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Afri CAN. By Maholo Carolyne Sserunkuma CBR Africa Network. CBR Networks for Resilience Building and Sustainability. CBR has been implemented in developing countries for decades
AfriCAN 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia By Maholo Carolyne Sserunkuma CBR Africa Network CBR Networks for Resilience Building and Sustainability
CBR has been implemented in developing countries for decades It is a community development strategy for empowerment and elimination of barriers to improve the lives of PWDs, promote inclusion and facilitate poverty reduction. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Background
CBR is a world-wide strategy and movement, based on inclusive community development principles. • It aims at inclusive Development; “a society that is receptive of all people including the marginalized groups and having all their needs equally addressed.” 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CBR Cont.
Initiated in 2002 at UNISE (Kyambogo University)Kampala, Uganda Concern of inadequate information sharing on disability and CBR Aimed at promoting access to appropriate information on disability and CBR through a number of activities. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CBR Africa Network (CAN)
Vision: Equalisation of opportunities, social integration and rehabilitation of people with disabilities in Africa Mission: CAN exists to promote access to appropriate information on disability and development for all people in Africa 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN’s Vision and Mission
1. Develop a strong CBR information management and information sharing capacity 2. Establish a strong lobby for promoting effective CBR 3. Strengthen CAN’s organizational capacity 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN’s Strategic Objectives
CAN secretariat is in Uganda • EC members based in different regions of Africa • CP Trust has been CAN’s main funder since inception. • NAD currently supporting and is coordinating basket funding for CAN 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN Cont.
2001 - A participatory Strategy in Africa, Uganda 2004 - CBR as part of Community Development, Malawi 2007 - CBR: Inclusive Policy Development and Implementation, South Africa 2010 -Linking CBR, Disability and Rehabilitation, Nigeria 2015 - CBR Guidelines: A Bridge to Inclusive Society beyond the 2015 Development Framework (Kenya) 2018 – Planned for Zambia 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN Conferences
CAN provides training in documentation • CAN directory: CAN members identify and encourage CBR/disability organizations to register • Encourages members to form networks, alliances and associations for information sharing and collective learning. • Documentation and research projects 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN Activities
Training in different countries promotes documentation to facilitate sharing of experiencesindisability, CBR and inclusive development. • Trainings are usually attended by CBR workers and PWDs. • Recently CBR students were trained • Strategies are being developed to train parents and other stakeholders to promote documentation and information sharing. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN Training in Documentation
Resilience is the ability of a system or community exposed to hazards/challenge to resist, absorb, accommodate and recover from it and its effects timely and efficiently. Resilience building among PWDs involves empowering individuals, families, organizations and communities to own up to their challenges. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Resilience Building
It is developing individual, family, organizational and community capacity to identify challenges, threats, opportunities, existing resources and facilities to make appropriate strategies that can facilitate transformation. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Resilience Building among PWDs
2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Sustainable Development • Growth must be both inclusive and environmentally sound to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity for today’s population and to continue meeting the needs of future generations (World Bank).
2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN Membership
2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia National CBR Networks in Africa • Encouraging National CBR Networks to promote information sharing at national, sub-regional and regional level. • Great progress has been realized in some countries • A case of Cameroon
Started after some members attended the 4th CBR Africa conference in Abuja Nigeria in 2010. • Members realized that there are a number of CBR/disability programs in the country but not much information on what each of them was doing. • First meeting of CBR practitioners in June 2014 to take stock of CBR implementation in Cameroon & strategize for representation in the 5th CBR conference • Membership is by organizational representation CBR Network Cameroon
The Cameroon CBR Network is aimed at: • Enhancing capacity and promoting documentation and information sharing • Promoting research and documentation in CBR and Inclusive Development • Promoting visibility of Cameroon They are now advocating for development of a national CBR strategy. Plan to have writing skills workshops with CAN to enhance documentation. Cameroon Network Cont.
The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) funded a Documentation and Research (D&R) projectin Malawi, Uganda and Zambia with NORAD funding (2010-2015) The project aimed at: • Enhancing the ability of partners to document processes, progress and results of CBR interventions to facilitate learning for improvement of service delivery. • Research facilitates documentation by identifying and filling gaps in knowledge and information 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CAN and NAD
Several research projects were conducted in all three countries on CBR and in Uganda, a pilot of mapping CBR was conducted in 2014. • Findings revealed that CBR is implemented in all the 112 districts of Uganda although only 26 districts receive funding from the national CBR program. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Pilot of CBR Mapping
Several NGOs and Faith-Based Organizations also implement CBR in small projects scattered across the country using varying approaches. Some focus on service delivery, others target empowerment, advocacy and some fund projects in particular components of CBR. Most of their implementation strategies are guided by the CBR matrix. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CBR in Uganda
Many have a challenge with sustainability and are dependent on donor funding. • Using information from the mapping, CAN is mobilizing CBR/disability organizations to develop CBR networks at different levels. • Some CBR good practices were identified. • Lessons generated from the mapping will inform replication in other CAN member countries. CBR in Uganda Cont.
The following was used to identify some CBR good practices : • Utilization of available resources • Transfer of knowledge • Community & beneficiaries’ participation • Utilization and strengthening of referral services • Utilization of a co-ordinated, multi sect oral approach 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Some CBR Good practices in Uganda
CBR good practices were identified: • All are members of CAN • Documentation and information sharing on these good practices provides good lessons to inform improvement in practice and service delivery to enhance the lives of PWDs. • CBR Network in Uganda is utilizing them to mobilize other organizations 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CBR Good Practices in Uganda
CBR good practices were identified in: • Uganda Society for Disabled Children, (USDC) • Organized Useful Rehabilitation Services (OURS) • Kumi hospital • Katalemwa Cheshire Home • Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Uganda (CoRSU). 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CBR Good Practices in Uganda
Have served CWDs and PWDs for several years. • Trained personnel with competence in appropriate intervention. • Develop partnerships and collaborations with other stakeholders hence gain from the diversity of existing services. • Utilize existing structures • Exhibit use of locally available resources and empowerment of the beneficiaries which together facilitate sustainability 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Good Practices in Uganda Cont.
Utilizes the comprehensive model supported by several development partners. • Community mobilizations to identify and assess CWDs, train individuals, families and communities in identification, assessment, appropriate intervention and referral. • Spearheading a platform of service providers in the districts. Organized useful rehabilitation services (OURS)
Referral centre for neural cases and physical disabilities with provision of corrective surgery and assistive devices. • Works with several stakeholders • Has organized technical, information and financial system. • Personnel frequently follow-up of their respective clients which provides continuous learning to inform effective service delivery. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Katalemwa Cheshire Home
Mobilized parents into Parents’ Support Groups, PSGs and CWDs into child rights clubs. PSGs and CRCs meet to collaborate and share experiences Develops capacity in leadership and governance, resource mobilization, networking and collaboration, basic assessment and intervention, and livelihood development. Hoima district has a successful CRC Kyesiga Masaka district has a reputable PSG. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Uganda society for disabled children (USDC)
Provides services to all patients but has a rehabilitation program for CWDs. • Works with different stakeholders to provide rehabilitation to CWDs in the community. • Utilizes the existing structure to provide services. • Trains members of the village health team (VHT) • Have PSGs for collective learning and sharing of experiences. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Kumi Hospital
Is a referral centre for corrective surgery especially in physical disabilities. Mainly works with CWDs of 0-17years Has trained CBR workers who build capacity Utilizes participatory approaches in planning and resource mobilization Works with several stakeholders to provide services to CWDs 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia CoRSU
Resilience and sustainability of CBR interventions will thrive when strong PSGs, CRC, programs, communities, development partners and government all come together into associations to share learning, identify capacity gaps, work together and advocate as a team for growth and development. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Conclusion
AfriCAN Can EC Greetings from Africa
CBR Africa Network continues to share information with other regional CBR networks for mutual learning. • Please visit CAN’s website @ www.afri-can.org • Visit our Facebook page: CBR Africa Network • Free membership registration with CAN to share information. 2nd CBR World Congress Kuala Lumpur Malaysia HOW to contact CAN: