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Supporting Independence. The Government give all Local Authorities money to spend each year on the services they deliver. The new Government are giving Local Authorities less money to spend on the services they deliver.
The Government give all Local Authorities money to spend each year on the services they deliver.
The new Government are giving Local Authorities less money to spend on the services they deliver. Lincolnshire County Council have to think about the money they spend on the services they provide
What are the challenges? Lincolnshire County Council spends a lot of money on Adult Social Care. Over the next 4 years they are going to have 28% less money to spend
There are more people in the County that need support, especially older people. Some people are saying that they want to receive different types of support
The Government thinks that people, families and communities should be helping each other to have good lives – they call this The Big Society
How are the County Council suggesting they meet these challenges? The County Council are asking people to think about the number of people they support through Adult Social Care and whether this should change.
How do the County Council decide who gets support from them? The County Council assesses everybody who needs some support from them. They use Government Guidelines to put people into a group. The Guidelines can be found in a Government report, they are often called FACS.
There are 4 different groups and these are: Critical Substantial Moderate Low
Critical Critical Substantial Substantial Substantial Moderate Moderate Low Low 1 2
How many people would be affected? At the moment there are 3363 people in Lincolnshire with moderate or low needs that receive a service
The County Councils Executive Committee, which is made up of County Councillors, will listen to what people say. They will make the final decision, they will make this decision at a meeting in July.
1. Are you – a person who uses services now, a carer, a group/organisation, a person who may need services in the future? Each member of a family or group can fill in a questionnaire .
2. Looking at the Fair Access to Care service levels, which level of need do you think the council should pay to provide support for? Just critical needs Just critical and substantial needs Moderate, substantial and critical needs All levels of need – low, moderate, critical and substantial needs
2. What types of help do you think people should be expected to pay for themselves Home Care Assistance – Help with personal care everyday Help with housework once or twice a week Help with shopping once or twice a week Transport to access the community e.g. Work and social activities Getting out to meet other people e.g. Friendship, clubs, day centres, groups and activities Equipment to help around the house
3. Please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements The Council needs to limit who should receive services People with moderate needs should be helped to live without the need of council funded services People should use their own money and benefits such as Attendance Allowance to pay for support they need For each of these questions you can Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree or Strongly disagree
5. If the new proposal to withdraw services from people with moderate needs goes ahead, do you think this should apply? Just to new customers To all new and existing customers
6. If your services were planned to be withdrawn would you: Keep your existing level of help but pay for it privately Look to family/friends to provide support Have no support Other (please give your other options)
7. Some people with moderate needs have been provided equipment, which the council pays to maintain. If the council was to stop providing support to people with moderate needs, do you think The Council should withdraw the equipment and people should replace it themselves People should keep the equipment and pay for its maintenance themselves – where it is safe to do so It could be unsafe to leave equipment with people if they do not maintain it I have another suggestion to be considered (Please give details of your suggestion)