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Learn about the purchasing process, tools to maintain supplies and quality standards, strategies to minimize expenditures, channels of distribution, and types of goods and services being purchased. Discover the role of buyers in operations and essential procurement steps.
Chapter 5 Purchasing and Inventory
Purchasing Overview • The purchasing process is everything involved in buying products and services for an operation: • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • __________________________________ • ___________________________________. PURCHASING GOALS 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Maintaining Suppliesand Quality Standards • Tools to help purchasers buy the right amount of product: • Customer-count histories • Popularity index of items sold • Vendor delivery schedules • Availability of items from vendors • Recognizing outside influences that might affect an operation • Every item an operation produces must meet that operation’s standards for quality: • Consistency is the key to drawing repeat customers. • An operation must have established quality standards for each item or service. • _____________________are set by the chef, manager, and/or owner, and are easy to follow when purchasing brand-name items. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Minimizing Expendituresand Staying Competitive . • To minimize spending, an operation needs to consider: • Customer-count forecasts • Available storage capacity for new product • Forecasts of future costs of particular products • For any operation, all costs must be controlled and the restaurant must be able to attract customers. • For an operation to stay competitive, it must: • _____________________________________________ • Try to get the __________________________________ • Try to get the maximum ___________, or the total utilization, from products purchased. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Channels of Distribution Flow • A channel of distribution includes the particular businesses that buy and sell a product as it makes its way from its original source to a retailer. • There are three main layers in any channel of distribution: • Primary sources include the farmers and ranchers who raise produce and livestock. • Intermediary sources include wholesalers, distributors, and suppliers. • Retailers sell their products directly to the public. All restaurants are considered retailers. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Goods and Services: What’s Being Purchased • _______________________These are items that operations actually prepare and sell. • ________________________: These items are directly tied to the sale of food and beverages. • ___________________________: These are items that an individual can generally move from location to location easily and that require replacement fairly often. • __________________________: Management and employees use technology throughout the modern operation. • ___________________________________: This category is also known as capital expenditures. An operation might purchase or lease some of the items in this category, such as big-ticket appliances. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
More Goods and Services • ______________________: These supplies and services support the management or marketing of an operation. • ______________________: These support services are tied to the operational aspect of the business. • ______________________: These services help keep the facility in good shape. Many of these services are essential to the efficient functioning of an operation. • ___________________: In many areas of the country, operations can choose among competing utility suppliers. Careful negotiation of the various utilities in a given area will end up saving an operation money. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Buyers: Who’s Doingthe Purchasing • In independent or single-unit operations, the buyer of an operation’s product might be the owner or manager. • The purchasing structure in chain operations might include an individual to perform or review all purchasing activities. • Hotels, large restaurants, and chains use the _____________________to order goods and services. • A buyer must know everything about the operation—from the items on the menu and their current prices to the expected volume of business. • For an operation to run effectively, buyers must have a full understanding of the purchasing process. • A buyer must have integrity. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Section 5.1 Summary • There are five basic steps to the procurement process: determine what an operation wants and needs to buy; identify quality standards; order products and services; receive deliveries; and store and issue products. • There are four major goals of purchasing: maintain the right supply of products and services, maintain the quality standards of the operation, minimize the amount of money the operation spends, and stay competitive with similar operations. • There are three main layers in any channel of distribution: Primary sources are the producers; intermediary sources include wholesalers, distributors, and suppliers; and retailers sell their products directly to the public. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Section 5.1 Summary (Cont.) • There are nine major categories of goods and services: food and beverage; nonfood items; smallwares and equipment; technology; furniture, fixtures, and equipment; business supplies and services; support services; maintenance services; and utilities. • A buyer must know everything about an operation—from the items on the menu and their current prices to the expected volume of business. • Buyers must have integrity to avoid forming relationships with vendors that could either compromise the relationship with that vendor or compromise the best interests of the operation. 5.1 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Determining Quality Standards • _____________refers to the value or worth that customers place on a product or service. • Establishing solid quality standard specifications helps an operation create the consistency that customers expect. • Factors to be addressed when defining an operation’s quality standards include: • ____________________: Knowing how an item will be prepared and served is the most-influential factor in determining quality standards. • __________________________: The overall concept and goals of the operation guides all decisions. • ___________ The buyer must specify in the quality standard exactly how the item is described on the menu. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Quality Standards (Cont.) • _____________________If an operation offers items that require extensive preparation, the operation will need highly skilled employees. • ____________ Constraints: Operations in highly competitive markets may need to include cost limits in their quality standards. • _______________________: It’s very important to look closely at what customers want and why they choose to eat at an operation. • __________________________: The seasonal nature of produce and other items affects price and availability. • _______________________: An operation’s storage space limits the amount of product it can purchase, which may then affect the quality of some menu items. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Writing Product Specifications • ____________________________describe the requirements for a particular product or service that an operation wants to buy. • Specifications include the details that help a product or service meet the operation’s quality standards. • Operations should always document product specifications. • Buyers should always work with approved, reputable suppliers. • Buyers must be very familiar with the operation’s quality standards and product specifications and communicate these standards and specifications to both staff and vendors. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Ordering • Buyers conduct ________________________to decide if an operation should make an item from scratch or buy a ready-made version. • Knowing exactly what and when to order is at the center of purchasing. • Buyers and managers use _____________________to forecast their buying needs. • A __________________________ lists all menu items that the chefs will prepare on a given day. • Buyers use production sheets to spot signs of __________________________________________ 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Figuring Out Whatto Order • One of the most important ways managers try to limit food waste is by keeping accurate ________________________. • Managers keep _______________that track each item sold from the menu. This record shows which items sell well, called _________, and ones that don’t sell well, called _____. • _____________ levels are the ideal amounts of inventory items that an operation should have at all times: Par stock – Amount in stock = Amount to be ordered • Another way to ensure that an operation always has the proper level of stock on hand is to establish a ____________, for each item. A reorder point is like a warning bell; it alerts an operation to make orders immediately. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Ordering Forms A _______________________ is a legally binding, written document that details exactly what the buyer is ordering from the vendor. • Buyers can place purchase orders by phone, fax, or the Internet. • Keeping track of the information on the purchase order helps the buyer control products and services. • When a chef believes that a piece of expensive equipment should be purchase or replaced, the chef must first fill out a requisition and send it to company headquarters. • Once headquarters approves the purchase and notifies the buyer, the buyer can place the order. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Knowing Food Prices • A buyer must understand and keep track of the factors that affect food prices. • Factors that affect a product’s value: • Time value: The price retailers pay for the convenience of selecting the time of delivery from suppliers. • Form value: The price savings created when a buyer purchases bulk quantities of food instead of individually portioned servings. • Place value: The differences in price of a product depending on where it needs to be shipped. • Transportation value: The cost of choosing a quick but expensive form of transport to get goods delivered. • Service value: Additional convenience services that a vendor provides to its customers. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Section 5.2 Summary • Quality standards refer to the value or worth that customers place on a product or service. • Product specifications describe the requirements for a particular product or service that an operation wants to buy. • Buyers conduct a make-or-buy analysis to decide if an operation should make an item from scratch or buy a ready-made version. • Buyers use production sheets, daily food cost sheets, and sales mix records to help with purchasing decisions. • There are many economic factors that influence the price of an item. 5.2 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Receiving Orders ________________________means inspecting, accepting, and, in some cases, rejecting deliveries of goods and services. • Guidelines for efficient receiving procedures include: • Plan ahead for shipments. • ___________and store each delivery before receiving another one. • ____________deliveries __________________. • Record items on a receiving sheet. • Correct mistakes immediately. • Put products away as quickly as possible. • Maintain the receiving area. • Receivers have the right to ______________any delivery that doesn’t meet the operation’s standards. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Storing Orders • ____________________are food products sold or distributed in a form that will spoil or decay within a limited period of time. • _______________ are items that, generally due to packaging or processing, do not readily support the growth of pathogens. • When storing items in refrigerated storage: • Set refrigerators to the correct temperature. • Monitor food temperature regularly. • Schedule regular maintenance of coolers. • Don’t overload coolers. • Use open shelving. • Keep cooler doors closed as much as possible. • Wrap or cover all food properly. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Frozen and Dry Storage • When storing items in frozen storage: • Set freezers to the correct temperature. • Check freezer temperatures regularly. • Place frozen food deliveries in freezers once inspected. • Ensure good airflow inside freezers. • Defrost freezers on a regular basis if necessary. • Clearly label food prepared on-site that is intended for frozen storage. • When storing items in dry storage: • Keep storerooms _________________ • Make sure storerooms are well ventilated. • Store dry food away from walls and _____________ off of the floor. • Keep food out of direct sunlight. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Taking Inventory An ________________ is a record of all products an operation has in storage and in the kitchen. • In the _____________________ inventory method, the entire stock is physically reviewed on a regular basis. • In the _________________ inventory method, employees record items when they are received and then when they are used up. • A physical inventory is an actual count of all items in stock, while a perpetual inventory is an estimate of stock on hand based on data entry. • __________________refers to the official procedures employees use when taking an item out of the storeroom and putting it into production. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Calculate Usage,Food Costs, and Loss • Using an inventory system helps a buyer calculate product usage, food cost, and losses. • Tracking the amount of a product used during a period of time helps the buyer calculate how much needs to be ordered. • Buyers calculate the total cost of food the same way they calculate item usage, except that they use the figures for total restaurant food inventory value. • If sales of food for the period are less than the cost of food sold, then the operation is operating at a loss. • Another type of loss is inventory shrinkage, or the difference between the total cost of food and the cost of goods issued during the period. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory
Section 5.3 Summary • Receiving means inspecting, accepting, and, in some cases, rejecting deliveries of goods and services. • Perishable products are food products sold or distributed in a form that will spoil or decay within a limited period of time. • Nonperishable food is generally purchased in large quantities and less often than perishable food. • Food should be stored according to whether it’s perishable or nonperishable. • There are three types of storage available in most foodservice establishments: refrigeration, freezer, and dry storage. • An inventory is a record of all products an operation has in storage and in the kitchen. 5.3 Chapter 5 | Purchasing and Inventory