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Jeopardy!. Begin. People. Beginnings. Aloha. Pan- America. War. Imperialism. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy! Begin

  2. People Beginnings Aloha Pan- America War Imperialism $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  3. People- $100He traced Britain’s growth as a world power to its Navy and suggested the same for the US? C1-$100 Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

  4. People- $200He wrote The White Man’s Burden, describing America’s necessity to help “civilize” the rest of the world. C1-$200 Rudyard Kipling

  5. People - $300These two men used the tenets of Social Darwinism as their basis for American imperialism? C1-$300 Theodore Roosevelt Henry Cabot Lodge

  6. People- $400He desired the removal of Governor Valeriano Weyler, the abandonment of reconcentrado, and home rule for Cubans. C1-$400 William McKinley

  7. People- $500Who was the first American civilian Governor of the Philippines? C1-$500 William Howard Taft

  8. Beginnings- $100He favored an American Empire that included Canada, the Caribbean, Hawaii, other Pacific Island, Iceland and Greenland? C2-$100 Sec. of State William Seward

  9. Beginnings- $200Seward protested that the Monroe Doctrine had been violated when he was placed on the Mexican Throne in 1864? C2-$200 Archduke Maximilian

  10. Beginnings- $300In 1866, Seward sent 50,00 troops to the Rio Grande and threatened to invade this country? C2-$300 Mexico

  11. Beginnings- $400This Mexican leader ordered Maximilian shot? C2-$400 Benito Juarez

  12. Beginnings- $500What Islands did Seward secure for the US in 1867? C2-$500 Midway Islands

  13. Aloha- $100In what year did the US recognize the independence of Hawaii, but really made it a US protectorate? C3-$100 1849

  14. Aloha- $200The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 was renewed in 1887 and gave the US the right to what area in Hawaii? C3-$200 Pearl Harbor

  15. Aloha- $300Who was the last Queen of the Royal Hawaiian line? C3-$300 Queen Liliuokalani

  16. Aloha- $400When was the “Republic” of Hawaii established and why? C3-$400 1894, Pres. Cleveland was afraid that the majority of natives opposed annexation

  17. Aloha- $500Why was Hawaii finally annexed in 1898? C3-$500 It’s strategic position, and whites there were rousing for it

  18. Pan-America- $100Which Secretary of Sate invited the leaders of Latin Am. Countries to a conference in 1888 in D.C.? C4-$100 Thomas F. Bayard

  19. Pan-America - $200Who established a bureau to promotes cultural and commercial exchanges between the US and Latin Am. Countries? C3-200 Sec. Of State James Blaine

  20. Pan-America - $300What country attacked American sailors, almost causing war between itself and the US? (1891) C3-$300 Chile

  21. Pan-America - $400The British disputed the boundary of Guiana with Venezuela. Which President helped to settle that dispute? C3-$400 Grover Cleveland

  22. Pan-America - $500The British settled the dispute when this was invoked? C3-$500 Monroe Doctrine

  23. War- $100The newspapers of Hearst and Pulitzer cried sympathy for the Cuban “freedom fighter”. This is called? C4-$100 Yellow journalism

  24. War - $200What American ship was sunk in Havana Harbor, thus precipitating the Spanish-American War? C4-$200 USS Maine

  25. War - $300How was the USS Maine actually sunk? C4-$300 It’s boiler blew up. Conformed by American Admiral Rickover in 1976)

  26. War - $400What did the American Congress pass to make it seem like the US was NOT imperialistic? C4-$400 Teller Amendment (guaranteed Cuba’s Independence)

  27. War - $500 Teddy Roosevelt led this group of “misfits” up San Juan Hill in one of the most fantasized battles of the war? C4-$500 Rough Riders

  28. Imperialism- $100What is imperialism? C4-$100 Domination of the political, economic and life on one country by another

  29. Imperialism - $200In the US, what was the “old” imperialism? C4-$200 Manifest Destiny

  30. Imperialism - $300What was the ‘new” imperialism for the US? C4-$300 Political Manifest Destiny, to extend the American way and democracy to other countries

  31. Imperialism - $400When did the “new” imperialism begin and by whom? C4-$400 1854 Commodore Oliver Perry - Japan

  32. Imperialism - $500What was the economic need for the “new” imperialism? C4-$500 Need to expand American markets Need for raw materials Need to keep up the tariff

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