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Healthy way of life and personal hygiene. Physical culture and bases of tempering. A hygienic estimation of facilities of care of mouth cavity. Hygiene of clothes and shoe. Washings facilities, their hygienic description. Prophylaxis of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.
Healthy way of life and personal hygiene. Physical culture and bases of tempering. A hygienic estimation of facilities of care of mouth cavity. Hygiene of clothes and shoe. Washings facilities, their hygienic description. Prophylaxis of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.
The basis of healthy lifestyles and effective primary and secondary prevention of various diseases is personal hygiene - a complex of measures aimed at preserving and enhancing health through hygienic requirements in everyday life and human activity.
Health • As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1946) "Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Health - a state of complete biological, physical, psychophysical, social welfare, when the functions of all organs and systems of the human body balanced with the environment, absent any disease, painful conditions and physical defects, this body state in which he able to fully perform its biological and social functions - domestic, employment, social.
"Health - the process (including methods and means) the maintenance and development of biological, physiological functions, optimal performance and social activity of people with a maximum duration of its active life.
Personal Hygiene... In the area of personal hygiene includes: body hygiene and oral hygiene of physical training and hardening, prevention of harmful habits, hygiene, sexuality, hygiene, clothing, hygiene, rest, sleep, personal hygiene food hygiene mental work
To basic elements of personal hygiene concern: cleanliness of the body skin, hygiene of a feed, hygiene of clothes and footwear, hygiene subjects of the home use, situation, hygiene of habitation and separate rooms, hygiene of rest and dream.
Speaking about the c l e a n n e s s of the s k i n, it is necessary to say you, that in cuticle there are many apertures sweat and sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands consist of several lobules and mainly are connected with a hair; them excretory ducts open in hair small sacs. Allocating fat, they soften and moisten a skin, giving it of shine and elasticity. The skin carries out series difficult physiologic functions: protective, temperature control and tactile.
Products of the decay irritate the skin, causingit’s stretching, therefore can develop dermatitis. Besides the mud corks up of skin pores, interfering to normal secretion dermal glands. Together with the mud in the skin pores the microorganisms will penetrate, owing to what can arise furunculous and derma tides. Secreted by a skin sweat and fat stick to a linen, to them the mud sticks, dust, and linen mutually can pollute a skin;
Cold water is a good tempering factor. After washing by water it is necessary carefully to wipe a skin by a towel dry - to occurrence of a mild erythematic. If the skin not wipes dry also remains by a moisture, at intensive evaporation there is a cooling it owing to narrowing vessels comes distress of a skin on a blood, the secretion of glands also decreases. At a fatty skin use hot water, for it causes a vasodilatation, dissolves greasy substances and well washes off the mud and flakes.
However, the often application of hot water causes the stagnation of a blood in vessels of a skin, superfluous defeating it and at abuse to bath can entail to the flabbiness a skin. Therefore by hot waterit is necessary to use not more often, than 1-2 times for one week (in bath- house, in bath-room or douches), and it might be for night.
The second agent for support of cleanliness of a skin is soap. The soap is mixture soluble salts of greasy acids limiting and not boundary line not less than with 8 atoms of Carbon. First mention about soap is in 1 century of our era. It made from ashes and fat. The discovery the extraction of soda from kitchen salt (in 1791) has given possibility scientifically to prove soap boiling (1823). Now soap makes from animal and vegetable oils. Na+ soap - is solid; K+ – liquid soap.
The washing ability of the soap consists in what. During by action of water soap fats are emulsified from a skin, hair and tissues. A meadow, that get free during the hydrolysis of soap, dissolves these emulsified fats, and they then are well washed off by water. Others consider, that free meadow is not formed, and its role carries out easily soluble in water fat-acidic salt.
Someone proves washing ability of the soap from the point of view physical and colloidal properties and processes, which occur at it, namely:1) The soap solution lowers a surface intention between water and subject, which is washed, moistening a surface is faster, than water; fractions of the mud thus are enveloped by soap and are separated from a tissue, hair also are then washed off by water;
2) The soap solution has strongest attraction, than tissue, therefore the fractions of the mud pass to a soap solution, that is the phenomenon of adsorption.The washing action of water and soap is assisted by friction- mechanical isolation of the mud. The friction at washing and bathing of the body raises glands of skin and assists to peel of numb epithelium. In such way is restored normal elasticity of a skin, its resilience and raises touching properties of a skin. Not without reason soap has come in use, as a agent of a care behind a skin.
The extra care is necessary at application soap in newborn children, because they have very gentle skin.Attempts of manufacturing of a doctor's soap (carbolic and boric) had no success, for application standard doctor's soap does not give an opportunity to dose drugs and is strongly irritate skin. Therefore these soaps have no large application at treatment of various dermal diseases, and for healthy skins they absolutely superfluous and in the majority harmful.
The h a n d ’s h y g i e n e. The hand and in particular are places of accumulation of mud, dust and bacteria. From hand the mud are transferred on other sites of skin, on the face and frequently, at the eating by dirty hands, in mouth. Therefore hygienic contents of hands has the large meaning. At three – four washing hands per day are possible to use a cold water with soap. At some kinds of work (in garages, on some wares) it is necessary to wash hands by hot water with soap.
Transition to different modes of tempering • degree adaptation of the body to chill;the frequency of colds in the past;conduct functional tests on cold resistance, which involves identifying the analysis of heart rate during cooling feet water, which has a temperature of 14-17 0C for 3 minutes
Hygiene BODY... • Now used mainly 2 types of baths for general purposesteam;dryroom....
In the first type of steam bath baths (steam) from the stove - the heater in the loading mode, temperature reaches 65-70 0C for relative humidity of ≈ 75-80%. If the couple filed with the boiler, these figures are respectively 42-45 0 C and 100%.
In the building of the baths should be: 1) Good ventilation; 2) strict sanitary preventive treatment; 3) at least 1 time per month should be wet chemical disinfection; 4) to measure the temperature not use mercury thermometers; 5) You can not make the room for washing and other facilities in the glass; 6) during the procedure prohibited smoking, loud talking; 7) before the steam bath should take a warm shower and head to prevent overheating.
The h y g i e n e of l e g s. A hygienic care of legs skin anything does not differ from the care of hands skin. A skin on soles is thicker, has an appreciable grid soporiferous glands. At the bad care the sweat easily stands and is displayed, and formed thus fatty acids cause an unpleasant smell and corrode skin, in particular in digital folds. Except usual measures - often washing by hot or warm water with soap, sponge down by alcohol (60 % alcohol – 100 gm and Aecidium boric - 2 gm), and it is necessary to attention to footwear.
The h a i r ’s h y g i e n e. The skin of hair part of the head has much soporiferous and sebaceous glands. The products of the disintegration of fat and sweat, flakes and ceratoid cells too, and also the mud from air is easy accumulated by the hair. Therefore hair part of the head it is recommended each week to wash hot water with soap. To soap the head is necessary yes, that not only all hair, but also skin of the head closely adjoined with soap foam.
The h y g i e n e of the o r a l c a v i t y. In mouth there are many slits and cavities, that united measure to free them from remains of the food is after eating to rinse mouth by water. Is useful twice on twenty – four hours – in the evening and for night - to clean teeth by not hard brush; it massages also strengthens gums and clears them and teeth. The precipitation of some salts on teeth needs to be taken out.
The concept of oral care includes:1) individual cleaning teeth;2) remove food from the interdental spaces;3) rinsing the mouth with water after every meals....
Hygienic index teeth • If Guise to 1.5 points rating of good, 2.6 - 3.4 is negative,more than 3.5 - sharply negative.
The h y g i e n e of the c l o t h e s and f o o t – w e a r. The predestination of the clothes is to facilitate to the man of the adaptation to conditions of external medium, to protect a skin from damages and to cover the nudity. The clothes frame around of man’s body an artificial microclimate, which makes the man by independent from adverse influences of external medium. Due to clothes the man spares 40-50 % of heat.The thermal protective properties of clothes depend from heat conductivity of tissue, from thickness, amount of layers, breed.Small heat conductivity is reached at the expense of tissue pores. The air, which are in pores, if it is a lot of it, badly will carry out heat; therefore, than more porous tissue, that smaller heat conductivity, with other things being equal, it has.
Dental wear • Currently, the main components of the package of clothing layers are considered:underwear (1-layer);suits and dresses (2-layer);outerwear (3-layer).
With the appointment of distinguished character and clothingeveryday household (including children)professional (special clothing),sports, military, hospital, ritual t.sch....
Considerable expansion of synthetic fabrics helps a number of positive features:mechanical strength;stability to the wipe, the effect of chemical and biological factors;antimicrobial properties;elasticity.
Except for thermal protective properties, the clothes must be penetrating for air, less blotting, hygroscopic, a little soiled, easilycleaned, soft and mild. Concerning weight the clothes is still far from perfection. The weight winter man's costume of the military man equally 1/10 weights of body - it weighs 6-7 kg. The summer costume weighs 2,5 kg. For comparison is curious, that the weight of dog’s fur is consisted 1/60 weights of his body. The hard clothes in particular undesirable in military conditions.
However, synthetic textiles and inherent material defects: Hygroscopy low - thereby highlighting the sweat and other skin almost absorbed into the fibers of synthetic fabric and skupchuyutsya interstitial air braking air and worse insulation properties of tissue. For high ambient temperature created conditions conducive to overheating, the low temperature - cooling; they can hold unpleasant smells worse perutsya (possible destruction of fibers) keep rezorbtyvnyy and allergic effects.
Hygiene Footwear • By appointment distinguish:household (home, summer, winter, casual, holiday);sports;special job;Children;military;medical (orthopedic) shoes....
Shoes must meet the following general hygiene requirements: have low thermal conductivity, to provide optimal microclimate shoe space and its good ventilation; be easy to use, does not violate the blood, growth and formation of bone and muscle elements of feet without trouble movements during walking, physical training and during labor operations; protect feet from adverse physical, chemical and biological impacts;
The b e d. During dream the man prolongs to breathe and skin also prolongs to take part in the breathing, allocating the products of their activity; therefore usage by bed with current of time results to pollution of it. The man should have a separate bed with his bedding. Most hygienic is iron bed, which is painted by oil paint, it is easier for holding in cleanliness. The mattresses must not be very soft, its should have large springing for not be forced down and to remain all time perspicacious for air. For stuffing of the mattresses the best material is hair (horse mane).
Sleep Hygiene • ) lately eating at least 2 hours before sleep; 2) before going to bed 20-30 minutes walk in the fresh air; 3) training, which requires strong mental and emotional tension stop by 1,5-2,0 hours to sleep; 4) go to bed at the same time in a well ventilated room; 5) winter in the open flat; 6) ensure that if the maximum possible reduction of noise impacts; 7) the use of tranquilizers and sleeping facilities admit only occasionally with the permission of a doctor.
The d r e a m h y g i e n e. This process is connected with processes of the restoration and also protects a nervous cell from the attrition. During dream the activity of nervous system is sharply depressed, that in turn causes almost complete divergence of skeletal musculature, the physiological activity of cardiovascular system is reduced, respiratory system too, the level of activity is appreciably reduced gastrointestinal path, kidneys etc.
The healthy adult man, who is engaged in mental work, at the age of 20-50 years, should sleep 7-8 hours on pore. The quota of dream for children and young men is 9-11 hours, elders - 6,5-7 hours. The following of norms of dream is important because the dream by nothing is compensated. The charitable influence of dream best appears then, when gets up and goes to bed approximately in one and same time. According to biologicalcycle of vital processes in the organism the best time for night dream is from 12 p.m. up to 6-7 a.m.
Healthy life... • Healthy life - a large complex, biologically and socially oriented sound methods and ways of life, relevant to the needs and abilities of people, whom she consciously committed to ensuring the formation, preservation and promotion of health, ability to continue the kind of active and achieve longevity.
The large meaning in personal hygiene the p h y s i c a l t r a i n i n g and the t e m p e r i n g of organism have. It is one from many measures not only conservation of health, but also to improvement it. Employment by physical culture and sports assist rising the steadfastness of an organism to various diseases.The tempering by physical exercises the organism is better adapting to changeable meteorological fluctuations (in particular sharp), than not tempering.
Training: - a system of training adaptation mechanisms of adaptation to daily, seasonal, gradual or sudden changes in microclimate, illumination, magnetic and electric fields of the Earth that have arisen during evolution to improve resistance to external influences.
Healthy living • Healthy living - thus his life, which provides a combination of valuable biological and social adaptation of each person with the possibility of maximum expression of the people, nation, class, social group in the specific circumstances of life and that leads to and provides further society.