drop, and roll • What is the safety shower used for? • Large spills of toxic chemicals on a person

  13. Follow Directions The most important thing:

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